On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Numerical investigation of stability of glow corona discharges and corona- to-streamer transition
- 4. Acknowledgements
- Isotope labelling: A new technique to analyse reaction mechanisms in plasma-gas processes
- References
- The NH 3 plasma transition into “ion-ion” or transient H-E plasma mode
- 3. References
- The Influence of a Positively Biased Electrode
1. Introduction The use of atmospheric non-thermal plasmas can be considered as a mature technology in several applications, such as to remove hazardous compounds or to produce valuable chemicals using the energy transfer by energetic electrons. The introduction of ferroelectrics materials into the discharge zone of the non-thermal plasma reactor is a promising way to improve their performance [1, 2]. The plasma parameters of this ferro-electric packed bed reactor are not well understood in spite of the widely applications of this type of reactors. One important property of the ferro-electric packed bed is the locally enhanced electric field inside the dielectric material (pellets and voids), near the contact
points between
the pellets
and pellets/electrodes [3]. The use of this ferroelectric pellets as dielectric material simply reflects that ferroelectrics have spontaneous polarization below the ordering temperature. A small electric field suffices to create large polarization. In a linear response regime that means the susceptibility of the material is very high. By using typical voltage- current characteristic was experimentally monitoring the plasma reactor. These electrical magnitudes present a highly non-linear behavior that conditions the value of the different experimental parameters analyzed.
Different gas mixtures of CH 4 /CO
2 , CH
4 /O 2 , CH 4 /H 2 O and Air, were introduced in the ferro- electric packed bed plasma reactor. Due to the dielectric (ferroelectric) barriers the reactor has capacitive properties that may be explained with the well know Q-V plot [4]. Analyzing the curvature of the Q-V Lissajous figures, the capacitance of the cell and dielectric barrier can be obtained. The ferroelectric character of the dielectric make that its capacitance be dependent of temperature and applied voltage. From these values an estimation of the breakdown voltage was evaluated and an analysis of the dissipated power from the Q-V Lissajous diagram. The calculation of the electron density relies on the assumption of a collisional regimen, in which the current density depends on the electron density and mobility and the magnitude of the electric field [5]. In order to get an accurate value for the electron density, the fact that the discharge area is not the whole surface of the active electrode has been taken into account.
[1] F. Holzer, F.D. Kopinke, U. Roland, Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 25, (2005) 595. [2] H.L. Chen, H.M. Lee, S.H. Chen, M.B. Chang, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 47 (2008) 2122. [3] Y. Zhang, H. Wang, W. Jiang,
A. Bogaerts, New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 083056. [4]
A. V. Pipa, J. Koskulics, R. Brandenburg, and T. Hoder. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 115112.
[5] K. Takaki
, J. Chang, K.G. Kostov, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 11 (2004) 481. Acknowledgements We acknowledge financial support from Junta de Andalucía through the project P12–2265MO and from the European Regional Development Funds program (EU-FEDER) and the MINECO (project MAT2013-40852).
324 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Numerical investigation of stability of glow corona discharges and corona- to-streamer transition
N. G. C. Ferreira P 1,2
, P. G. C. Almeida P 1,2 , G. V. Naidis 3 , and M. S. Benilov P 1,2
P 1 Departamento de Física, Universidade da Madeira, Largo do Município, 9000 Funchal, Portugal 2 Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal P
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Stability of glow corona discharges against finite perturbations is studied in atmospheric pressure air in a point-to-plane electrode configuration with 1 cm gap. The corona is stable against finite perturbations for applied voltages smaller than 18 kV and unstable for voltages higher than 18 kV. Streamers appear when voltage is higher than 13 kV; sparks may form above 18 kV.
Positive corona-to-streamer transition is an important research subject; e.g., [1]. A related topic is the stability of positive glow coronas against finite perturbations. Both topics are studied in this work.
2. The model Species included in the modelling are positive and negative ions and the electrons. The kinetic scheme includes ionization, two and three-body dissociative attachment, electron-ion and ion-ion recombination, as well as photoionization. The equations solved are conservation equations for the charged particles and the Poisson equation. The rate of photoionization was evaluated by means of three- exponential Helmholtz model
[2]. Standard boundary conditions have been used.
