The Central Asian Heritage Group

shildiroq: burbling, babbling, gurgling  (water).  shilimshiq

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shildiroq: burbling, babbling, gurgling 
shilimshiq: sticky, gluey, gooey.shilin 
1 bot.honeysuckle.shilin 2 coll.s. 
shilin-: v.i.  pass. of ichim ~ib ketdi to 
become very hungry; to clean out one's 
insides, to give diarrhea. ~ib tush- to 
become emaciated.shilingpocha 
coll.bare; barefoot. 
shiliq: s. shilliq. 
shilling 1: (Russian) schilling. 
shilling 2: ~ni pillingga urib jo'na- to 
make off, to clear out.shilliq (qurt) 
shilliq: slimy. ~ parda mucous 
membrane.shilp ono.s. shilt. 
shilpildoq: a dish made of wide flat 
shilpiq: trachoma; pus-filled drainage 
of the resulting from a trachoma. ~ 
odam person with a trachoma. 
shilpiqlan-: v.i.  to develop a 
trachoma; to become inflamed from a 
trachoma (eye).shilq ono.plopping or 
sloshing noise. ~ Et- to plop, to slosh; 
to do s.t. tiredly, from exhaustion; to 
do s.t. credulously, to fall for s.t.; to 
happen quickly or suddenly. ~ Etib 
yiqil- to drop from exhaustion. ~ tush- 
to fall for, to believe readily. 
shilqilla-: v.i.  to make plopping or 
sloshing noises; to pool, to form 
puddles; to become exhausted, to do 
s.t. in an exhausted state. ~b tush- to 
drop from exhaustion. [shilqillat-] 
shilqim: tenacious, unrelenting; 
shilqimlarcha: tenaciously, 
unrelentingly; impudently. 
shilqimlik: tenaciousness. 
shilqqa: ~ tush- s. shilq tush-.shilt 1 
ono.slapping or smacking noise. 
shilt 2: ~ Et-/ur- to do quickly, in a 
flash.shilt-shilt ono.s. shilt; extremely
shilta: soaking wet; mud. birovning 
shiltasiga toy- to take the blame for s.o. 
else's act, to take the fall for s.o. else. 
shiltilla-: v.i.  to become muddy or 
slushy.shilvira- tear the scab off, 
to open (wound). 
shim-: v.t.  to absorb; to suck on. 
[shimdir-, shimil-, shimit-, shimish-] 
shim: pants, trousers. 
shimar-: v.t.  to roll up (sleeves, etc.). 
yeng ~ib rolling up one?s sleeves, 
enthusiastically. [shimaril-, shimarin-, 
shimarig'liq: rolled up (sleeves, etc.). 
shimi-: s. shim-.shiming-chaynamang 
coll.a type of candy cane. 
shimir-: v.t.  to sip (s. simir-). 
shimol: (Arabic) (the) north. ~ 
yog?dusi the Northern Lights. 
shimoli-g'arb: northwest. 
shimoli-g'arbiy: northwestern. 
shimoli-sharq: northeast. 
shimoli-sharqiy: northeastern. 
shimoliy: (Arabic) northern. 
shimollik: northerner. 
shimpanze zool. (Russian): 
shina: (Russian) tire. 
shinak: arch.    (Persian) loophole, 
embrasure; shelter, cover. 
shinam: cozy, comfortable; pleasant. 
shinavanda: (Persian) fan, enthusiast, 
-lover; experienced; pleasant, affable; 
generous, hospitable. 
shinel": (Russian) greatcoat. 
shing'illa-: v.i.  s. shing'irla-. 
shing'irla-: v.i.  to clank, to rattle. 
