Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти

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  1. Abdurahmanov Abdulhai. Knowledge that leads to happiness. T.: "Movarounnahr", 2003.

  2. Abdulkasimov H.P., Vahobov A.V., Rahimova D.N., Norboev B.I. Ways to deepen economic reforms and deepen economic reforms and liberalize the economy in Uzbekistan. - T.: TDIU, 2001.

  3. Abdulkasimov H.P., Hasanov R.R., Farmonov I. Expropriation and privatization of property in Uzbekistan. T.: TDTU, 2003.

  4. Abdulla Oripov. Poems and epics. Selected works. Four volumes. T.: Gafur Ghulam Publishing House of Literature and Art. 2000.

  5. Abdurahimova N.A., Ergashev F.R. Tsarist colonial system in Turkestan. T.: "Academy", 2002.

  6. Azizkhanov A.T, L.P. Efimova Theory and practice of democratic society in Uzbekistan. T.: 2005. 372b

  7. Akmalov Sh.I. The national strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the peaceful settlement of the Afghan conflict (1991-2009 ) T .: "Tiu"

  8. Aliev B.A, Hoshimov T. Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan. . - T.: 2006. - 192 p.

  9. Alimov R.M. Tsentralnaya Asia: obshchnost interesov. -T.: "Sharq" 2005.-464p

  10. Anheuer Hellmuth. Grajdanskoe obshestvo i "tertiary sector", magazine " Deutschland ", 2000, issue 5.

  11. Amir Temur in world history, UNESCO, Paris, 1996.

  12. Akhmedov D., Gafurov Z. The neighborhood is a unique national value. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2005. - 112 p.

  13. Barot Boykabilov. Uzbek name. T.: "East". 1999.

  14. Perfect generation is the foundation of development of Uzbekistan. T.: "Sharq" 1997.

  15. Boboev H., Gafurov Z. Development of political and legal doctrines. - T.: New age generation, 2001. - 79 p.

  16. Boydadaev M. Legal foundations of the formation and development of the public administration system in the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T.: Academy, 1999. - 184 p.

  17. Bukhara is a masterpiece of the East, UNESCO . "East" 1997.

  18. Bukhara 2500. T.: "Uzbekistan", 1997.

  19. A sense of homeland. T.: "Uzbekistan", 1996.

  20. Vahidov E. Trade in love. Don't be elected. T.: "Sharq", 2000.

  21. Gadoyboev A. A prosperous neighborhood is the basis of a just, democratic society. Democratization and human rights. 2003. No. 1.

  22. Gadzhiev K.S. Politicheskaya nauka: Uchebnoe posobie. 2-e. M., Mejdunar naya otnoshenia. 1995.

  23. Hegel G.V. Philosophy is right. M., "Mysl", 1990.

  24. Secular statehood and politicized religiosity. T.: "Academy" 2008. - 359 p

  25. David Beetham, Kevin Boyle. Democracy: 80 answers to 80 questions. T.: 2001.

  26. Jalaluddin Manguberdi. T.: "Sharq", 1999.

  27. Jalilov Sh. From a strong state to a strong society: Experience, analysis, practice. T.: "Uzbekistan", 2001.

  28. Jalilov Sh. Reform of local bodies of state power: experience and problems.-T.: Uzbekistan, 1994. -192 p.

  29. Joraev N. A twist in thinking. - T.: Sharq, 2001. - 240 p.

  30. Joraev N. If you are aware: lines on a portrait: a political idea. - T.: East, 1998.-256 p.

  31. Jo'raev S., Mahkamov H., Rustamboev S. United States of America. T.: 2003.

  32. Joraev S. Civil society: theory and practice (a collection of scientific and analytical articles). T.: 2003.

  33. Joraev N. Creation, evolution and practice of the concept of innovations. – T.: Spirituality. 2002. - 80 p.

  34. Jumaev R.Z. State and society: towards democratization. T.: "Sharq", 1998.

  35. Zakirov S. Towards a legal state and civil society: based on the works of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov. T.: "Labor", 1999.

