„Team Bergziegen rsg königstein“ will als Verein richtig durchstarten

Benefizlauf: Rechtzeitig anmelden

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Benefizlauf: Rechtzeitig anmelden

erleichtert Planungssicherheit

Zwar ist beim Benefizlauf vor allem der Weg zum guten Zweck das Ziel, doch hat der Zielein-

lauf auch sein ganz eigenes Gefühlsspektrum. Wer dies im passenden T-Shirt erleben will, 

sollte sich bis zum 30. April angemeldet haben. 

Foto: Lions

Falkenstein (kw) – Noch fünf Tage, dann 

ist es wieder so weit: In Falkenstein heißt 

man am Dienstag, 30. April ab 19 Uhr im 

Bürgerhaus, das sich erneut als festlich de-

korierte „Flaniermeile“ präsentieren wird 

und in dessen Mitte ein großer geschmück-

ter Maibaum und ein Kinderkarussell die 

Besucher begrüßt, den Wonnemonat Mai 

mit einem entsprechenden „Tänzchen“ will-


Mehrere Essens- und Vergnügungsstände 

und die Instrumente von Karsten Weber 

und seiner Band werden zu einem bun-

ten Treiben ihren Beitrag leisten, zu dem 

die Falkensteiner Vereine alle Bürgerin-

nen und Bürger der Stadt einladen. Neben 

der ausgiebigen Möglichkeit zum „Tanz in 

den Mai“ ist im großen Saal ein Schieß-

stand aufgebaut, an dem der Falkensteiner 

Schützenkönig mit dem Luftgewehr ermit-

telt wird. Wer seine Treffsicherheit auf die 

kleinen Scheiben nicht unter Beweis stellen 

will, kann sich gerne am nächsten Stand 


Dort sind die Ziele etwas größer, kann man 

dort doch beim „Büchsenwerfen“ mit dem 

entsprechenden Feingefühl eifrig punk-

ten. Das spielerische und spaßige Element 

dieses „Jahrmarkts“ wird noch durch das 

„Maßkrugschieben“ ergänzt, bei dem man 

auf einer fast sechs Meter langen Bahn sei-

nen Bierkrug exakt ins Ziel schieben muss.

Aber auch das kulinarische Angebot kommt 

nicht zu kurz, denn es gibt unter anderem 

eine gemütliche „Hessenecke“ mit „Ebbel-

woi“ und hessischen Essensspezialitäten, 

einen urigen bayerischen Biergarten mit 

„Maibock“ und „Brez’n“, ein frankophil 

angehauchtes „Petit Bistro“ mit leckerem 

französischen Flammkuchen und dem dazu-

gehörigen Gläschen alkoholischen „Prickel-

wasser“ sowie einen Weinprobierstand mit 

lauschigem „Straußwirtschaft-Flair“ und er-

lesenen prämierten Weinen aus Rheinhessen 

im kleinen Saal. Für alle Stände verantwort-

lich sind die im Vereinsring integrierten sie-

ben Falkensteiner Clubs (Turn- und Sport-

gemeinschaft, Feuerwehr, Mandolinenclub, 

Partnerschaftskomitee, Männergesangver-

ein, Bund der Vertriebenen und auch der 

Heimatverein, der zwar keinen Stand be-

treibt, aber logistische Hilfe stellt).

Der Eintritt beträgt 7 Euro (ab 14 Jahre). 

Einlass ist ab 19 Uhr.

Vereinsring lädt zum 

„Tanz in den Mai“

„Wer macht denn so etwas?!“ fragt sich Pe-

tra Pötz aus der Bahnstraße 2 d. Nicht zum 

ersten Mal berichten Königsteiner von grab-

schänderischen Diebstählen auf dem hiesigen 

Friedhof, aber nun steigert sich das Ganze: 

Die regelmäßige Pflege des Grabes meiner 

Angehörigen ist mir wichtig, bedeutet es doch 

auch, die Toten zu ehren. 