[shing'irlat-]shing'iroq coll.bell (s. 
shing'ray-: v.i.  to gawk, to stare. 
shingarf lit.: (Persian) cinnabar, 
shingil-shapoq: bunches of grapes of 
all sizes. 
shingil: several grapes on a stem, part 
of a bunch of grapes. bir ~ piece, part; 
a little, some. 
shingiling: s. shinam. 
shingilla-: v.i.  to break or separate 
into pieces or bunches. ~b ye- to eat 
(grapes) in small bunches. 
shinni: syrup made from mulberries, 
grapes, etc. 
shior: (Arabic) slogan; banner. ~ 
ot-/tashla- to advance a slogan. 
ship 1: ceiling. ~ yog'ochi ceiling 
beam. ~dek high as the ceiling. ~ga bit- 
to droop or close from weariness 
(eyes).ship 2 ono.pitter-patter. ~ Etib 
quickly, hastily. qulog'i ~ bitdi to go 
deaf, to hear nothing. 
ship 3 zool.: (Russian) a type of 
sturgeon (s. filmoy). 
ship-shiydam: quite bare, completely 
denuded (s. shiydam). 
shipangla- dial.: v.i.  to bounce, to 
strut, to sashay.shiper coll.s. shifer. 

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shipildoq tovushlar: fricatives. 
shipilla-: v.i.  to rustle. [shipillat-] 
shipillovchi tovushlar: s. shipildoq 
shipir- dial.: v.t.  to sweep (s. supur-); 
to sweep up, to pack off with; to cut 
off; to clean up, to devour. 
[shipirish-]shipirgi dial.broom (s. 
shipirla-: s. shipilla-. [shipirlat-] 
shipirma qilich: scimitar (s. shop). 
shippak: sandal(s). 
shipshi-: v.t.  to whisper. 
shipshi: whisper(ing); hidden meaning. 
shipshit-: v.t.  to whisper in one's 
ear.shiptir dial.urine, piss.shiq 
ono.clanking or clacking noise. 
shiqildoq: rattle. 
shiqilla-: v.i.  to clack, to clank. 
tuyog'ingni ~t! Beat it!, Make tracks! 
[shiqillat-]shiqir ono.s. shiriq. 
shiqirla-: v.i.  to jingle, to clink. 
[shiqirlat-, shiqirlash-]shir 1 ono.light 
tearing or ripping sound. chumchuq pir 
Etsa, yuragi ~ Etadi panicky, jumpy, 
scared of everything. ~ Etib suddenly. 
~ yalang'och bare naked. 
shir 2: (Persian) milk (s. ~u shakar 
poem written in two languages together 
(e.g., Turkic and Persian). 
shira 1: (Persian) juice; fluid; narcotic 
beverage made from soaking opium 
poppies in water; gist; sweetness, tone 
(of voice). ~ tort- to become sweet; to 
begin to thicken, to cook long enough
to reach a fine pitch (voice). ko'zini ~ 
bosdi to become conceited or arrogant. 
shira 2: (Persian) aphid; (coll.) sweets. 
shirach: cobbler's glue (s. sirach). 
shirachla-: v.t.  to glue together (s. 
sirachla-). [shirachlan-, shirachlat-] 
shirador: (Persian) s. shirali. 
shiradorlik: juiciness. 
shirakayf: (Persian) tipsy. 
shirali: juicy; meaningful, pithy; 
sweet, sonorous (voice). 
shiralik: sweets; juicy, sweet. 
shiralilik: juiciness; sweetness. 
shirapaz: (Persian) s. shiravorpaz. 
shirapazlik: candy making. 
shirasiz: dry, not tasty; meaningless, 
shirava: (Persian) layer of cream on 
top of milk; layer of ice or snow on top 
of something. 
shiravor: (Persian) sweets. 
shiravorchi: s. shiravorpaz. 
shiravorpaz: (Persian) candy-maker, 
shirchoy 1: (Persian) tea made with 
milk, salt, and butter. 
shirchoy 2 bot.: (Persian) avens. 
shirdon: (Persian) abomasum (4th 
stomach of ruminants). 
shirguruch: (Persian) dish made of 
rice cooked in milk. 
shirgurunch: (Persian) s. shirguruch. 
shirilla-: v.i.  to rustle, to crackle. 
shirin: (Persian) sweet; tasty; nice, 
fine. joni ~ odam fond of o.s., not 
wanting to hurt or tire o.s. 
shirin-shakar: very sweet; sweets. 
shirinak: (Persian) ~ o'yna- to compete 
to see whose (melon, etc.) turns out to 
be the sweetest. 
shirincha: scrofula. 
shirinchilik: camaraderie, friendly 
shirindimog': (Persian) high-spirited, 
shirinkoma: middleman's fee. 