  36. Idirov U. Uzbekistan: conceptual foundations of modern democratization processes. - T.: Medicine, 1997. -168 p.

  37. Islamov Z. Towards modernization and democratic development of Uzbekistan. -T.: Uzbekistan, 2005.-264 p.

  38. Socially oriented market economy. T.: "Sharq", NMK, 1996.

  39. The supremacy of the constitution and laws is a guarantee of the development of Uzbekistan. T.: "Adolat", 2000.

  40. Kasimov N. Independence: a period of struggle. - T.: Science. 2001. -214 p.

  41. Levitin L., Carlisle S. Islam Karimov is the new President of Uzbekistan. T.: "Uzbekistan", 1996.

  42. Levitin L. Uzbekistan is at a historical turning point. Critical comments of supporters of President Islam Karimov. -T.: Uzbekistan, 2001. -366 p.

  43. Spiritual and educational reforms are the main priority of state policy. T.: "Uzbekistan", 1998.

  44. Spirituality is responsibility. Book 1 (Spirituality Publications. Republican Center "Spirituality and Enlightenment"). T.: 1997.

  45. The clear path of spirituality. Book 2. (Spirituality Publications. Republican Center "Spirituality and Enlightenment"). T.: 1997.

  46. Independence and social development. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1998.

  47. Independence: an explanatory scientific-popular dictionary. A. Jalolov and Q. Edited by Khanazarov. -T.: "Sharq", 1998.

  48. Muhammad Yusuf. Don't be elected. Poems, epics, memories. - T.: "Sharq", 2004.

  49. The idea of national independence: basic concepts and principles. -T.: 2000.

  50. Mirkhamidov M. Uzbekistan: on the way to building a democratic legal state and civil society. - T.: Sharq, 2003. -272 p.

  51. Nazarov Q. philosophy of values. - T.: 1997.

  52. Comments on the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On non-state, non-profit organizations". - T.: 2002.

  53. Norboev T. The problem of political opposition in the formation of a democratic society. "Democratization and Human Rights" magazine, 2003, No. 3.

  54. Nuriddinov Z. Mejdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo Republic of Uzbekistan so stranami Evropy. - T.: 2002.

  55. Odilkoriev Kh. Legislative process in a bicameral parliament. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2005. - 40 p.

  56. Otamurodov S. Spiritual revival in Uzbekistan. - T.: New age generation, 2003. - 262

  57. Otamurotov S. Power and management, political parties, non-state, public organizations. Fidokor, December 19, 2002.

  58. Otamurotov S. Liberalization of the political life of society. Society and governance. Issue 2, 2003.

  59. Otamurotov S. Balance of power and democracy. Social and humanitarian sciences in the educational system. Numbers 1-2. 2003.

  60. Otamurotov S., Guvvatov N. From a strong state to a strong society: Study guide for higher educational institutions (team of authors). Independence, democracy, civil society. - T.: 2003.

  61. Artykov N. Spirituality: national and universal values. - T.: 1997.

  62. Let's be careful. - T.: "Academy", 1999.

  63. Basic political science. Pod. ed. V. A. Pugacheva, Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. Chast 11. -M., MGU, 1996.

  64. Ornstein Norman. The role of legislative power in a democratic society. Freedom pamphlet: The publication was prepared by the special information service of the US intelligence agency. Vienna, 1994.

  65. Ochildiev. A. Tolerance is a factor of determination and progress. - T.: "Tiu" 2007. - 124 p

  66. Pakhrutdinov Sh.I. Threat is a destructive force. - T.: Academy, 2001. -319 p.

  67. Pugachev V.P., Solovev A.I. Introduction to Political Science. T.: "Generation of the New Age", 2004. - 256 p.

  68. Pugachenkova G.A., Rempel L.I. Ocherki iskusstva Sredney Azii. - M., "Art", 1982.

  69. Political science and logical schemes are established. Avt. sost. V.A. Varyvdin. Pod. ed. A.V. Mironova. - M., Sots.polit.journ. 1995.

