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Grek tilidan kirib kelgan so’zlar (Loans of Greek origin)
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ingliz tilida shaklan faqat birlikda turuvchi otlar va ularning ozbek tilidagi muqobillari qiyosiy tahlili hamda linguodidaktika muammolari
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- Boshqa tillardan kirib kelgan otlar (Other loan nouns) Singular Plural
Grek tilidan kirib kelgan so’zlar (Loans of Greek origin)
Singular Plural is [ɪs] -ata [ǝtǝ]
miasmata basis crisis
analysis thesis
parenthesis axis
hypothesis diagnosis
criterion phenomenon
bases crises
analyses theses
parentheses axes
hypotheses diagnoses
criteria phenomena
nucleus radius corpus
-а [ǝ] formula antenna
vertebra -um [ǝm] datum
stratum erratum
-es,-ix [ɪks] index
matrix nuclei radii
corpora genera
-ае [i:] formulae (or regular - formulas) antennae
vertebrae -a [ǝ] data
strata errata
-ices [ɪsi;z] [i:z] indices or indexes appendices or appendixes
matrices or matzixes
Boshqa tillardan kirib kelgan otlar (Other loan nouns) Singular Plural Fr. -ean [ou] tableau
bureau It.-o [ou] Tempo
-eaux [ouz] tableaux
bureaux (or bureaus) -i [i] tempi (or tempos)
Yuqorida ko’rsatilgan ro’yxatga ko’ra ba’zi kirib kelgan so’zlar ikkita ko’plik shaklga ega bo’lishi mumkin: inglizcha usul va asl usul: [11, 141]
memorandum memoranda memorandums 27
focus curriculum formula cherub foci
curricula formulae cheribum focuses
curriculums formulas cherubs
Yangi inglizcha usuldagi ko’plik shaklni badiiy adabiyot va og’zaki nutqda qo’llashga moyillik bor, asl usul esa til o’rganish soxasida qo’llaniladi. Bazi holatlarda ikki xil usuldagi ko’plik shakllarni ikki xil ma’nosi ham bor: Index indexes (list of contents of books) indices (a mathematical term - показатель Genius
geniuses (men of talent) genii (fabulous spirits guarding a place - духи, домовые)
Professor G. M. Hoshimov otlarning son kategoriyasi haqida shunday ma’lumot beradi. Otlarning son kategoriyasi ikkita qarama-qarshi shakllar bilan yoki oppozemalar bilan ifodalanadi: 1) singular – boy, toy, log, chair, cap, room, phone, computer, bag, dog.
[25, 34] Bu degani hamma otlarning albatta birlik va ko’plik shakli bor degani emas, chunki ingliz tilida otlarning ikkita asosiy turi mavjud: 1) nouns of the singularia tantum (faqat birlikda); 2) noun of the pluralia tantum (faqat ko’plikda). Birinchi turdagi guruhga biz faqat birlik sakliga ega bo’lgan otlarni kiritamiz, masalan: Milk: a lot of milk, much milk, little milk [3]
Butter: We were served scones with butter and jam. Have some bread and butter. Bread: This bread is fresh/stale. Do you bake your own bread? 28
Sugar: I don't take sugar in my coffee, thanks. [14]
Wine: Shall we have a bottle/glass of wine with dinner? Iron: Iron rusts easily. Liver is a particularly rich source of dietary iron. [3]
Meat: I don't eat meat. (raw meat red/white meat) Water: Can I have a drop of water in my whiskey, please? Is the water hot enough for a bath? The human body is about 50% water. [14]
Fish: Several large fish live in the pond. Sanjay caught the biggest fish I've ever seen. [14]
Agar shunday otlarning biror turi nazarda tutilayotganda (sugar, bread, meat), ular oldidan "piece" so’zi ishlatiladi, masalan: a piece of bread, two pieces of sugar", va hokazo. Yuqorida keltirilgan otlar orasidagi “wine” va “fish” otlarini alohida ko’rib chiqishimiz kerak, chunki bular gapda qo’llanilayotganda doim kesim bilan moslashadi. Lekin shunday holatlar borki, ularning ko’plik shakli ham bo’ladi: “wines”, “fishes”. I love Australian wines, especially the white wines. [14]
kuzatiladi, masalan: The waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The waters of the Andijon region are very pleasant to drink. "Beauty" so’zi ham ko’plikda ishlatilishi mumkin: The beauties of the native land are amazing. His daughters are all beauties (stylistical usage). “Pluralia tantum” ga tegishli bo’lgan otlar guruhida birlik shakli bo’lmaydi va ular “singularia tantum”dagi otlarga zid hisoblanadi, masalan: Mathematics is my favorite subject. Physics is an interesting scientific study of matter and energy and the effect that they have on each other. Phonetics studies the sounds made by the human voice in speech. 29
Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and development of language in general or of particular languages. Politics is the study of the ways in which the activities of the government, members of law-making organizations or people who try to influence the way a country is governed. Rickets is a disease that children can get when their food does not contain enough Vitamin D. It makes their bones soft and causes their liver and spleen to become too large.
I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket. Why aren't you wearing any trousers, David? Could you pass me the/those scissors, please? The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums. Dregs are the solid bits that sink to the bottom of some liquids, such as wine or coffee, which are not usually drunk. The outskirts the areas that form the edge of a town or city. Bu otlarning umuman birlik shakli yo’q. Lekin ular kesim bilan turlicha moslashadi. Yuqoridagi misollarda keltirganimizdek, physics, politics, phonetics, linguistics va boshqalar kabi otlar kesim bilan birlikda moslashadi. Physics is a science. Linguistics is advancing. Biroq kimningdir lingvistika fani bo’yicha bilimi nazarda tutilganda shunday deyish mumkin: “His linguistics are good” or “His mathematics are bad”? Ko’rib turganimizdek, kesim ko’plikda. Yuqorida keltirilgan “measles, mumps, rickets and trousers, scissors, environs”, otlarimiz kesim bilan ko’plikda moslashadi: The measles are dangerous ("the" artikli doim ko’plik shaklidagi kasaliklar nomlari oldidan ishlatiladi). Mana yana bir qancha misollar keltiramiz: My trousers are very long. This scissors are very tough.
Agar “trousers” yoki “scissors” so’zlarini miqdorini ko’rsatib aytmoqchi bo’lsak "pair" so’zi ishlatiladi: I have two pairs of trousers or scissors. Hech qachon “two scissors” yoki "three trousers" bo’lmaydi. Ingliz tilida ba’zi olimlar (B.A.Ilyish) va boshqalar otning "collective nouns" va nouns of "multitude" degan turlarini beradilar. Ba’zi otlar borki, ular insonlar guruhini (family, government, people, party, comittee, board, jury, clergy,etc) va jonivorlar guruhini (cattle, poultry, swine, sheep) ifodalaydi va ikki yo’lda ishlatilishi mumkin: 1) Agar ular yaxlit bir guruhni nazarda tutsa, ular birlikda ishlatilib "Collective nouns" deyiladi. The government of Great Britain condemns the policy of hostile actions of the USA in Africa. 2) Agar ular har xil insonlar yoki jonivorlar guruhlarini nazarda tutsa, ular kesim bilan ko’plikda moslashadi va “nouns of multitude" deb ataladi. Oldidan aniq artikl ishlatiladi. The board are here The committee are discussing the matter Two people come home late Two peoples are fighting for peace. [25, 28]
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