shirinla- rare: v.t.  to make sweet or 
shirinlik: sweetness; sweets; ease, 
contentment, happiness.shirinmiya 
bot.licorice (s. qizilmiya). 
shirinso'z: sweet-spoken, affable. 
shirinso'zlik: sweet-spokenness, 
shirinsuxan: (Persian) s. shirinso'z. 
shirinsuxanlik: s. shirinso'zlik. 
shirintak: s. shirinak. 
shirintomoq: lover of sweets, sweet 
tooth.shirintoy coll.sweet little one, 
sweet little boy or girl. 
shirinturush choy: cold sweetened tea. 
shirinxo'r: (Persian) s. 
shirintomoq.shiriq ono.crashing, 
clattering, or breaking sound. 
shiriqla-: v.i.  to clatter, rattle, or crash. 
shirkat: (Arabic) company, 
shirma: (Russian) screen. 
shirmon: ~ non s. ~ yuz chubby red 
shirmoy(i) non: a type of tandoor 
bread made with a mixture of wheat 
and chickpea flour, milk, and 
oil.shirolg'a dial.share of a prize. 
shirq: s. shiriq. 
shirqilla-: v.i.  to slosh, to splash; to 
make noise, to clang or clatter. 
shirqira-: v.i.  s. shildira-. [shirqirat-] 
shirqovoq: porridge made from milk 
and pumpkin.shirt ono.snapping noise. 
shirvoz: (Persian) grown fat (from 
nursing; of a kid or lamb). 
shirxo'ra: (Persian) foster brother or 
sister (who has nursed from the same 
shirxo'rda: (Persian) gruel cooked 
with milk. 
shirzada: (Persian) rickets. 
shish-: v.i.  to swell, to puff up, to 
expand; to get fat; to get rich. boshi 
~gan tired, worn out. o'pkasi ~- to be 
short of breath; to be filled with 
sorrow. [shishin-, shishir-, shishiril-] 
shish: inflammation, swelling. 
shisha: (Persian) glass; bottle. 
shishadam: (Persian) glass blower. 
shishak: (Persian) one or two year-old 
shishasoz: (Persian) glassworks 
shishin-: v.i.  reflex. of shish-; to put 
on airs, to inflate o.s. 
shishir-: v.t.  caus. of kallani ~ir- to 
wear out, to exhaust, to make dizzy 
with fatigue. [shishiril-] 

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shit: sound made to startle or drive 
fowl, shsht.shitir ono.snapping or 
rustling sound. 
shitirla-: v.i.  to rustle. [shitirlat-] 
shitob: rush, hurry; fast, quick, hurried. 
shitoblik: speed, hurriedness.shivag'a 
shivala-: v.i.  to drive down, to pour 
down (rain). 
shivilg'oni: s. shivirg'oni.shivilla- whisper.shivir-kichir 
ono.whispering.shivir ono.whisper. 
shivirg'oni: a type of seedless red 
shivirla-: v.i.  to whisper. [shivirlat-, 
shixang: ~ ber- to stir up against. 
shixangla-: v.t.  s. shixang ber-. 
shixta: (Russian) charge (of a furnace). 
shiydam 1: naked, bare, empty. 
shiydam 2: dressed up, fancily dressed. 
shiypon (Chinese): pagoda; field 
shizofreniya: (Russian) schizophrenia. 
shkaf: (Russian) shelf, shelves (s. 
shkala: (Russian) scale (of measure). 
shkiv: (Russian) pulley. 
shlagbaum: (Russian) barrier, gate. 
shlak: (Russian) slag. 
shlakobeton: (Russian) cement made 
with slag. 
shlakoblok: (Russian) cinder block, 
breeze block. 
shlang: (Russian) hose. 
shlanga coll.: (Russian) s. shlang. 
shlem: (Russian) helmet. 
shlemofon: (Russian) helmet with 
shlifovka: (Russian) polishing, 
burnishing. ~ qil- to polish, to burnish. 
shlifovkachi: polisher. 
shlyapa: (Russian) hat. 
shlyupka: (Russian) launch, boat. 
shlyuz: (Russian) lock, sluice, 
shmutstitul: (Russian) title or chapter 
head page. 
shnitsel": (Russian) schnitzel. 
shnur: (Russian) electric cable; cord, 
string, lace.sho'lp ono.plopping 
sound.sho'lq ono. 
sho'lqilla-: v.i.  to plop, to make a 
plopping sound. 
