In the last few years the interest in Russian art and antiques has increased significantly. This tendency
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In the last few years the interest in Russian art and antiques has increased significantly. This tendency reflects the prosperity of the Russian economy which has meant that a rising number of Russian col- lectors have been able to buy their own cultural heritage and bring it back to Russia. Another equally weighty reason is the strong national sentiment in Russia. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, people in Russia have been much more preoccupied with the country’s pre-revolutionary history. The rising demand for e.g. Fabergé works, silver, paintings, enamel work, furniture and jewellery from Russia has been felt at Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art who have traded in art objects for more than half a century. Bruun Rasmussen has found it only natural to respond to this demand, and therefore we have chosen to highlight Russian art and antiques by way of a Russian theme auction. This initiative can be seen as a continuation of five centuries of art mediation, cultural exchange and com- mercial relations between Denmark and Russia. This tradition was strengthened by Princess Dagmar’s marriage to the future Emperor Alexander III of Russia in 1866. The recent re-burial of Dagmar the 28th of September in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg is a striking symbol of the close ties between Denmark and Russia that remain unbroken today. Grand Duchess Olga, the daughter of Empress Dagmar and Alexander III, was a talented artist, and the auction includes a separate section with several of her paintings. Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art are pleased to be able present an auction that features a fine selection of Russian art, antiques and decorative art. We bid you welcome to the auction December 5th. Russian sale Р усский аукцион В течение последних лет Внимание к Русскому искусстВу и антикВаРиату заметно ВозРосло . Э то пРоисходит благодаРя финансоВым успехам Р оссии , сделаВших Экономически Возможным для Русских коллекционеРоВ ВозВРащать В стРану культуРное наследие сВоей Родины . д Ругой , более Весомой пРичиной яВляется актиВизиРоВаВшийся с момента падения с оВетского с оюза пРоцесс Роста национального Русского самосознания , В Результате котоРого Высшее общестВо Р оссии находится В поиске сВоей доРеВолюционной истоРии . Р астущий интеРес к таким пРедметам Российского пРоисхождения , как пРоизВедения ф абеРже , сеРебРо , жиВопись , Эмали , мебель и укРашения , был отмечен и В а укционном д оме б Руун - Р асмуссен , более полуВека занимающегося пРоизВедениями искусстВа . с оВеРшенно естестВенным для б Руун -Р асмуссен было бы отРеагиРоВать на спРос , поЭтому мы Решили обРатить особое Внимание на Русское искусстВо с помощью специально оРганизоВанного Русского тематического аукциона . д анная инициатиВа может быть РассмотРена как пРодолжение более чем 500- летней тРадиции контактоВ В области искусстВа , культуРного обмена и Экономических сВязей между д анией и Р оссией . т Радиции , еще более упРочиВшейся В 1866 году заключением бРака между пРинцессой д агмаР д атской и цесаРеВичем , ВпоследстВии стаВшим и мпеРатоРом Р оссии а лександРом III. п Рошедшее соВсем недаВно , 28 сентябРя , пеРезахоРонение и мпеРатРицы м аРии ф едоРоВны В п етРопаВлоВском собоРе В с анкт -п етеРбуРге яВляется особым симВолом тесных сВязей д ании и Р оссии , сущестВующих и сегодня . д очь м аРии ф едоРоВны и а лександРа III, В еликая к нягиня о льга , была талантлиВым художником , и аукционный каталог Включает В себя целый Раздел ее жиВописных Работ . а укционный д ом б Руун -Р асмуссен с большим удоВольстВием пРедстаВляет обшиРную коллекцию пРедметоВ Русского искусстВа , антикВаРиата и декоРатиВно - пРикладного искусстВа . д обРо пожалоВать на аукцион 5 декабРя 2006 года . 