Diese Maxime gilt offenbar nicht für jeden 

unserer Zeitgenossen:

Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb von nur vier Tagen 

wurde jüngst von der Grabstätte meiner Mut-

ter/Großeltern auf dem Friedhof in Königstein 

ein wunderschön blühendes, neu gepflanztes 

Hochstämmchen gestohlen. Ich bin sprachlos 

über eine solche Pietät- und Respektlosigkeit 

und wünsche dem dreisten Dieb verständli-

cherweise keine Freude an ‚seinen‘ neuen Ge-

wächsen! Eine dritte Pflanze wird er/sie sich 

allerdings selbst kaufen müssen: Ich werde 

nicht nachpflanzen, überlege allerdings, ob es 

sinnvoll ist, eine Videoüberwachung installie-

ren zu lassen.

Interessant wäre zu wissen, ob weitere Fried-

hofsbesucher auch schon derartige Erfahrun-

gen gemacht haben? (Adresse siehe oben).

Pflanzenklau auf dem  

Friedhof in Königstein


Seite 6 - Nummer 17 


25. April 2019

Königstein (kw) – Die Tauniden begehen den 

Feiertag am kommenden Mittwoch, 1. Mai, 

mit einer großen Runde in Kronberg von rund 

8 Kilometern. Abfahrt ist um 10.46 Uhr an 

der Haltestelle Stadtmitte mit dem Bus Linie 

261. Die gleiche Linie bringt die Ausflüg-

ler ab 16.47 Uhr auch wieder zurück. In den 

sechs Stunden, die dazwischen liegen, wird 

von Kronberg-Süd an Schafhof und Kronthal 

vorbei nach Mammolshain gelaufen, dort 

aber über das Oberthaler Feld wieder nach 

Kronberg abgebogen. Hier geht es durch Alt-

stadt und Stadtpark zur Einkehr in die MTV-

Vereinsgaststätte. Kurzfristige Änderungen 

sind vorbehalten, Gäste stets willkommen. Die 

Teilnahme geschieht auf eigene Gefahr. Rück-

fragen an die Wanderführung: R. Palamides, 

Telefonnummer 06173-78903.

Wandern mit dem Taunusklub

„The Lord arose from the dead“, thus pre-

ached the disciples at Pentecost in diffe-

rent languages and the early Christians 

were, therefore, often considered to be 

drunk. „En guude Schobbe“ (Hessian for 

a very nice pint) is traditionally available 

at the station festival in Königstein (even 

in two beergardens), but here, the iron 

horse is responsible for the disseminati-

on of hot air, at the same time offering to 

every doubting Thomas an opportunity to 

touch the real thing.  It actually celebrates 

its own resurrection and inspires, always 

consistent with the Pentecost Message, 

considerations whether the monster could 

after all have a soul – with the elements of 

fi re and water it produces strong signs of 

life and blows them, securely connected 

to earth, noisily into the air.

There is, naturally, no question that tho-

se rolling monuments have their own fan 

club which is not as over-aged as some 

other associations are, because even small 

children are fascinated by the steam en-

gines‘ magic and among the ranks of the 

train drivers, conductors and stokers of 

the Association „Historische Eisenbahn 

Frankfurt e.V.“ (Historic Railway Frank-

furt) there are many young faces. It is of 

logical consequence that every year a real 

family festival is being celebrated at the 

Königstein railway station which will this 

year attract locals and foreign guests for 

the 39th time. According to staff members 

of the HLB, there are many railroaders at-

tending the event. Obviously, the railway 

sector is also in modern times a branch to 

be devoted to with heart and soul.

The HLB (Hessische Landesbahn; Hessi-

an Country Rail) is not only the current 

operating company of the former Frank-

furt-Königstein-Railway (FKE), but also 

hosting the station festival together with 

the historic railroaders from Frankfurt.

Railway fans often leave their „sheet me-

tal carriages“ at home on that special day 

and combine the train journey with the 

personal freedom of bicycling as can be 

observed when the baggage cart is unloa-

ded. Although it is sporting the promising 

label of a big Frankfurt brewery, its cargo 

in the last years were mostly bikes and st-


Well prepared for thirsty throats, ho-

wever, are the stands at the station. The 

platform is often not large enough to ac-

commodate all booths with cotton candy, 

information material and model railways. 

