Fundamentals of food technology study manual

Cereal products and mixed fodder production technology

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2.6. Cereal products and mixed fodder production technology 
The tasks of cereal production enterprises are to separate various mixtures and 
husks from grain mass, improve their nutritional value, and easily bring them to 
the preparation of food products. The difference between groat production 
enterprises is that they use a variety of grains, and in the process of grinding the 
grain, they try to preserve the entire grain of the flour. Cereals of different varieties 
that come to the enterprise for processing to obtain groats are called groat grains, 
because the main part of these crops is used for the production of groats. In 
addition, cereals and cereal products are also produced from oats, barley, wheat, 
corn, and peas. In some cases, sarcho (white sorghum), chumiza, lentils and other 
grains are also processed into cereal products. The assortment of cereal products is 
quite wide, for example, whole grain (kernel) cereal, crushed kernel cereal, broken 
cereal (khlopya) and others. Cereals have a special place in meeting people's need 
for flour products. It is used in the production of various bread and confectionery 
products, it replaces raw materials, and the cereals themselves are used in the 
preparation of various dishes that do not require excessive labor. For example, "dry 
breakfast" made from cracked grains is eaten with dairy products. In recent years, 
food technology has been well established in the preparation of various cereals, 
which do not require additional processing. These include whole kernel (kernel) 
cereal, crushed kernel cereal, broken cereal (khlopya) and others. Cereals have a 
special place in meeting people's need for flour products. It is used in the 
production of various bread and confectionery products, it replaces raw materials, 
and the cereals themselves are used in the preparation of various dishes that do not 
require excessive labor. For example, "dry breakfast" made from cracked grains is 
eaten with dairy products. In recent years, food technology has been well 
established in the preparation of various cereals, which do not require additional 

processing. These include whole kernel (kernel) cereal, crushed kernel cereal, 
broken cereal (khlopya) and others. Cereals have a special place in meeting 
people's need for flour products. It is used in the production of various bread and 
confectionery products, it replaces raw materials, and the cereals themselves are 
used in the preparation of various dishes that do not require excessive labor. For 
example, "dry breakfast" made from cracked grains is eaten with dairy products. In 
recent years, food technology has been well established in the preparation of 
various cereals, which do not require additional processing. Cereals have a special 
place in meeting people's need for flour products. It is used in the production of 
various bread and confectionery products, it replaces raw materials, and the cereals 
themselves are used in the preparation of various dishes that do not require 
excessive labor. For example, "dry breakfast" made from cracked grains is eaten 
with dairy products. In recent years, food technology has been well established in 
the preparation of various cereals, which do not require additional processing. 
Cereals have a special place in meeting people's need for flour products. It is used 
in the production of various bread and confectionery products, it replaces raw 
materials, and the cereals themselves are used in the preparation of various dishes 
that do not require excessive labor. For example, "dry breakfast" made from 
cracked grains is eaten with dairy products. In recent years, food technology has 
been well established in the preparation of various cereals, which do not require 
additional processing. 
In the production of cereal products, cereal grains are cleaned of various 
wastes and separated from their husks using basic technological processes. 
Carrying out these processes with high productivity and camaraderie is important 
for obtaining high-quality cereals. 
It is known that non-encapsulating grains are covered with flower, seed or 
fruit shells. The relationship between the kernel and the shell is different in 
different cereals. For example, in barley grain, the shell is firmly attached to the 
kernel, but in buckwheat, rice, millet and oats, this is not the case. In the case of 
cereal production from grains with the shell firmly attached to the core, water and 
heat treatment helps them to separate the shells easily and increase the strength of 
the core. In the process of grain processing, it is important that the grain mass is 
the same in size and size in order to achieve technological efficiency. That is why 
they are sorted before whitewashing. As a result of pre-sorting the grains into 
fractions, it is effective to separate the refined products according to their size. 
The technological processes in the mills for the production of cereal products 
consist of the following stages: 
- preparation of grains for the cleaning process - this process depends on 
which grain is processed, and they consist of two to four technological processes; 
- cleaning grains from waste; 
- cleaning grains similar to oats; 
- cuv, steam treatment (GTI); 
- pretreatment using separators. 
The process of getting a coating from grains consists of the following steps: 
- cleaning before whitewashing; 