Stable glow corona discharge was computed by means of a stationary solver for the point-to-plane discharge configuration with 1 cm gap in atmospheric-pressure air [3]. The computed current- voltage characteristic (CVC) is shown in figure 1. Using always the state with current 10 -7 A and voltage of 12.8 kV as initial condition, the stability of glow corona was studied by increasing the applied voltage and following the evolution of the discharge over time with a time-dependent solver. If the applied voltage is in the range 12.8 up to 13 kV, the discharge evolves into a stable glow corona with no streamer formation. This threshold is marked in figure 1 by line 1. If the applied voltage exceeds 13 kV but is below 18 kV, partial streamers appear, then dissipate and the glow corona reappears. Examples of voltage steps used are: for 13 kV the length of streamer propagation is 2.9 mm; for 14 kV, 4.6 mm; for 15 kV, 6.1 mm; for 16 kV, 8.1 mm. The corona is stable against finite perturbations for applied voltages smaller than 18 kV and unstable for voltages higher than 18 kV; line 2 in figure 1. If the ballast resistance is low and the applied voltage is maintained equal or higher than 18 kV, then discharge current will increase indefinitely and a spark will be formed. If the ballast resistance is appreciable, the increase in current after gap bridging will provoke a fall in the applied voltage. It may happen that the reduced voltage is insufficient to keep the streamer alive, so the streamer will dissipate rather than become a spark. Figure 1: CVC of stable glow corona discharge.
The work at Universidade da Madeira was supported in part by FCT of Portugal through the project Pest-OE/UID/FIS/50010/2013.
[1] L. Liu and M. Becerra, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 225202. [2] A. Bourdon et. al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16 (2007) 656. [3] A. A. Kulikovsky, Phys. Rev. E
Topic 10 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 15 20 25 30 35 V(kV) I(A) No ionization Partial streamers and glow
Sparks 2 1 325 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Isotope labelling: A new technique to analyse reaction mechanisms in plasma-gas processes
A. Gómez-Ramírez P 1, 2
P , A.M. Montoro-Damas 1 , A. R. González-Elípe 2 , J. Cotrino 1, 2
P 1 P
Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Reina Mercedes, 42022 Sevilla, Spain. P
This work is concerning the plasma reforming of methane using labelled D 2 O molecules as reactant with the aim of identifying some of the key intermediate species intervening in the reaction mechanisms. The study herein reveals important clues about those intermediate plasma processes running in parallel to the main reaction leading to the formation of CO and hydrogen. In concrete, we have found that a considerable exchange of H(D) by D(H) atoms occurs in the exhaust gases (i.e, hydrogen, methane and water) under different operating conditions, proving that much of the plasma energy is used to produce intermediate species which are inefficient for the formation of final products.
Isotope labelling, a classical method in catalysis to ascertain reactions routes [1, 2], has been scarcely applied in plasma processes [3]. In this work we have used deuterated water as labelling compound to analyse the molecular fragmentation during the plasma wet reforming of methane in a parallel plate packed-bed DBD reactor filled with ferroelectric material [4]. Reaction products were monitored by means of a mass spectrometer. Apart from the expected hydrogen (H 2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO), deuteromethanes and molecular hydrogen isotopes (D 2 , HD, CH 3 D, CH 2 D 2 ) appear in the reaction products. The existence of isotope labelled molecules (CH 3 D, CH 2 D 2 ) is a clear proof of the occurrence of backwards reactions during the wet reforming of methane. These processes imply a waste of energy and, thus, a decrease in the efficiency of the DBD plasma processes, one of the major drawbacks for its industrial implementation. The influence of different parameters, namely, the gas residence time, the current and the addition of oxygen on the H/D distribution and efficiency of the process is analysed.
[1] J. Wei, E. Iglesia, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6 (2004) 3754. [2] L.Y.P. Luk, J.J. Ruiz-Pernía, A.S. Adesina, E.J. Loveridge, I. Tuñón, V. Moliner, R.K. Allemann, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 54 (2015) 9016. [3] F. Daou, A. Vincent, J. Amouroux, Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 23 (2003) 309. [4] A. M. Montoro-Damas, J. J. Brey, M. A. Rodriguez, A.R. González-Elípe, J. Cotrino, J. Power Sources 296 (2015) 268.
We acknowledge financial support from Junta de Andalucía through the project P12–2265MO and from the European Regional Development Funds program (EU-FEDER) and the MINECO (project MAT2013-40852.
17 326 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
The NH 3 plasma transition into “ion-ion” or transient H-E plasma mode
J. Brcka TEL Technology Center, America, LLC, US-Technology Development Center, Austin, TX 78741, U.S.A.
2D plasma fluid modelling was used to investigate a transient development of the ammonia (NH 3 ) gas and to determine transient decomposition in high-density plasma produced by a linear inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source. The inclusion of a large number of reactions (103) considering 31 species and including multiple negative ions results in an expulsion of the electrons from the source domain at constant power. Transient development of the discharge demonstrated a lower electron density than in an electropositive (Ar) plasma. Within 60-100 µs the electron density collapses leading to almost electron-free plasma (for t>1ms). The conditions and geometry of the source explored in this study could lead to steady ion-ion plasma formation with H 2 and N 2
being the dominant conversion products. 1. Introduction Under specific conditions, electronegative gases are able to generate almost electron-free (ion-ion) plasmas [1,2]. In this simulation study, we investigated ammonia (NH 3 ) gas decomposition by linear inductively coupled plasma (ICP). The aim is to determine the transient behaviour and spatial distribution of all charged species and radical fractions in the NH 3 radical source. 2. Modelling approach The feasibility study was performed by a compu- tational plasma fluid 2D model that was constructed in 2D space by using a commercial finite-element multiphysics modelling tool. A more detailed description can be found in Refs. [3,4].
