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Part 1: Brief review of INTOSAI’s achievements and fundamental experience in the past 60 years; Part 2
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- 1. INTOSAI Communication Policy and Communication Strategy
- 2. FAC Task Force on INTOSAI Financial Foresight
- 3. Auditor General Global Working Group
- 4. Cooperation between INTOSAI and international organizations and institutions
- 5. Implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2016
- 6. Cooperation with the Regional Working Groups
- Organization
- Independence, Collegiality, Contradictory Process
Part 1: Brief review of INTOSAI’s
achievements and fundamental experience in the past 60 years; Part 2: Summary of the results of the two main congress themes “National Audit and National Governance” and “The Role of SAIs in Safeguarding Long-Term Sustainability of Finance Policies”; Part 3: Acknowledgement of the importance of adopting and implementing strategic planning for confirming INTOSAI’s vision and core values; Part 4: Acknowledgement of the importance of knowledge sharing and capacity building by highlighting PUBLIC AUDIT The 63 rd meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board 332 No.4, January April INTOSAI’s major initiatives such as the UN Resolution on SAI Independence and the adoption and application of ISSAIs framework; Part 5: Highlighting the ISSAI on Value and Benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions - making a difference to the lives of citizens. Approval of the full membership of the SAI of South Sudan, raising INTOSAI’s membership to 191 full members and 4 associated members. Approval of the INTOSAI priority themes for 2013 “Implementation of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/66/209” and “Implementation of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs”. Re-establishment of the Task Force on Strategic Planning under the umbrella of the Finance and Administration Committee. Establishment of the INTOSAI Standing Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues under the chairmanship of the INTOSAI Chair to report directly to Governing Board. Approval of the document INTOSAI response mechanism for emerging issues explaining how INTOSAI will deal with emerging issues in the future. Decision that the Chair of the Capacity Building Committee in cooperation with IDI will act as focal points for INTOSAI’s relations with the OECD-DAC and the broader development community. Decision that the SAI of the United Arab Emirates will be the host of the XXII INCOSAI to be held in 2016. Support of the establishment of a sustainable solution to handle development and maintenance of the ISSAI framework in the future. Decision to withdraw INTOSAI GOVs 9200, 9210, 9220 and 9230. Confirmation of the determination of the Governing Board to move towards a full application of all aspects of the Due Process for INTOSAI Professional Standards by 2013, urging INTOSAI Committees, Subcommittees, Working Groups, Task Forces and Project Groups to comply with the regulations established by the Due Process. Transition of the Chair of ‘Subcommittee 3: Promote best practices and quality assurance through voluntary peer reviews’ from the SAI of Germany to the SAI of Slovakia, effective as of the 63rd Governing Board meeting 2012. Transition of the chair of the “Working Group on Environmental Auditing” from the SAI of Estonia to the SAI of Indonesia, effective as of XXI INCOSAI 2013. Transformation of the “Task Force on Global Financial Crisis: Challenges to SAIs” into the “Working Group on Financial Modernization on Regulatory. Reform of Financial Markets and Institutions”. 1. INTOSAI Communication Policy and Communication Strategy The Strategic Plan for the period 2011 2016 has identified communication as one of the six strategic priorities INTOSAI. The importance of communication is evaluated by the fact that the General Secretariats of the seven regional groups of INTOSAI are able to report during the meeting of the Board of Directors on the activities undertaken in connection with the communication strategies. The official website of INTOSAI is constantly updated and improved and about 80 executive summaries have been posted on the internet from spring 2012. In June 2012, the General Secretariat of INTOSAI, has undertaken a study about INFO INTOSAI PUBLIC AUDIT 333 ALSAI the actual implementation of the Communication Guidelines. 6 This study has observed that SAIs mainly use modern means of communication with stakeholders. Official websites of organizations like the INTOSAI and the "International Journal of Government Auditing" are valuable sources of information for members of INTOSAI. 2. FAC Task Force on INTOSAI Financial Foresight Based on the Strategic Plan 2011 – 2016, the Task Force proposals for future funding of INTOSAI, will be presented during the XXI Congress of INTOSAI. In this context, note that an organization such as INTOSAI, in the performance of knowledge exchange, ideas and experiences, should be financially independent to finance its activities through internal resources. External funding should be used only by INTOSAI for specific projects clearly describing the responsibilities. Mandatory contributions to SAI's, which are the main source of funding for the INTOSAI, should be promoted continuously. Also, the assistance and funding from donors for development projects INTOSAI should be a constant target to provide funding. 3. Auditor General Global Working Group The Global Working Group (GWG Global Working Group) is the result of an initiative of USA SAI, which was 6 richtliniee.pdf established in 2000. It is usually developed as an informal annual meeting of SAI's leaders. The Secretary General of INTOSAI was invited to attend for the first time the meeting of this group in 2008. During the 13th meeting of the Working Group, in May 2012, it was decided that relations with INTOSAI should be harmonized by the Secretary General and Directors of SAI's. The Secretary General of INTOSAI shall report to the Board on significant issues and outcomes of the Working Group. The leaders of SAIs of USA, Sweden, South Africa, and Austria should advise managers of the GWG Group. 