- separation from shells; 
- separation of bran, crushed grains, and husks from refined finished products; 
- to separate the kernels from whitened and unwhitened scum; 
- dressing and dressing of cereals
- control of waste and waste. 
Technological processes of semolina production. The process of obtaining 
semolina from grain includes three main stages, just like flour production 
enterprises: preparation of grain for processing; processing of grain into cereals 
and cereal products; shipment of finished product. 
Preparation of grain for processing consists of two main stages: separation of 
impurities from the pile of grain and hydrothermal treatment of grain. In contrast to 
the stage of grain preparation in flour production enterprises, dry processing and 
washing processes of grain surface are heavy in cereal production enterprises. This 
is explained by the fact that the technological process of processing all cereal crops 
is similar, that is, the task of removing the outer husk as a result of blanching is 
performed. Of course, in this case, there is no need to clean the grain surface by 
dry and wet methods. 
The process of cleaning grain from impurities in cereal production enterprises 
is practically based on the same methods as in production enterprises. However, 
the working bodies of grain cleaning machines are set to be more suitable for one 
or another grain and depend on pneumatic indicators. 
Hydrothermal treatment is used to prepare oat, buckwheat, corn, wheat and 
pea grains for processing. It increases the yield of groats, improves its quality, and 
facilitates further processing. Different methods of hydrothermal treatment are 
used depending on the technological features of the grain and the variety of the 
manufactured product. Processing methods and the bleaching machine used for 
this also have an important effect. Before washing the grain, it is divided into 
fractions, calibration is used. 
The grain processing process includes a number of necessary stages for all 
technological schemes: grain refining, sorting of refined products, control of 
finished products. In the processing of many cereal crops, the processes of 
polishing and grinding (polishing) of the cereal are used. In addition, the control of 
the waste generated after the sorting of products from grain refining is an important 
Kernel crushing is also used for certain crops. Separate processing of grain by 
size fractions is characteristic for some schemes. This is achieved by calibrating 
the grain before whitening. 
Groats from crushed kernels, split groats (chlorine), etc. 
Cereal grains are extremely diverse in terms of their shape, size, and structure. 
It consists of two parts: the core (with the endosperm bud (germ)) and the skin 
(film). The outer husk covering the kernel, or the husk of the flower (millet, rice, 
barley, oats), or the husk of the fruit (buckwheat, wheat, corn), or the seed coat 
(pea ) it can. A very important feature of the grain is the close connection of the 
kernel with the outer shell. 