  70. Rakhmonkulov H., Rakhmonov A.R. Human rights: history and modernity. - T.: Mir ekonomiki i prava, 1998. - 262 p.

  71. Rakhmonov R., Abdullaev N. Neighborhood: a legal guarantee of self-governance. - T.: Labor, 1999. -72 p.

  72. Rahimov I and others. The ideology of independence and the economic, social and spiritual foundations of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan. T.: "Universitet", 2001. - 272 p.

  73. Social monitoring 2003. Economic truth and poverty. Foreign debt. Analytical material: UNICEF, 2003.

  74. Saidov A. Civil society, non-governmental organizations and laws. Opyt Uzbekistan. - T.: Rol tsentra Respubliki Uzbekistan po pravam cheloveka, 1998. - 219 p.

  75. Saifnazarov I. Spiritual maturity and political culture. - T.: Sharq, 2001. - 160 p.

  76. Safarov O., Mamudov M. Family spirituality. - T.: "Spirituality", 1998.

  77. Sagdullaev A., Aminov B., Mavlonov O'., Norkulov N. History of Uzbekistan: development of state and society. - T.: "Academy", 2000.

  78. Sagdullaev A.S. Clips from the ancient history of Kesh-Shahrisabz.

  79. Sulaymanova Fazila. East and West. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1997.

  80. History, independence, national idea. - T.: "Academy", 2001.

  81. The Uzbek model of development: "The idea of national independence: basic concepts and principles" was recommended by the special methodological commission on educational science. - T.: "World of creativity", publishing house, 2002.

  82. Timur's rules. - T.: Literature and Art, 1996. -144 p.

  83. Tursunov A., Gasanov M. Pravovaya osnova obespecheniya prav cheloveka, democracy i progress. - T.: Democratization i prava cheloveka, 1999. - 172 p.

  84. Torakulov M. Democratization of public life. "Society and Management", 2003 No. 3.

  85. The fourth power. Collection of laws, decisions and other documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1998.

  86. Umarova N. Time does not bear tyranny or about the failure of humanity. "People's Word", May 19, 2004.

  87. Faizullaev A. Man, politics, management. - T.: Uzbekistan, 1995. -207 p.

  88. Farobi A.N. City of virtuous people. - T.: People's heritage, 1993. -224 p.

  89. Fromm E. Begstvo ot svobody: Pres.ang. - M., "Progress", 1989.

  90. Khalilov E.Kh. The supreme legislative body of the Republic of Uzbekistan: from false representation to real parliamentarism. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2001. - 384 p.

  91. Kholbekov A., Idirov U. Sociology: an explanatory dictionary-reference. - T.: "Ibn Sina", 1998.

  92. Kholbekov A. Democracy and social justice. Society and Management, 1998. #1.

  93. Christian-Islamic dialogue Germany - Uzbekistan. (Proceedings of the international seminar). - T.: "Academy", 2003.

  94. Khiva is a city with domes. UNESCO, T.: "East", 1997.

  95. Khusanov O. Independence and local government. -T.: East, 1996. -92 p.

  96. Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi. Zafarnoma. - T.: "Sharq", 1997.

  97. Shamsuddinov R. Rural tragedy: collectivization, kulakization, surgan. - T.: "Sharq", 2003.

  98. Sharifho'jaev M. Open civil society in Uzbekistan. - T.: "Sharq", 2003.

  99. Ergashev I. In the system of rural political and social processes. (Political-philosophical analysis). -T.: "Sharq", 1998.

  100. Ergashev I. The philosophy of development. - T.: "Academy", 2000.

  101. Ergashev I., Sharipov B., Jakbarov M. Liberalization of society and spirituality. - T.: "Academy", 2002.

  102. Ergashev I. Democracy is a national and universal value. "Society and Management", No. 2. 2004.

  103. Ergashev I. Democratic processes in Uzbekistan: fiction and reality. "People's Word", May 18, 2004.

  104. Yunusov Kh. Uzbekistan: political reforms and world experience. - T.: Sharq, 2002. - 163 p.

  105. The 7th glorious year of New Uzbekistan. - T.: "Sharq", 1999.

  106. Yakovlev A.N. A country rediscovered. (in place of the beginning of the word) "People's word", February 9, 2001.

  107. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Regulatory-Legal Documents". December 14, 2000.