4. Cooperation between INTOSAI and international organizations and institutions During the meeting, it was emphasized the fruitful cooperation between the INTOSAI and the United Nations, especially the UN DESA in connection with the 22nd Symposium UN/INTOSAI which was held in Vienna on March 5 7, 2013. In a wider context of inter organizations cooperation, reference is the INTOSAI Platform for Cooperation with the United Nations as an important initiative for both organizations. The first initiative of this project was to collect publications on the topic "SAI's Role in Combating Corruption", a vademecum in the fight against corruption whose fulfillment is a priority for both organizations. Further examples of cooperation between the UN with INTOSAI are: Observer status of the DESA in the INTOSAI Working Group on Value and Benefits of SAIs; PUBLIC AUDIT The 63 rd meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board 334 No.4, January April Consideration of the work of INTOSAI in the United Nations umbrella organization of external auditors and its specialized agencies (UN Panel of External Auditors); Cooperation between INTOSAI and the United Nations Training and Research Institute (UNITAR) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); Cooperation between the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP); Cooperation between the INTOSAI Working Group on Accountability for an Audit of Disaster-Related Aid and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat (UNISDR). 5. Implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2016 The implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011 2016 is progressing quite well. Regarding the above, the information submitted by the head of the Strategic Planning so far reported that the necessary measures to implement the plan were taken in 60%. It was also informed of the need to formulate opinions and documents for the Strategic Plan of INTOSAI for 2017 2022. For this reason, it was stressed out that it is important to promote cooperation and exchange of opinions between strategic goal Committees, Working Groups, regional and other internal organs of INTOSAI. 6. Cooperation with the Regional Working Groups The enhancement of cooperation between INTOSAI and all seven Regional Working Groups, which was entirely in line with the Strategic Plan, and it was listed a set of Congresses and General Assemblies in the Regions held in 2012: XXII ASOSAI General Assembly (Jaipur, India, February 29-March 3, 2012) VII EUROSAI/OLACEFS Conference (Tbilisi, Georgia, September 17-19, 2012) XV PASAI Congress (Noumea, New Caledonia, October 2-5, 2012) XXII OLACEFS General Assembly (Gramado, Brazil, November 5-10, 2012). Profile PUBLIC AUDIT 335 ALSAI Profile Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) COURT OF ACCOUNTS OF FRANCE History The Court of Accounts of France, during all its existence, no matter the period of time, had the motto of auditing the public money. The Court is mainly responsible for the audit of state public accounts, national public institutions, public enterprises, social insurances and private organizations funded by state or public. The Court informs the Parliament, the Government and public opinion on the regularity of these accounts. The Court has its premises in Paris, “Palais Cambon In reference to the history of the Court of Accounts, in 1256, the royal court issued an ordinance on the establishment of a commission, which was going to keep informed the king on the accounts situation. A few years later, in 1303, there was established the Chamber of Accounts of Paris. In 1467, according to the ordinance of Louis XI, the accounts magistrates were permanent and could have been “I want that by means of an active surveillance, disloyalty may disappear and the legal use of funds may be guaranteed” Napoléon Bonaparte Paris 1807. PUBLIC AUDIT Court of Accounts of France 336 No.4, January – April 2013 replaced only in case of death, resignation or sentenced in case of flagrant infringements during the exercise of duty. This way, the accounts magistrates are permanent and this raises the independence rate in their duty. In 1807, Napoleon, established the first Court of Accounts, which was a successor of the Chamber of Accounts of Paris, by saying: “I want that by means of an active surveillance, disloyalty may disappear and the legal use of funds may be guaranteed”. This Court was centralized and unique in 1982, when there were established the regional and territorial Chambers throughout decentralization Organization The Court of Accounts is composed of seven chambers (judicial bodies) and each of them is headed by a President. In their composition, there are advisers, auditors, reporters and experts. For each chamber there are defined the responsibility areas. The Court is headed by the President, which is appointed by the President of the Republic. The Court, the regional and territorial chambers, (CRTC) form a judicial order according to which the Court of Accounts is the highest court. For the judicial activities, the Court serves as the court of appeal, for the decisions given by the CRTC. The State Council serves as a supreme court for the Court of Accounts and CRTC. All members of the Court of Accounts are magistrates with permanent status, which is regulated by statutory provisions of Public Service, not legally. Recruitment is made only to the best of ENA students (Ecole Nationale d’Administration) or (National Administration School). A specific kind of procedure allows to be recruited a few employees a year, which may come from the supreme state administration as well. Following its mission on the state statements certification, the Court may recruit external experts which are generally from large audit cabinets or other public or private functions. Responsibility areas covered by each Chamber: • Chamber 1: Ministry of Finance and all other public financial institutions. • Chamber 2: Ministry of Defense, industry, energy, tourism, foreign trade and all public bodies working in the industry area. • Chamber 3: Ministry of Education, culture, youth and sports and correlative institutions. • Chamber 4: Ministry of Justice, internal, foreign affairs and appeal courts of regional chamber of accounts. • Chamber 5: Ministry of labor and social affairs, professional education and housing. • Chamber 6: Ministry of Health and social insurance and bodies covering social insurances. • Chamber 7: Ministry of Transports, territory management, agriculture and fisheries, environment. Mission The Court’s mission is to ensure regularity, efficiency and effectiveness of public funds use. On response to these