Instead, the attractions ranging from fi -

re brigade vintage cars, pony riding and 

children‘s railways can be found along 

the whole team track and the fl ea market 

with old timetables and new calendars can 

even grow into the engine shed. In con-

trast to everyday life, the colourful world 

of rail transport does still not come to an 

end here. In 2014, looking at the spare 

parts warehouse was impressive due to 

the sheer hugeness of some items there. 

Moreover, guests could ride on the small 

red shunt engine or even on the loudly 

rattling handcar of the Frankfurt Field 

Train Museum. This vehicle was also mo-

ving on rails, but they had been additio-

nally installed – the station thus featured 

one track more than usually.

While looking at the railway souvenirs, 

many still vivid memories of the former 

„driving pleasures“ surface. „What‘s 

that?“, a small boy asked his father in 

2016; and was told that the item for sale 

here was an ash tray which had been built 

into the armrests of the passenger seats. 

„They smoked that much you couldn‘t 

see your hand in front of your face“, the 

father mused. Many a quiet smile was in-

stigated by the sign „Lummerland“ (that 

fi ctional island „Morrowland“ where Jim 

Button and Luke the Engine Driver start 

their adventure with Emma the steam lo-


The real stars, however, are the two big 

steam engines which easily upstage their 

diesel-driven vintage car colleagues every 

year – especially and although the beloved 

„01 118“ just celebrated her 85th birth-

day. Notwithstanding her age she tows the 

trains with fully occupied waggons year 

after year. And many a man goes to his 

knees to admire the sophisticated techno-

logy and the engine‘s mighty wheels. But 

you can also take a look into the „cockpit“, 

the driver‘s cab. Here, the train drivers are 

ready to answer any questions. We learn, 

that this locomotive was built in 1934. This 

piece of information made a mother say to 

her daughter: „Even your grandpa hadn‘t 

been born then.“

Furthermore, the 01 118 is an express train 

engine, which corresponds to the modern 

ICs or ICEs and ran in the long-distance 

traffi c only. This is indeed not a historical-

ly correct sight on our track, but it avoids 

a situation which occurred rather frequent-

ly in the early days of this line which was 

opened in 1902. In the upper part between 

Schneidhain and Königstein, one of the 

steepest sections of all railways tracks in 

Germany is to be mastered although the-

re is a big bend climbing up the Bangert 

hillside. And thus it happened every now 

and then that the smaller engines ran out of 

steam and passengers had to walk the last 

500 meters to the railway station.

Over the years, the steam engines have 

never been found guilty for arson, but the 

fl ying sparks from the chimney pose a real 

danger, especially when the grass on the 

railway embankment is dry in summer – in 

case of persistent drought the rides have to 

be cancelled.

The expert personnel also explain that the-

re is a roof hatch which was invented in the 

GDR to vent the accumulated heat from 

the driver‘s cab where the steam boiler is 

also fi red. If there is enough time, no que-

stion remains unanswered here – but the 

schedule must be met. We can learn, for 

instance, that the stoker could very rarely 

take a seat if the steam engine had to run at 

her maximum speed of 140 km/h for a long 

distance; or that today products from Up-

per Silesia are used as fuel for want of fi ne 

Ruhr-coal. And another fact on consumpti-

on: „We do need close to nothing from Kö-

nigstein to Höchst, as we are always going 

downhill.“ But for the way back, about one 

ton of coal must be burned. 

But the most beautiful story was that of 

the complexly restored locomotive which 

made herself popular by causing strong 

disturbances in the power grid even in the 

workshop stage with all lamps going out 

when she started up. At her test drive, the 

parasitic currents even infl uenced the mo-

dern rail network implementations, signals 

changed colours and crossings opened as if 

by magic …

Engine driver Kopitzki fi nished his pro-

fessional training about ten years ago. He 

says: „You must meet all requirements ex-

actly like a modern train driver.“ His com-

mitment at the association is supporting a 

trend: obviously, there are no recruitment 

problems currently. „For the last two years, 

we have been welcoming an astonishingly 

high number of young people aged 16 to 

23 years“, Wilfried Staub revealed in 2015. 