  108. Commentary on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 2001.

  109. Schematic educational and methodological guide to the subject of constitutional law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (A. Azizkho'jaev, O. Husanov, Kh. Azizov and others). - T.: "Sharq", 2001.

  110. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the basis for the formation of a civil society and a legal state. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2003. - 517 p.

  111. New history of Uzbekistan. Book 1. Turkestan during the colonial period of Tsarist Russia. - T.: "Sharq", 2000.

  112. New history of Uzbekistan. Book 2. Uzbekistan during the Soviet colonial period. - T.: "Sharq", 2000.

  113. New history of Uzbekistan. Book 3. History of independent Uzbekistan. - T.: "Sharq", 2000.

  114. "History of Uzbekistan". - T.: "Academy", 2000 volumes 1 and 2.

  115. The Republic of Uzbekistan: the creation of an independent state Compilers: V.T.Abdullaev, A.V.Tyo, Yu.Ya.Semenko, R.Shogulomov, under the general editorship of K.A.Ahmedov. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1992.

  116. Comments on the family code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T.: "Adolat", 2000.

  117. Republic of Uzbekistan: creation of an independent state. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1992.

  118. Uzbekistan is on the way to rise. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 2001.

  119. Uzbekistan is on the way to democratization and renewal of society, modernization and reform of the country. - T.: Academy, 2005. - 640 p.

  120. Olmasov A. "Family economy", T.: "Labor", 1998.

  121. Political science in Uzbekistan.-T.: 2002

  122. A brief summary of lectures on the theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan. - T.: 1998. 123 p

  123. Educational -methodical complex from the subject "Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan". - T.: "Tiu", 2007. - 120 p.

  124. Uzbekistan has been on the path to democracy and market reforms for five years. - T.: Sharq, 1996. - 298 p.

  125. Democratic reforms of Uzbekistan: results, problems, tasks. - T.: Uzbekistan, 1996. - 372 p.

  126. Towards the civil society of Uzbekistan. - T.: Sharq, 2003. - 344 p.

  127. "The new history of Uzbekistan. Materials of the republican scientific-theoretical conference on "Conceptual-methodological problems". - T.: "Academy", 1998.

  128. Q Odirov A. Political philosophy. - T .: 2005. - 122 p.

  129. Kadyrov A. Economic principles of spirituality. - T.: Spirituality, 1999. - 48 p.

  130. Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1993.

  131. Kyrgyzboev M. Civil society: political parties, political ideologies, political cultures. -T.: "Sharq", 1998.

  132. Kyrgyzboev M. Self-governing bodies are the basis of civil society. Democratization and Human Rights, 2003, #1.

  133. Ghulamov M. Neighborhood is the basis of civil society. - T.: "Adolat", 2003.

  134. Ghulomov S., Usmanov Q. Years equal to centuries. - T.: "O'AJBNT", 2001.

  135. Ghaibullah al-Salam, Nematullah Atajon. Jahangashta "Boburnoma". - T.: "People's Heritage", 1996.

  136. Hakimov N.K. Political culture of the person. - T.: Labor, 1994. -64 p.

  137. Hafiz Tanish Al-Bukhari. Abdullahnama. - T.: "Sharq", 1999.

  138. Husniddinov Z. Islam - directions, sects, scholars. - T.: "Movaraunnahr", 2000.

  139. Legal democratic reforms. - T.: Uzbekistan, 1997. - 192 p.

  140. 1998 is the year of the family. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1998.

  141. Rahimov I and others. The ideology of independence and the economic, social and spiritual foundations of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan. T.: "Universitet", 2001. - 272 p.

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