Accordin to –ga muvofiq
Apart from –dan tashqari
As to (as for) –ga kelsak
Because of tufayli
But for … bo’lmaganda
By means of yordamida
In accordan-ce with –ga muvofiq
In addition to –ga qo’shimcha
In case of yuz berganda
As compared with (in comparision with) bilan taqqoslaganda
In confor-mity with-ga ko’ra
In front of qarshisida
According to the infor-mation received by us, the steamer will arrive on the tenth of May.
Apqrt from the high pri-ce the terms of payment and delivery proposed by that firm don’t suit us.
As to the journey we’ll spe ak about that later.
She doesn’t go there beca- use of the rain.
But for him I should have missed the train.
In Russian ports ships are discharged by means of cranes.
He didn’t act in accordan-ce with our instructions
I’m sending you this infor-mation in addition to my telegram.
In case of fire ring up 01.
The production of machi-nery has greatly increased in Russia as compared with 1980.
You haven’t executed the order in conformity with our instruction.
The post office is just in front of our house