[sho'lqillat-]sho'lti-sho'rva coll.s. 
sho'ng'i-: v.i.  to plunge, to dive, to 
sink; to disappear or slip into (e.g., 
darkness). [sho'ng'it-, sho'g'ish-]sho'p 
ono.s. ~ Etib o'rtaga tush- to interject, 
to butt in. 
sho'ppay-: v.i.  to sit by o.s., to brood, 
to grieve. [sho'ppayish-, sho'ppaytir-] 
sho'r 1: (Persian) salty; salt, saline, 
alkaline; salt content, salinity; dried 
sweat. ~ danak salted apricot pits 
covered with a kind of ash. ~ paxta 
cotton soaked in salt water used to 
reduce swelling or pain. 
sho'r 2: (Persian) unfortunate, hapless; 
misfortune, adversity. voy ~im What 
can I do?, God help us! peshanasi ~ 
hapless, unfortunate. ~i quridi to 
undergo misfortune, tohave bad luck. 
~i qursin bastard, wretch. ~ing qurg'ur 
poor thing. ~iga ~va to'kildi to have 
bad luck, to undergo a calamity. 
birovning ~ini qurit- to be the downfall 
of, to ruin. 
sho'ra 1 bot.: (Persian) orach; saltwort, 
Russian thistle. 
sho'ra 2 bot.: (Persian) grape flower 
bud.sho'rajriq bot.shoreweed. 
sho'rak 1: (Persian) salty.sho'rak 2's breath (s. qamg'oq). 
sho'rala- 1: v.i.  to scale, to flake; to 
become covered with dried salt or 
sweat; to become covered with orach. 
sho'rala- 2: v.i.  to produce buds 
sho'razor: field or patch of orach. 
sho'ri(y)da: obs. (Persian) poor, pitiful 
sho'rillat-: v.t.  to sip, to slurp. 
sho'rish: misfortune, trouble. 
sho'rishli: unlucky, disastrous. 
sho'rla-: v.i.  to sweat, to become 
covered with dried salt; to become 
salinated. [sho'rlan-] 
sho'rli 1: salty, saline. 
sho'rli 2: s. sho'rlik 2. 
sho'rlik 1: saltiness. 
sho'rlik 2: poor, pitiable, hapless. 
sho'ro: arch.    (Arabic) council; soviet. 
~lar Soviets. 
sho'roviy: Soviet. 
sho'rpeshana: (Persian) hapless, 
sho'rtak: somewhat salty.sho'rtang 
coll.s. sho'rtak. 
sho'rtob: (Persian) s. sho'rxok. 
sho'rtumshuq: shy, skittish. 
sho'rva: (Arabic) soup, broth. karam ~ 
cabbage soup. qovurma ~ soup made 
by first frying onions, etc., then 
boiling. pul bo'lsa changalda ~ Money 
can buy anything. 
sho'rva-sho'lti: general name for thin, 
meatless soups. 
sho'rxok: (Persian) salt flat. 
sho'x: (Persian) lively, playful; 
mischievous, naughty; spirited, saucy. 
~ bola wild, mischievous child. ~ qiz 
spirited, saucy girl. ~ muzika lively 
sho'x-shatir: rowdy, troublemaking. 
sho'xchan(g): s. sho'x; bright (fabric). 
sho'xlik: rambunctiousness, 
naughtiness; liveliness, spirit. ~ qil- to 
be naughty, to play tricks. 
shoals (river); (math) evolvement 
shod: (Persian) joyful, happy. 
shod-xandon: (Persian) s. 
shod-xurram: (Persian) full of joy and 
shod-xurramlik: joy and cheer. 
shoda-shoda: strings and strings; 
bunches and bunches. 
shoda: necklace, string (of s.t.); bunch 
(grapes); ?? [remiza, remizka (part of a 
loom?)]; [reyka]?? 