tasks, which are widely précised in article 47 2 of the Constitution, this institution judges, audits, evaluates and certificates. CRTC have triple competencies on local authorities and their public institutions. They audit state accounts, their management and audit budgetary Profile PUBLIC AUDIT 337 ALSAI funds. They also, contribute in the public policies evaluation and their implementation conditions at local level in the context of themes polls. CRTC contribute in the transparency of information to the public, on this regard to the local democracy, by publishing their findings and observations as well as by trying to make them more comprehensive and communicate clear messages: • to enlighten on public finances situation; • to formulate concrete and real recommendations according to which public managers should be encouraged to change practices in a more effective and efficient way; The Court of budgetary and financial discipline (CDBF) The French Court of budgetary and financial discipline is a financial judicature, established in 1948. In difference from the Court of Accounts, which audits “the accounts” and not accountants, this court has similar competences with the assize court. The court has the competence to judge on public administrators actions and on doing this, the court might get acquainted with the actions undertaken by them, e.x orders given on different expenses. This court judges on serious error (severe) of public enterprises managers. The court rarely might consider irregularities of local executive manager’s acts (as for example the President of the Regional council, the Mayor, etc), but CDBF is not responsible for the acts signed personally by ministers, which are under the competence of the control executed by Parliament on Government. The court is composed by an equal number of members coming from the Court of Accounts and State Council. The council of obligatory taxes (CPO) This council is responsible on the progress evaluation and on the economic, social and budgetary impact of all obligatory taxes. He is in charge as well of giving recommendations in every case regarding obligatory taxes. CPO presents each year a report on its work to President of the Republic and to the Parliament The law, date 20 April 2005, stresses out that the government is expecting for the CPO, “a full and clear picture on the level of obligatory taxes, meaning that from one side, the collected taxes from the state, local authorities and public institutions of cooperation, and on the other hand, all obligatory contributions collected on behalf of social protection institutions. CPO may be charged on request of the prime minister or Parliament commissions, specifically the finance and social affairs commission, to realize studies with regard every issue within its competences. The council might be able to analyze the situation and collections trends, in order to help the government to take right decisions on this matter. Supervisory Council The Supervisory Council is headed by the Court president, in his absence, it’s headed by the Dean of Presidents Chambers. The council meets on plenary sessions and ordinary sessions. During plenary sessions, the council before sending for approval the public annual report and reports stated in the Basic Law, firstly hands out the draft report to the President of the Court or General Prosecutor, in order to be revised by them. The members of the council are: • The President of the Court; • General Prosecutor which takes part in PUBLIC AUDIT Court of Accounts of France 338 No.4, January – April 2013 the meetings and debates but with no vote right; • Presidents of Chambers considered as advisers; • High advisers; • High advisers with special task; Ordinary sessions are headed by the President of Court. The council is composed by the Chamber’s chairmen as well as five members appointed each year by the President of the Court. The presidents of the regional and territory Chambers with the position of advisers, take part as well during these sessions even though they have taken part in the report examined by the President. The other members of the Court of Accounts have the right to participate in the Supervisory Council during ordinary sessions, with no right to vote. The council during plenary sessions, analyzes some draft reports, separately from those considered by the council during plenary sessions, with the exception of reports regarding organizations who benefit donations. Independence, Collegiality, Contradictory Process These rules and principles are the guarantees of impartiality and quality in the work of the Court of Accounts. Independence The independence of the Court is based on its statute, which dates back to 1807. Independence is strictly related to the independence of its members, the judges of the court who have a limitless mandate and stronger legal guarantees since 2006. The concept of independence itself is also a matter of culture, mentality and practice, and in this regard, this independence is associated with the long experience and historical prestige of the Court. Collegiality Collegiality is the main feature of the organizational and decisional structure of the Court of Accounts. Where audits are carried out singularly, decisions are endorsed collegially. Even though the judge may propose “to dismiss from work or the other way round”, it still remains a proposal. The collegial decision on the matter erases the personal stance of the single judge. For this reason, when the decision is published, the whole voting process on the issue is strictly secret and it is held inside the walls of the decisional chamber. Thus collegiality is the main requirement for the legitimacy and credibility of the Court. Contradictory Process The contradictory nature of the proceedings is a general principle in litigation, established by the European Convention on the Rights of Human and this rule applies to all of the Court proceedings. The very concept of it is quite simple, but is current application is complex due to evolutions and reforms incurred over the years. It is always sought balance between the necessity to know the view of the "auditee" and the necessity to conduct an audit in a reasonable time. The Court’s decisions, in order to be useful, must be delivered in a clear manner and without undue delays. Download 30,22 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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