For him and others of his age this proves to 

be a very good development. „We elders 

can sit back and just watch and enjoy how 

things are going on.“ Things, meaning: the 

preservation of the cultural heritage steam 


 With a haunting, ghost-like „Hui-Buh“, 

the steam engine brings everybody back 

down to earth and reminds the festival 

operators to thank the local residents for 

their patience in enduring the noise. And 

to apologize for one problem that has re-

mained throughout the years: From time to 

time, not all persons who want to travel on 

the route Königstein-Kelkheim-Frankfurt/

Höchst and experience a journey in the 

waggons from previous times even pulled 

by a steam engine, can be accommodated. 

Exactly as in everyday rush-hour traffi c, 

passengers intending to board in Kelkheim 

are at a disadvantage. But the trains simp-

ly cannot transport more than the record of 

slightly over 3,500 passengers. If you want 

to increase your chances of participating in 

the historic train journey, you should con-

sider boarding at one of the terminals.

However, there is no reason for grieving if 

you fail to get hold of a place in one of the 

trains because there is just one thing which 

a travelling guest cannot have – the specta-

cular view of the puffi ng and steaming en-

gine in the beautiful early summer nature 

setting. This sight can only be captured 

from outside and is the reason for hundreds 

if not thousands of photographers being 

found along the tracks in those days. One 

of the most beautiful and best loved moti-

ves is – as the painter Ernst Ludwig Kirch-

ner already recognised – the stage between 

Königstein and Schneidhain.

Main-Taunus & Hochtaunus:

– Sunday, May 19, International Museum’s 

Day: many events, please inform yourself

online at: www.museumstag.de


– Sunday, May 5, from 7 h, pedestrian


– Tuesday, May 7, 19 h, House of Encoun-

ters: town meeting concerning the design 

of the city centre;

– Saturday, May 11, 19 h, House of En-

counters: Birthday Choir Festival in ho-

nour of the “Kurharmonix” choir’s 30th 


– Sunday, May 19, from 12 h, spa gardens:

charity run around the castle hill.


– Wednesday, May 1, from 11 h, Fire Bri-

gade Depot Oberems: morning pint;

– Wednesday, May 1, 11 h, directly at the

Bicycle Racing Course, Schlossborn: mor-

ning pint;

– Saturday, May 4, from 9 h to 12 h, Glas-

hütten: forest cleaning action;

– Saturday, May 4, 19 h, at Multiple Pur-

pose Hall, Schlossborn: fair dance in the


– Sunday, May 5, 14 h, Multiple Purpose

Hall, Schlossborn: fair parade and party in

the marquee;

– Sunday, May 26, from 11 h, shooters

clubhouse Oberems: morning pint with

vintage car rally;


– Saturday, April 27, 21:30 h, at Receptur

Courtyard: “Kronberg Lanterns Way” –

Scenic guided tour of the First Kronberg

Amateur Drama Group;

– Sunday, May 5, from 11 h to 19 h, city

hall: 4th Kronberg Luxury Food Fair;

– Sunday, May 5, 14:30 h, Kronberg cast-

le: guided tour in English;

– Sunday, May 5, 15:30 h, Kronberg cast-

le: visita guidada en español;


– Saturday, May 4, 14 h, meeting point

at swimming pool Kelkheim, Lorsbacher

Straße, upper parking place: 4th Staufen

Run of Ski club Kelkheim;

– Thursday, May 16, from 18 h in the Art

Store, Hornauer Straße 6: Vernissage and

exhibition with artists from Brittany;

– Wednesday, May 22, 19:30 h, city hall

Kelkheim, Gagernring 1: “Great Moments

of the Opera” with the Symphony Orches-

tra Rhein-Main.