The model (originally tested in argon) was im- plemented for the NH 3 gas [3]. Addition of the re- cent dissociative electron attachment (DEA) cross sections [5] emphasized electronegativity in the plasma. This led to a collapse of the plasma either due to (a) the expulsion of the electrons forming an ion-ion plasma, or (b) decoupling from ICP power by transient H-E transition or (c) insufficiently de- scribed N 2 reaction schemes. Further analysis indi- cated that the initial reaction scheme overestimated the electron generation rate due to assumptions on the ionization from excited states of considered NH 3
and H 2 molecules. That possibly led to more fre- quent DEA collisions under added new reactions that were leading to NH 2 -
- ions. Since, the efficiency of the energy transfer through electrons was reduced - the H-E transition is triggered and plasma collapses into an electrically neutral (ion- ion) plasma formation. Under these conditions the NH 3
2 and H
2 fractions. To maintain again an electron driven plasma - an RF power increase is necessary. The transient concent- rations of all species are plotted in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The transient profiles of charged particles, radicals and neutrals in NH 3 plasma source (90 Pa). 4. Conclusions The composition and transient reaction pathways in NH 3
efficiency to electrons that are coupled to sustained plasma mode. Recombination processes may lead to conversion into dominant neutral fractions (N 2 and H 2 ). 3. References [1] S. Samukawa, K. Sakamoto and K. Ichiki, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 20 (2002) 1566. [2] S. G. Walton and R. F. Fernsler, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18 (2009) 022001. [3] J. Brcka, 23rd Int. Symp. Plasma Chemistry, Montreal, CA (2017).
[4] J. Brcka, Jap. J. App. Phys. 55, 07LD08 (2016). [5] P. Rawat, V. S. Prabhudesai, M. A. Rahman, N. Bhargava Ram and E. Krishnakumar, Int. J. Mass Spectrometry, 277, (2008) 26-102. Topic number 5, 8 327
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
The Influence of a Positively Biased Electrode
M. Hopkins 1 , U B. Scheiner 2 , E. Barnat 1 , B. Yee
1 , S. Baalrud 2
1 Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA 2 Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
This work reports on our new understanding of the conditions required for an electrode biased above a bulk plasma potential to influence the bulk plasma. One example of a positively biased electrode is a simple Langmuir probe in electron collection mode. Under what conditions does the potential of this electrode influence the bulk plasma? We describe a range of plasma-electrode interfaces (sheath structures), and the relative wall-to-electrode size thresholds that separate them. We include theoretical, experimental, and computational descriptions of sheaths near positively biased electrodes. In particular, we identify the conditions at which the electrode modifies the bulk plasma potential. The modifications to the electron velocity distribution function (EVDF) are investigated, as well as the length scales of that modification (e.g., the electron presheath length scale).
1. Description As related in [1], based on global current balance arguments, a small positively biased electrode of size A E in a bulk plasma contained in a grounded vessel of surface area A
, will have a sheath structure determined by the area ratio A
/A W and the mass ratio parameter µ = (2.3m
/m i ) 1/2 . In the absence of an electrode, some plasma potential is reached as the loss of electrons and ions to the walls is balanced. Once a positively biased electrode is introduced, however, there is an increased rate of electron loss to it relative to the flux to the grounded wall. This additional electron loss has negligible effect on the bulk plasma if it is sufficiently small. As the electrode area increases, it collects an increasing electron flux, the loss of which results in an increased bulk plasma potential, but still not to the level of the electrode. Continuing to increase the electrode area, and continuing to increase the flux of electrons to the electrode, eventually results in an increased plasma potential that is above the biased electrode. At this point we have an ion sheath at all surfaces, albeit the voltage drop at the electrode is smaller than that at the grounded walls. Simulation [2] and experimental [3] results will be presented. These transitions occur at approximately A E /A W =
µ (electron sheath to an intermediate state), and A E /A W = 1.7µ (intermediate state to ion sheath). The length scale at which the electron sheaths influence the plasma is studied and found to be much longer than previously assumed [4]. The past assumption that the EVDF at the edge of the presheath can be assumed to be half-Maxwellian is found to be incorrect and a new description is provided [5]. Finally, we hope to present some work identifying the role increased electrode potentials have on
generating anode
spots, and
transition/hysteresis effects.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under
contract DE-AC04-
94AL85000. This research was supported by the Office of Fusion Energy Science at the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE- AC04-94SL85000 and the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists, Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program. The SCGSR program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the DOE under Contract No. DE-AC05- 06OR23100.
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