In the four cereal crops: rice, millet, oats, and buckwheat, the outer husk 
covers the kernel without growing into it. In the other four: wheat, peas, barley, 
and corn, the husk is densely intergrown over the entire surface of the kernel. The 
shell determines the methods of processing in a certain way in relation to the core. 
The amount of outer husk in the grain of different crops is different. The highest 
amount of husk is in oats - 22...30% (on average 26%), the lowest - in barley, on 
average 11%, 10% - in peas, the rest is husk in millet, buckwheat, rice. amount is 
around 20%. Many quality indicators of grain affect the yield and quality of groats. 
First of all, the amount of grain husk, size, flatness, moisture and the amount of 
impurities in it are of great importance. 
The amount of husk - huskiness - is determined in grain cleaned of impurities. 
The higher the huskiness, the smaller the number of kernels and the less groats 
obtained from this grain. As a rule, large grains are less dense than small ones. In 
addition, small grains are usually poorly whitened (shelushatsya). Especially, in 
fact, the small grain itself affects the efficiency of processing. Grain size is 
determined by the size of the sieve opening, and the fine grain that passes through 
these sieves is mainly included in the wild (foreign) mixture. In a number of crops, 
the amount of such grains is limited by appropriate standards. The size of the sieve 
opening for small grains is 1.4x20 mm for tarik, 1.8x20 mm for oats, 2.2x20 mm 
for barley, etc. 
Grain moisture has a great influence on its technological properties and the 
final moisture content of groats. High and often low humidity worsens its 
technological properties, at high humidity the processes of cleaning and whitening 
grain from impurities are difficult, and at low humidity, the level of crushing 
during grain processing increases sharply. 
Cereal raw materials often contain relatively large amounts of various 
impurities, most of which are difficult to separate. Wild (alien) mixtures include 
organic, mineral, cultivated and wild plant seeds, etc. For example, all other 
cultivated and wild plant seeds are included in wild (alien) mixes in buckwheat, 
millet, and rice. Some cultivated plant seeds, for example, barley, wheat, oats, are 
included in cereal mixtures. 
The general method of cleaning grain impurities is practically the same as 
cleaning wheat and rye in flour production plants. However, the different shapes 
and sizes of cereal crops, as well as the presence of size-specific mixtures in them, 
lead to the use of grain cleaning devices in some specific features. 
For technological purposes, it is important that the grain mass consists of 
grains with the same transparency, because the processing of grains with different 
transparency causes the loss of the kernel. The consistency of the pulp, i.e. its 
transparency, affects the quality and quantity of output. If the transparency of the 
grain is high, its strength will increase, and the amount of broken grains and straw 
will be formed during the whitening process. The resistance to splitting of the 
endosperm in the process of milling cereal grains depends on its moisture content, 
the higher the moisture content of the endosperm (up to the specified standard), the 
higher the resistance to splitting. 

It is necessary to know the structural structure, physical properties of the 
grain, the biochemical processes taking place in it, as well as the properties of 
individual types and varieties, in order to separate the grains from the cereal grains. 
The main processes in the preparation of cereal grains for processing include: 
1) cleaning of grain from impurities; 2) hydrothermal treatment of grains; 
Separators, triers, aspiration columns and other equipment are used to clean 
grain from impurities in cereal production plants, just like in flour production 
plants. Hull separator and oat separator equipment are used to separate the mixture 
from the non-whitened grains (in the production of oat flour) and to control the 
broken grains that remain between the husks, as well as to clean the mixtures that 
differ in the length of the cereal grains. 
Since rice and oat grains have grains, they are processed in special additional 
equipment. When oat grains are passed through the Oboyka equipment, up to 93% 
of its grains are separated, and all remaining oat grains are separated. 88-92% of 
the rice grain is separated from the husks due to the rotation of the blades and the 
mutual friction of the grains during the movement of rice grains in the special husk 
separator (osteotdelitel) equipment. Rice and oat grains are sent to aspiration 
columns to separate them from broken grains. 
The process of hydrothermal treatment (GTI) of grains is an important step in 
cereal production enterprises. As a result of GTI, mechanical changes occur in the 
structure of the grain, and the conditions for separating the husk from the 
endosperm are improved. In addition, the husks become brittle, and the core is 
strengthened, and it leads to an increase in the output of groats with normal 
moisture, and an increase in productivity due to the energy saving of the enterprise. 
Adding GTI increases the nutritional value of the cereal, increases its water 
absorption capacity, and reduces the cooking time. During GTI, the soaking 
process is an auxiliary factor, unlike flour production plants, and lasts from 30 
minutes to 1 hour. 
There are the following methods of rendering GTI: steaming-drying-cooling; 
The steaming-drying-cooling method is used for buckwheat, oat and pea 
grains. Its important feature is that the grain is heated to a high temperature (over 
100 0 С) using saturated steam. In the process of steaming, the grain is moistened 
and heated, and its core is strengthened. The drying process applied after steaming 
helps break down the husks during the blanching process. After that, the process of 
cooling the grains serves to further reduce the moisture and make the husks layered 
and brittle again. To carry out these processes, special evaporating, drying and 
cooling equipment is used. 
The soaking process is the method used for most cereals. In this case, the 
grain is soaked in special equipment or steamed with low pressure steam. Soaked 
grain is steamed in hoppers for several hours. Grain that has undergone these 
processes has high plasticity and is less crushed during the whitening process. The 
moistened shells form layers and easily mix with the endosperm. 