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Interesting for all generations: puffi ng monsters in whose heads friendly men reside, giving technical 

explanations and telling great railroad stories.    

Photo: Archive Friedel

Rolling monuments of the industrialisation: steam engines are driving from Höchst to Königstein at Pentecost

Pöhlemann OHG · Hauptstr. 21 · 61462 Königstein

Tel.: 06174 22777 · www.poehlemann.de

„The Lord arose from the dead“, thus pre-

ached the disciples at Pentecost in diffe-

rent languages and the early Christians 

were, therefore, often considered to be 

drunk. „En guude Schobbe“ (Hessian for 

a very nice pint) is traditionally available 

at the station festival in Königstein (even 

in two beergardens), but here, the iron 

horse is responsible for the disseminati-

on of hot air, at the same time offering to 

every doubting Thomas an opportunity to 

touch the real thing.  It actually celebrates 

its own resurrection and inspires, always 

consistent with the Pentecost Message, 

considerations whether the monster could 

after all have a soul – with the elements of 

fi re and water it produces strong signs of 

life and blows them, securely connected 

to earth, noisily into the air.

There is, naturally, no question that tho-

se rolling monuments have their own fan 

club which is not as over-aged as some 

other associations are, because even small 

children are fascinated by the steam en-

gines‘ magic and among the ranks of the 

train drivers, conductors and stokers of 

the Association „Historische Eisenbahn 

Frankfurt e.V.“ (Historic Railway Frank-

furt) there are many young faces. It is of 

logical consequence that every year a real 

family festival is being celebrated at the 

Königstein railway station which will this 

year attract locals and foreign guests for 

the 39th time. According to staff members 

of the HLB, there are many railroaders at-

tending the event. Obviously, the railway 

sector is also in modern times a branch to 

be devoted to with heart and soul.

The HLB (Hessische Landesbahn; Hessi-

an Country Rail) is not only the current 

operating company of the former Frank-

furt-Königstein-Railway (FKE), but also 

hosting the station festival together with 

the historic railroaders from Frankfurt.

Railway fans often leave their „sheet me-

tal carriages“ at home on that special day 

and combine the train journey with the 

personal freedom of bicycling as can be 

observed when the baggage cart is unloa-

ded. Although it is sporting the promising 

label of a big Frankfurt brewery, its cargo 

in the last years were mostly bikes and st-


Well prepared for thirsty throats, ho-

wever, are the stands at the station. The 

platform is often not large enough to ac-

commodate all booths with cotton candy, 

information material and model railways. 

Instead, the attractions ranging from fi -

re brigade vintage cars, pony riding and 

children‘s railways can be found along 

the whole team track and the fl ea market 

with old timetables and new calendars can 

even grow into the engine shed. In con-

trast to everyday life, the colourful world 

of rail transport does still not come to an 

end here. In 2014, looking at the spare 

parts warehouse was impressive due to 

the sheer hugeness of some items there. 

Moreover, guests could ride on the small 

red shunt engine or even on the loudly 

rattling handcar of the Frankfurt Field 

Train Museum. This vehicle was also mo-

ving on rails, but they had been additio-

nally installed – the station thus featured 

one track more than usually.

While looking at the railway souvenirs, 

many still vivid memories of the former 

„driving pleasures“ surface. „What‘s 

that?“, a small boy asked his father in 

2016; and was told that the item for sale 

here was an ash tray which had been built 

into the armrests of the passenger seats. 

