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game n игра, партия; football game

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game n игра, партия; football game футбольный матч; a game of chess партия в шахматы; a game of tennis гейм (в теннисе); games споривные игры; the Olympic |o'limpik| Games Олимпийские игры
programme I'prougncm] n программа (радио-, теле-, театральная и т. п.); souvenir |,su."va пю| programme программа-сувенир
photo I'foutou] п фотография (pl. photos) (сокр. от photograph {'foutogra:f]) look v смотреть, глядеть; to look at smth. смотреть на что-л.: Look at this photo, please.
footballer ['futboib] футболист
on form в хорошей форме (в хорошем состоянии); All the footballers аге on form now, aren’t they? Ant. off form в плохой форме (в плохом состоя­нии); I’m afraid their goalkeeper is off form today.
impression (inrprejhj n впечатление; I have the impression their team is off form today; to make an impression on smh. производить впечатление на кого-л.; The match made a great impression on everyone.
kick n удар; free kick спорт, свободный удар; penalty [penolti] kick штраф­ной удар; That'll be a penalty kick; goal-kick удар от ворот
score [sko:| v (= to score a goal) забить гол; Look. Adams is going to score.
top n верх, верхняя часть; The ball went over the top. Мяч пролетел нал во­ротами.
shot Lbt| n удар; Good shot! (в футболе, теннисе) Хороший удар!
v., vs (сокр. от versus ( vaisas]) prep лат. против; France v. Finland I'finbnd] матч Франция Финляндия
rugby |'r.\gbi] n спорт, регби; Can you play rugby?
International [jnta'naejhl] а международный; Will it be an international match?
still adv все еше; I still play tennis.
keen а страстный, увлеченный: He’s still a keen footballer. Он все еше стра­стно увлечен футболом. (Он страстный футболист.) to be keen on smth. увлекаться чем-л.; He's keen on chess.
cricketer [knkita] n игрок в крикет; Is he still a keen cricketer?
end v заканчиваться, оканчиваться, кончаться; How did the game end? to end in a draw |dro:| окончиться вничью; Did the game end in a draw?
219 to end with a score 1 : 0 (one to nil), 3 : 2 (three to two), etc. закончиться co счетом 1 ; 0 (3 : 2) и т. д.; The game ended with a score 6 : 3 (six to three), invitation n приглашение; to accept | эк'sept] an invitation принять приглаше­ние; Did they accept the Brown’s invitation? to refuse an invitation отказать­ся от приглашения
event [r vent) n спорт, соревнование; swimming events соревнование по пла­ванию; What events are you going to attend?
join [cfcoin] v присоединяться; May I join you? Можно к вам присоеди­ниться?
engagement [тдек&тэш] п договоренность (о встрече), свидание; I have another engagement. Я буду занят (у меня другое свидание, я уже при­глашен). I have no engagements till Saturday. До субботы я совсем свобо­ден.
Jane and Peter came to the football ground to watch the “Cup Final”.

  1. Before the game started

Programme Seller: Souvenir programmes! Read all about your favourite team! Photos of all the players.
Jane: I'd like to get one.
Programme Seller: Programme, Miss!
Peter: Look and see if Adams is playing.
Jane: Who does he play for?
Peter: Oh really, Jane, he’s Peruvale's42 top scorer. He got a leg injury two weeks ago.
Jane: Yes, he’s playing today. Look at this. There are photographs of all the players here.
Peter: That's Harry Creed. He plays for Liverpool. One of the best footballers’ I've ever seen — when he's on form. If he is the Liverpool team are sure to win.
Jane: Oh. good, they’re coming out onto the field now.