5 декабРя 2006, четВеРг Расписание осмотРоВ 22 ноябРя , сРеда : 15 – 18 23 ноябРя , четВеРг : 10 – 17 24 ноябРя , пятница : 10 – 17 25 ноябРя , суббота : 11 – 16 26 ноябРя , ВоскРесенье : 11 – 16 27 ноябРя , понедельник : 10 – 17 б РедгЭде 33 · DK-1260 к опенгаген к · т ел . +45 3343 6911 · ф акс +45 3343 6966 · русский а укцион жиВописи и декоРатиВнопРикладного искусстВа The young Empress Dagmar . Property of The Royal Danish Library . ru ssian auCtion 763 antique tuesday 28 november 1 pm silver 2 pm carpets wednesday 29 november 1 pm caramics and glass 2 pm oriental works of art thursday 30 november 1 pm jewellery and watches friday 1 december 1 pm furniture monday 4 december 1 pm furniture and clocks russian tuesday 5 december 1 pm russian paintings and antiques 1500 - 1874 fine art wednesday 6. december 5 pm selected paintings thursday 7 december 1 pm paintings friday 8 december 1 pm paintings, miniatures, drawings and prints auction tuesday 5 december 2006 at 1 pm preview wednesday 22 november 3 pm - 6 pm thursday 23 november 10 am - 5 pm friday 24 november 10 am - 5 pm saturday 25 november 11 am - 4 pm sunday 26 november 11 am - 4 pm monday 27 november 10 am - 5 pm Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 3343 6911 · Fax +45 3343 6966 · russian paintings and antiques For further information or questions regarding the russian sale, please contact Bruun Rasmussen on tel +45 3343 6911 or mail: russian paintings and antiques from russia and eastern european countries tuesday 5 december 1 pm lot no 1500 - 1874 8 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1500 1501 9 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 1500 Konstantin Semionov Vysotsky Russian painter, b. 1864, d. 1938 Bear hunters in a snow-clad forest, in the foreground the killed bear. Signed K. Vysotskij (in Cy- rillic letters). Oil on canvas mounted on board. 38 x 56 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 1501 W. Fleury Russian painter, 19th-20th century Sledding through Petrograd. In- scribed "copied by B. Leman" and signed W. Fleury. Inscribed on the frame: "Petrograd Nikola- jevski bridge" (in Cyrillic let- ters). Oil on panel. 31 x 61 cm. Contemporary hand carved frame. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 1502 Constantin Adolf Stoiloff, (Adolf Baumgartner) b. Linz 1850, d. Vienna 1924 Cossacks attacking a caravan. Signed A. Baumgartner-Stoiloff. Oil on panel. 32 x 48 cm. DKK 6.000-10.000 / € 800-1.300 1503 Jerzy Potrzebowski Polish painter, b. 1921, d. 1974 Hunters arriving at roadside inn. Signed Jerzy Potrzebowski. Oil on canvas. 51 x 70 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 1504 Tschernigoff Russian painter, 20th century Sledding. Signed Tschernigoff. Oil on canvas. 50 x 80 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 € 1.100-1.300 1504 1503 1502 10 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1505 Russian painter, c. 1900 Russian peasant girl sitting in the grass. Indistinct signature. Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper mounted on card- board. Visible size 21 x 29 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 € 1.300-1.600 1506 Vladimir Fedorovich Tokarev, b. 1918, d. 1988 A woman with a zither. Signed verso V. F. Tokarev 1952. Oil on canvas 59 x 49 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 1507 Victor A. Orlov, Russian painter, b. 1921 Little girl with roses. Signed Victor Orlov (in Cyrillic letters). Oil on canvas. 62 x 53 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 1505 1506 1507 11 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 1508 Wincenty Wodzinowski, b. Igolomia 1866, d. Krakow 1940 Boy presenting his mother with a flower. Signed W. Wodzinowski 1905. Oil on canvas. 81 x 59 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 1508 12 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1509 Frants Alexeevich Roubaud b. Odessa 1856, d. Munich 1928 Horseman with gerfalcon. Sig- ned F. Roubaud. Oil on panel. 33 x 24 cm. This painting was presumably painted early in Roubaud's career, i.e. in the years from 1877-1885, when Roubaud as a student travel- led in Caucasia and Asia in order to depict various human types. DKK 30.000-50.000 € 4.000-6.700 1509 1510 1510 S. G. Pribytok Russian painter, 20th century Landscape with a cornfield. Around 1952. Oil on card- board. 31 x 41 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 € 1.100-1.300 13 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 1511 Stanislaw Jankowski, Polish painter, b. 1876, d. 1948 Cossacks fighting Prussian cavalry officer. Signed St. Jankowski 1915. Oil on canvas. 68 x 98 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 1512 S. Póljagu, Hungarian painter, first half of the 20th century Peasants on their way to the harvest. Signed S. Póljagu. Oil on canvas. 60 x 81 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 1511 1512 14 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1513 Russian painter, 20th century Monastery of the Trinity in the town of Zagorsk. Indi- stinct signature on the passe- partout. Oil on cardboard. 