Correct organization of the hydrothermal treatment process for each cereal 
grain leads to higher productivity of the subsequent processes and an increase in 
the nutritional value of the cereal product. 
The main processes in the production of cereal products from cereal grains 
include: 1) sorting of grains prepared for whitening; 2) whitening (grinding of 
grain husks); 3) sorting of white goods; 4) grinding; 5) sorting of crushed products; 
6) polishing and grinding of groats; 7) control of cereal products. 
Grains prepared in the grain cleaning department of the cereal production 
enterprise are sent to the bleaching department, and as a result of technological 
processes, they become finished cereal products. The scheme of the technological 
process of cereal processing is presented. Depending on the type of processed 
grain, some technological processes are complicated or removed. 
Screening process before whitewashing. It is designed to separate the cleaned 
grains into fractions according to their size, which leads to easy removal of grain 
husks from the winnowing equipment. The more accurately the grains are sorted, 
the higher the efficiency of the refining equipment, because the working distance 
of the equipment is selected depending on the size of the grains. 
At present, cereal production enterprises use A1-BRU series to separate 
grains into fractions. Rassev sieves oscillate, separate the grains into the required 
fractions and undergo deformation. Depending on the structure of the grains, the 
strength of the bond between the shell and the kernel, and the variety of groats 
produced (whole groats, ground groats), various whitening methods are used. 
There are three different ways to whiten grain shells: In the first method, the 
upper grain shells are separated as a result of compression and shear deformation. 
This method is used for rice, millet, oat and buckwheat grains that have not grown 
in contact with the husk. In this case, the straightening post, roller table and rubber 
shaft A1-ZRD straightening equipment are used. 
In the second method, the grains are separated from the shells as a result of 
hitting a hard surface once and many times. A1-DSHS single-shot winnowing 
equipment for oat grain is used for this purpose. For grains of wheat, barley, peas 
and corn, impactors and threshers are often used. 
In the third method, the whitening process is carried out as a result of rubbing 
the grains on a moving surface. This method is used for barley, wheat, and oats, 
the grains of which the husks are densely connected with the kernel. Whitening-
polishing equipment A1-ZSHI-3 is used for this. 
It is important to sort the products of bleaching, because during the bleaching 
of grains, a mixture of various products is formed, which can be conditionally 
divided into 5 fractions. The whitened grain or core is the main fraction, the second 
fraction is unwhitened grain, that is, the husks have not been separated, the third 
fraction is separated husks (loaf), and the fourth fraction is crushed grain during 
the whitening process. Some kernels and husks are finely ground and become flour 
(muchka), they make up the fifth fraction. 
Special equipment is used to separate these fractions. Due to their small size, 
the crushed core and pulp are sifted in special sifting equipment. Shells (luzga) are 
separated by air in aspirators because they are volatile. Separating the refined and 

unrefined grains remaining in the mixture is a complex process. Refined grains are 
distinguished from unrefined grains by having a smaller size, greater density, a 
more rounded shape, lower strength, and a higher coefficient of friction. 
Differences in these physical properties are used to distinguish them. For this 
purpose, special rakes, grain sorters, triers, paddy-machine, grain separator BKO, 
etc. are used. 
The process of crushing the kernel is used in the production of some types of 
cereals. Barley, wheat, corn, and other grains are milled using roller mills and 
drum equipment. Crushing and splitting of the core should produce particles of a 
certain size and a small amount of pulp. 
Refined grain (except buckwheat) is not yet considered a ready-made cereal 
product. After polishing and polishing, the cleaned kernel is turned into a meal, 
that is, the remaining husks, partially aleurone layer, and pith are separated from 
the grain. Polishing improves the appearance of the grain, for example rice 
becomes whiter after polishing. Unpolished cereal cooks quickly. 
The polishing process takes place as a result of intensive rubbing of the outer 
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