  1. The match

Crowd: Liverpool! Liverpool!
Jane: I have the impression that half Liverpool’s here.
Peter: Well, they're a very popular team. What a kick!
Jane: Adams’ll never get to it. Come on, Adams, come on!
Peter: Adams is there. He’s going to score.
Jane: It’s over the top.
Peter: It’s a goal-kick. Creed has got the ball.
Crowd: Shoot! Shoot!
Jane: It’s a goal. WTiat a shot!
* * *
News Announcer: Here is the ten o’clock news. Liverpool won the Cup Final. The final score was Liverpool^ Peruvale 0.
(After a rugby match)
David: It’s the best match I’ve ever watched.
John: It certainly is.
David: Rugby can be wonderful when it’s an international match.
John: Oh yes. By the way, are you still a very keen cricketer?
David: Yes. It’s a very good game. I’m always sorry when the summer ends.
John: What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? I called you up but there was no answer.
David: I was watching a rugby match on TV. I'm afraid I didn’t hear the tele­phone ring.
John: How did the match end?
David: It ended with a score 6 : 3 (six to three).
John: Hello, Michael.
Michael: Hello. How are you?
John: I’m fine, thank you. And what about you?
Michael: I’m O.K. John, I’d like to invite you and Helen to attend the swim­ming events next Thursday.
John: Thanks a lot. We’d be happy to join you but we have another engage­ment. I’m really sorry.
Michael: I'm sorry, too. My best regards to Helen.
John: And give my regards to Susan. Goodbye.
Michael: Goodbye.
1. one of the best footballers один из самых лучших футболистов; the best match самый лучший матч
Exercise 5. Read and translate the dialogues.
Exercise 6. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.
1. Он получил травму ноги. 2. когда он в хорошей форме. 3. Какой удар! 4. Мяч пролетел над воротами. 5. окончательный счет: Ливерпуль — 4 и Перуваль — 0. 6. матч Уэльс — Англия. 7. Вы все еше страстно увлече­ны крикетом? 8. Мы были бы счастливы присоединиться к вам.
Exercise 7. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues.
programme, photos, to play for, impression, to score, goal, shot, rugby, international, engagement
Exercise 8. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: Are you going to watch the “Cup Final ”on TV tonight?

  1. No. I’m going to the Football Ground. I managed to book a ticket.

(A: the semi-final. Oxford v. Coventry)

  1. A: I wonder if Michael Davies [ deivis] is on form today.

В: Гт afraid he is off form. I don’t think their team’ll win the game.
(Л: Peter Newman. Harry Thomson)

  1. A: Newman is there. He’s going to score.

B: It’s over the top.
(A: Thomson, Adams; B: It’s a goal. What a kick! Shoot! Shoot!)

  1. A: Are you still keen on hockey?

S: Oh yes. It’s my favourite sport.
(A: football, tennis, cricket)

  1. A: What were you doing at seven o’clock last night? I phoned you but you didn’t answer.

B: I'm afraid I didn't hear the phone ring. I was watching Dynamo ['dainamou] v. Spartak.
(B: Dynamo v. Yenisei [Jeni'sei]; Youth [ju:O] (Юность) v. Yenisei)

  1. A: How did the game end?

B: It ended in a draw.
(B: with score 4 ; 2, with a score 6 : 4)

  1. A: Would you like to see the swimming events?

  1. Гт sorry, I have another engagement.

(.-4: the match, the semi-final)
Exercise 9. Reproduce the dialogues in pairs.
Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.

  1. A: Would you like a souvenir programme, sir?

B: ...

  1. A: Who is Dynamo’s top scorer?

B: ...

  1. A: When did Adams score the first goal?

B: ...

  1. A: Are you going to watch Dynamo v. Spartak on TV tonight?

B: ...

  1. A: Is their goalkeeper on form?

B: ...

  1. A: Was the game exciting?

B: ...

  1. Who scored the goals?

  2. ...

  1. A: Who was playing last night?

B: ...

  1. How did you like the game?

  2. ...

  1. A: How did the game end?

B: ...

  1. A: Are you still keen on chess?

B: ...

  1. A: Is your brother still a keen footballer?

B: ...

  1. A: Were you watching TV at seven o’clock last night?

B: ...

  1. A: Did you hear the phone ring?

B: ...

  1. A: Did the last hockev game make a great impression on vou?

B: ...

  1. A: Would you like to attend the hockey match next Tuesday?

B: ...

  1. A: Can you join us?

B: ...

  1. A: Did they accept her invitation?

В ...

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