14 x 23 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 € 1.100-1.300 1514 A. Loschkin Russian painter, 19th-20th century Sunlight on tree stems in a snow-clad forest. Signed A. Loschkin 1911. Gouache and watercolour on paper. Visible size 34 x 52 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 1515 Wladislaw T. Chmielinski Polish painter, b. 1911, d. 1979 A view of Warzaw, winter. Sig- ned W. T. Chmielinski. Oil on canvas. 25 x 35 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 € 1.300-1.600 1513 1514 1515 15 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 1516 Michael Vasilievitch Boskin Russian painter, b. 1875, d. 1930 A horse cart in front of a Russian town. Signed M. Boskin. Oil on can- vas. 49 x 98 cm. Provenance: Aage Krarup Nielsen, the author, who wrote about his travels in Russia. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 1517 N. Udalenkov Russian painter, first half of the 20th century "View from the building of the cavalry regiment in the Kremlin to the Bols- hoi Moskovski Uspenski Savior Cathe- dral". Signed N. Udalenkov (in Cyril- lic letters). Oil on panel. 53 x 39 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 1516 1517 16 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1518 Fedor Bruni, b. Moscow 1799, d. 1875 Roman Charity. Inscribed on the verso F. Bruni ( in Cyrillic letters). Watercolour on paper. Visible size 60 x 50 cm. Oval in a square frame. Fedor Bruni was a central figure at the Russian Aca- demy of Fine Arts in the 1840's and played an impor- tant role in forming the Hermitage collection. Roman Charity (or Carità Romana) is the story of a daughter, Pero, who secretly breastfeeds her father, Ci- mon, after he is incarcerated and sentenced to death by starvation. She is found out by a jailer, but her act of selflessness impresses officials and wins her father's re- lease. This motive from the Roman mythology was po- pular and has also been painted by Peter Paul Rubens and Caravaggio. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 1519 Russian painter, 18th-19th century Peter the Great of Russia. Oil on canvas. 70 x 60 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 1518 1519 17 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 1520 Timoléon Carl von Neff b. Mödders (Estonia) 1805, d. St. Petersburg 1876 Angel with thurible. Oil on canvas. 77 x 61 cm. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 1521 Russian painter, 19th century A young woman getting water from the river. Oil on canvas. 61 x 48 cm. Oval. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 1521 1520 18 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N 1522 Ivan-Constantinowitsch Aivazovsky, b. Teodosia 1817, d. 1900 “The Deluge”. A study for the painting above. Signed Aivasovsky 1869. Oil on paper munted on canvas. 27 x 38 cm. Ivan Constantinowitsch Aivazovsky was famous in his day and has remained fa- mous ever since. First and foremost because of his eminent ability to depict the sea in all its often awe-inspiring manifestations. Ships engulfed by greedy waves and castaways clinging to driftwood, hoping for salvation from a fate waiting in the deep. What we see here is a kind of romanticism in which human frailty is thrown in relief by the colossal forces of nature. Artistically, Aivazovsky is akin to the Eng- lish painter William Turner (1775-1851) whom he met in the beginning of his career. Turner was so carried away by Aivazovsky's art that he wrote a poem in praise of this young painter in 1842. Another kindred spirit can be found in the world of literature where the American author Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849), like Aivazovsky, has Man perish in abysmal maelstroms in god-forsaken places. The present motif is a preliminary study for the masterpiece "The Deluge", painted in 1864 (246 x 319 cm.), located today at The Russian State Museum in St. Peters- burg and formerly a part of the Imperial collection. Biblical scenes are rare in Aivazovsky's work, but the motif of “The Deluge” could hardly find a more dra- matic expression than in this artist's rendition of the all-consuming flood. Provenance: From a Swedish collector. Bought in Moscow 1916-1917. DKK 400.000-600.000 / € 54.000-80.000 Ivan Constantinowitsch Aivazovsky : “The Deluge”. The Russian State Museum in St. Petersburg 19 R U S S I A N B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 (1817 – 1900) 1522 20 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U K T I O N 7 6 3 R U S S I A N Download 8,87 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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