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X NN noun, singular or mass X NNS noun plural X NNSZ possessive noun, plural X NNZ possessive noun, singular or mass X NP proper noun, singular X NPS proper noun, plural X NPSZ possessive proper noun, plural X NPZ possessive noun, singular X PDT predeterminer (e.g. both the men) X PP personal pronoun X Appendices page 108 PPZ possessive pronoun X RB adverb X RBR adverb, comparative X RBS adverb, superlative X RP particle X SENT sentence-break punctuation X SYM symbol X TO infinitive “to” X UH interjection X VB verb be, base form (*aux.) X VBD verb be, past tense (*aux.) X VBG verb be, gerund/present participle X VBN verb be, past participle X VBP verb be, sing. present, non- 3d (*aux.) X VBZ verb be, 3 rd pers. sing. pres. (*aux.) X VH verb have, base form (*aux.) X VHD verb have, past tense X VHG verb have, gerund/present participle X VHN verb have, past participle X VHP verb have, sing. pres., non- 3d (*aux.) X VHZ verb have, 3 rd pers. sing. pres. (*aux.) X VV verb have, base form (*aux.) X VVD verb, past tense X VVG verb, gerund/present participle X Appendices page 109 VVN verb, past participle X VVP verb, singular present, non- 3d X VVZ verb, 3 rd person sing. present X WDT wh-determiner X WP wh-pronoun X WPZ possessive wh- pronoun X WRB wh-adverb X Z possessive ending X Adapted from English TreeTagger PoS tagset with Sketch Engine modifications (n.d.) Appendices page 110 6.4 Appendix 4: TreeTagger tagset description (French) POS tag (FR) Description Lexical POS tag Grammatical POS tag Not relevant ABR abbreviation X ADJ adjective X ADV adverb X DET:ART article X DET:POS possessive pronoun (ma, ta, …) X INT interjection X KON conjunction X NAM proper name X NOM noun X NUM numeral X PRO pronoun X PRO:DEM demonstrative pronoun X PRO:IND indefinite pronoun X PRO:PER personal pronoun X PRO:REL relative pronoun X PRP preposition X PRP:det preposition plus article (au, du, aux, des) X PUN punctuation X SENT sentence-break punctuation X VER:cond verb conditional (*aux.) X VER:futu verb future (*aux.) X VER:impf verb imperfect (*aux.) X VER:infi verb infinitive (*aux.) X VER:pper verb past participle (*aux.) X VER:ppre verb present participle X Appendices page 111 (*aux.) VER:pres verb present (*aux.) X VER:simp verb simple past X VER:subi verb subjunctive imperfect X VER:subp verb subjunctive present (*aux.) 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