O‘zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta‘lim vazirligi

…… but like all Surinamese intellectuals he was expected to serve his

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O‘zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta‘lim vazirligi

…… but like all Surinamese intellectuals he was expected to serve his 
country where his talents were needed most (A.Christie). O am not, like the 
English women, romantic (A.Christie). 
IV guruh so‟z birikmalari shartli ravishda ajratilgan to‟ldiruvchi deb 
ataladi. Ular to‟ldiruvchiga oid aloqalarni ifoda etishmaydi va to‟ldiruvchiga faqat 
ifoda jihatdan kelib chiqib (ravish predlog+ot boshqaruv aloqa usuli sifatida) 
ta‟aluqli bo‟lishi mumkin. Ingliz tilida shu kabi birikmalar quyidagi so‟zlar bilan 
kiritiladi: except, instead of, apart from, in spite of, besides, to, from, aside 
from, despite, among, with, the exception of, with, by in the midst of. Masalan: 
Our other servants I don’t remember except the one who set the house on 
fire, …… I wouldn’t put it past her to sneak away quietly, instead of being a 
corpse, and go and have tea. Apart from the medical evidence and evidence of 
identity, there was little to feed the curiosity of the spectator. An enigmatical 
woman he thought and a woman who, in spite of the gentle ness and fragility of her 
appearance, had a side to her that could be ruthless. Rosemary, besides her 
beauty, had been an heiress. To Sir George, Amanda Brews was an efficient 
machine …… He apparently gathered, from the talk and excitement and weeping, 
that somebody had died. Now Den, aside from those two things and despite the 
newspaper lies everything is on an even Keel out here. Sixty-seven people put in 
applications, among them Morel M. a retimed engineer ….. With the exception of 
Atkins, that engineer, very applicant will be making more money …. He insisted, 
with complete confidence, that the temple was the safest place for them. Attached 
to his left breast, by a large pin which had been driven twice through the flesh, was 
a note in English. In the midst of vague and unremarkable dreams, Loin Colvin 
became aware of his bandages (A.Christie asarlaridan olindi). 
Ajratilgan qiyosiy to‟ldiruvchini biz hali hech qayerda uchratmadik.
Ichki to‟ldiruvchining ajratilishi juda ham qiziq tuyuladi, masalan: 
She was smiling at him-an enchanting smile, but it left him unmoved. 
V guruh – gapning izohlovchi bo‟laklari o‟z ichiga mustaqil ikkilamchi 
predikatsiyaning so‟z birikmalari klassifikatsiyasini oladi. Sintaktik hodisa sifatida 

u ingliz filologiyasidagi kam o‟rganilgan sohalar sirasiga kiradi. Izohlovchi so‟z 
birikmalari gapning har qanday bo‟lagining mazmunini yoritib beradi va 
morfologik cheklangan kategoriya hisoblanmaydi. Ular o‟zlari izohlayotgan 
komponentning sintaktik vazifasini takrorlaydi ular izohlovchi aloqa bilan 
bog‟langan va faqat uning mavjudligida ajratiladi. Ot guruhi yoki otlashgan nutq 
bo‟lagi bilan ifodalangan izohlovchi bo‟lak ma‟lum bir transformatsiyalarga 
uchraydi va shu transformatsiya uni izohlovchidan farqlab turadi. 

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