„They smoked that much you couldn‘t 

see your hand in front of your face“, the 

father mused. Many a quiet smile was in-

stigated by the sign „Lummerland“ (that 

fi ctional island „Morrowland“ where Jim 

Button and Luke the Engine Driver start 

their adventure with Emma the steam lo-


The real stars, however, are the two big 

steam engines which easily upstage their 

diesel-driven vintage car colleagues every 

year – especially and although the beloved 

„01 118“ just celebrated her 85th birth-

day. Notwithstanding her age she tows the 

trains with fully occupied waggons year 

after year. And many a man goes to his 

knees to admire the sophisticated techno-

logy and the engine‘s mighty wheels. But 

you can also take a look into the „cockpit“, 

the driver‘s cab. Here, the train drivers are 

ready to answer any questions. We learn, 

that this locomotive was built in 1934. This 

piece of information made a mother say to 

her daughter: „Even your grandpa hadn‘t 

been born then.“

Furthermore, the 01 118 is an express train 

engine, which corresponds to the modern 

ICs or ICEs and ran in the long-distance 

traffi c only. This is indeed not a historical-

ly correct sight on our track, but it avoids 

a situation which occurred rather frequent-

ly in the early days of this line which was 

opened in 1902. In the upper part between 

Schneidhain and Königstein, one of the 

steepest sections of all railways tracks in 

Germany is to be mastered although the-

re is a big bend climbing up the Bangert 

hillside. And thus it happened every now 

and then that the smaller engines ran out of 

steam and passengers had to walk the last 

500 meters to the railway station.

Over the years, the steam engines have 

never been found guilty for arson, but the 

fl ying sparks from the chimney pose a real 

danger, especially when the grass on the 

railway embankment is dry in summer – in 

case of persistent drought the rides have to 

be cancelled.

The expert personnel also explain that the-

re is a roof hatch which was invented in the 

GDR to vent the accumulated heat from 

the driver‘s cab where the steam boiler is 

also fi red. If there is enough time, no que-

stion remains unanswered here – but the 

schedule must be met. We can learn, for 

instance, that the stoker could very rarely 

take a seat if the steam engine had to run at 

her maximum speed of 140 km/h for a long 

distance; or that today products from Up-

per Silesia are used as fuel for want of fi ne 

Ruhr-coal. And another fact on consumpti-

on: „We do need close to nothing from Kö-

nigstein to Höchst, as we are always going 

downhill.“ But for the way back, about one 

ton of coal must be burned. 

But the most beautiful story was that of 

the complexly restored locomotive which 

made herself popular by causing strong 

disturbances in the power grid even in the 

workshop stage with all lamps going out 

when she started up. At her test drive, the 

parasitic currents even infl uenced the mo-

dern rail network implementations, signals 

changed colours and crossings opened as if 

by magic …

Engine driver Kopitzki fi nished his pro-

fessional training about ten years ago. He 

says: „You must meet all requirements ex-

actly like a modern train driver.“ His com-

mitment at the association is supporting a 

trend: obviously, there are no recruitment 

problems currently. „For the last two years, 

we have been welcoming an astonishingly 

high number of young people aged 16 to 

23 years“, Wilfried Staub revealed in 2015. 

For him and others of his age this proves to 

be a very good development. „We elders 

can sit back and just watch and enjoy how 

things are going on.“ Things, meaning: the 

preservation of the cultural heritage steam 


 With a haunting, ghost-like „Hui-Buh“, 

the steam engine brings everybody back 

down to earth and reminds the festival 

operators to thank the local residents for 

their patience in enduring the noise. And 

to apologize for one problem that has re-

mained throughout the years: From time to 

time, not all persons who want to travel on 

the route Königstein-Kelkheim-Frankfurt/

Höchst and experience a journey in the 

waggons from previous times even pulled 

by a steam engine, can be accommodated. 

Exactly as in everyday rush-hour traffi c, 

passengers intending to board in Kelkheim 

are at a disadvantage. But the trains simp-

ly cannot transport more than the record of 

slightly over 3,500 passengers. If you want 

to increase your chances of participating in 

the historic train journey, you should con-

sider boarding at one of the terminals.

However, there is no reason for grieving if 

you fail to get hold of a place in one of the 

trains because there is just one thing which 

a travelling guest cannot have – the specta-

cular view of the puffi ng and steaming en-

gine in the beautiful early summer nature 

setting. This sight can only be captured 

from outside and is the reason for hundreds 

if not thousands of photographers being 

found along the tracks in those days. One 

of the most beautiful and best loved moti-

ves is – as the painter Ernst Ludwig Kirch-

ner already recognised – the stage between 

Königstein and Schneidhain.

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