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shodala-: v.t.  to string. [shodalan-, 
shodi: og'zidan bodi kirib, ~ chiqadi to 
swear like a sailor, to cuss one's head 
shodiyona: (Persian) festivity, gaiety; 
jouyous, merry, gay, festive; merrily, 
shodiyonalik: cheer, gaiety. 
shodlan-: v.i.  to be filled with joy. 
shodlik: joy, happiness. 
shodmarg: (Persian) ~ bo'l- to die for 
shodmon: (Persian) joyful. 
shodmonlik: joy. 
shodon lit.: (Persian) joyful, cheerful. 
shodonlik: joy, cheer. 
shofyor: (Russian) driver; chauffeur. 
shogird: (Persian) apprentice, pupil; 
shogirdlik: abstr. of shogird
shoh: (Persian) shah, king; king (in 
chess or cards); checkmate (s. kiwt). ~ 
ber- to checkmate. ~ning xotini queen. 
~ning qizi princess. 
shohanshoq: (Persian) king of kings 
(title of shah of Iran). 
shohi: (Persian) s. shoyi. 
shohichi: s. shoyifurush. 
shohid: (Arabic) witness. 
shohidlik: giving evidence, testimony. 
shohlik: abstr. of woh; sovereignty, 
reign; kingdom. 
shohnishin: arch.    (Persian) royal 
audience chamber. 
SHohnoma: (Persian) the Book of 
Kings, a history of Persia written by 
Firdausi); great written (esp. poetic) 
shohona: (Persian) regal, kingly, 
majestic, grand; greatest, superb. 
shohroh lit.: (Persian) major roadway. 
shohsupa: s. shosupa. 
shohtut: s. shotut. 
shoir: (Arabic) poet. 
shoira: (Arabic) poetess. 
shoirlik: abstr. of shoir; eloquence. 
shoirona: (Persian) like a poet, 
shokila-shokila: in bunches and 
bunches, covered with. 
shokila: fringe; tassle. 
shokilador: s. shokilali. 
shokilali: fringed; tassled. 
shokilda coll: s. shokila. 
shokolad: (Russian) chocolate. 
shokosa: (Persian) a large bowl. ~ so'z 
great word(s). 
shol 1: (Persian) woolen material; 
woolen shawl or mantle. 
shol 2: (Arabic) paralysis, numbness; 
shol-shol: ~ bo'l- to ache. 
sholcha: woolen floor rug. 
sholg'om bot.: (Persian) turnip. 
sholi: (Persian) rice (as a crop). 
sholikor: (Persian) rice farmer. 
sholikorlik: rice growing; rice field(s). 
sholipoya: (Persian) rice field; stalk of 
a rice plant. 
sholpar: (Persian) woolen. 
shom: (Persian) evening; sundown 
prayers. ~(ni) o'qi- to perform the 
sundown prayers. oy ~ yedi said when 
the moon rises after sundown. 
shomon: (Russian) shaman. 
shomoniy: shamanistic. 
shompol: (Russian) ramrod, cleaning 
rod (for gun).shomruq zool.sheldrake. 
shomurt: long, curving moustache. 
shon 1: (Arabic) honor, glory, pride, 
dignity, nobility; importance. 
shon 2: (Persian) last used for fitting 
boot tops. 
shon-sharaf: (Arabic) honor and glory. 
shon-shavkat: (Arabic) glory and 
shon-shuhrat, shonu shuhrat (Arabic): 
fame and renown. 
shona 1: (Persian) bud of a cotton 
shona 2: arch.    (Persian) comb (s. 
shona-shona: full of buds. 
shonabarg: (Persian) stipule. 
shonala- 1: v.i.  to put forth buds. 
shonala- 2: v.t.  to comb. 
shonli: glorious, great; famous, 
shop: arch.    (Persian) scimitar, curved 
sword. ~ mo'ylov long moustache; 
having a long moustache. qo'lini ~ qil- 
to point at, to stab one's finger at. 
shop-shalop: arch.    (Persian) 
shopir coll.: (Russian) s. shofyor. 
shopir-: v.t.  to pour repeatedly with a 
ladle (to stir or make frothy); to 
winnow; to scatter. yurakni ~tir- to 
make one's heart jump. [shopiril-, 
shopirish-, shopirtir-] 
shopirin-: v.i. 
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