The Present simple tense

Complete the sentences using one of the words in the list below and a -self pronoun

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Complete the sentences using one of the words in the list below and a -self pronoun.
enjoy, built, wrap, blames, seem, upset, behave, lives by

  1. Is Bill okay? He doesn’t seem himself at the moment.

  2. Mary for the car crash.

  3. in this blanket to keep warm. Tim.”

  4. The Jones' have a swimming pool.

  5. She shouldn’t like that. He’s not worth it.

  6. children," the mother said to her naughty boys.

  7. She feels lonely. She

  8. Did you at the party?

Fill in: my, your, their or the.

1. I wish you wouldn’t keep biting your nails; you’re making me nervous.
2. I was so nervous hands were shaking.

  1. Peter was seriously injured when he was hit on……..head with a baseball bat.

  2. In many European countries people kiss each other on……..cheek when they meet.

  3. All the football supporters had red and white scarves around………….necks.

Underline the correct item.

  1. There’s someone/anyone in my room.

  2. There’s any/some chicken in the fridge.

  3. There’s anything/nothing in the freezer.

  4. Can I tell you something/nothing?

  5. I’ve got hardly any/no money left.

  6. He’s given me anything/everything I asked for.

  7. No one/Anyone came to visit Julie at the hospital.

  8. Nobody/Anyone can help me with my project.

  9. Can I visit you some/no time?

10. I walk Debbie’s dog some/every Sunday.

11. I doubt if anyone/someone knows about it.

  1. Anybody/Somebody knocked on the door.

  2. Would you mind lending me some/any money?

  3. Someone/Anyone took Bob’s wallet.

  4. Did you go anywhere/nowhere for the weekend?

  5. You can’t go on holiday without any/no money.

  6. I’ve got anywhere/nowhere to sleep tonight.

  7. He’s never got nothing/anything interesting to say.

  8. I’ve looked somewhere/everywhere for my keys.

  9. Anybody/Somebody has been playing my records!

  10. "Would you like some/any coffee?” “Yes. please."

  11. Everything/Anything is clear now.

  12. She hasn’t spoken to someone/anyone for ages.

  13. Sally has got any/по friends.

Fill in : a lot of, many, few, much and little.

Darren isn't very happy in his new job. He doesn't earn 1) much. money even though he has 2)……responsibilities. Very 3)…..companies he has worked for in the past have paid him so money for so 5)…..hard work. He has sent 6)….applications to other companies, but there are very7)…jobs and too 8) …..people looking for work these days. In the current economic climate he has 9)…..hope of finding anything better, but when things improve he’ll probably find a job which pays him 10)……. more money.
Use both, neither, none or all and write sentences as in the example:

  1. Tracy and Sarah haven’t seen the film. Neither of them have/has seen the film.

  2. Lions, tigers and elephants are mammals.

  3. Julie, Pam and Nick don't like rainy weather.

  4. Maria and Marina are good students.

  5. Jim, Peter and John can’t speak German

6.Mark, Paula and Kristi failed the exam.
7.Phil and Georgina are very friendly
8.Jean and Deborah have fair hair and blue eyes.
9.Tim, Ted and Jim went to the zoo.
Fill in: all, both, whole, none or neither.
Joe, Nick and Alan 1) all . live in Summerville. Nick has spent his 2)….life there but
of them were born there. 4) Joe and Nick work in an office, but 5)….of them enjoys it very much. 6)….three of them play in a band but 7)…..of them can…play their instruments very well! On Saturdays they spend 8)….day fixing their motorbikes. Alan and Joe 9)…….. like sailing. Sometimes they go down to the nearby river. Although 10)…..three boys love Summerville, 11)….of them want to stay there forever.

Fill in: every or each (sometimes both are possible).
The Miltons are all going on holiday this year. They have looked at 1) every brochure in the travel agent’s and they’ve decided to go to Portugal. They went to an island last year but 2)…beach they went to was filthy. Tom was sick 3)….day and Jane was bitten
by insects on 4)…leg. 5)….time the twins went swimming they nearly drowned and 6) …of the others had to take turns at swimming out to save them. Mary got an infection in ear when she wore the cheap earrings she bought in the market. 8)…time they go on holiday, they 9)…take their own first-aid kit, because a minor disaster seems to happen to one of them 10)….time.
Fill in: one or ones.
M: What colour shoes do you want, Ted?
T: Can I have the green 1) ones please?
M: The green 2)….? Why? They’re a horrible
colour. Don’t you like these brown 3)….?
T: No. The green 4)….will match my shirt.
M: Which shirt?
T: My new 5)
M: Green shoes with a red shirt? Ugh! I think the brown
6)….. are better.
T: If I get the brown 7) I’ll have to buy that jacket too.
M: Which 8)….? You’ve got jackets at home!
T: But that 9)…we saw earlier will look great with the brown shoes.
M: I don’t know which 10)….you are talking about. We'll buy the brown shoes, but you’re not having a new jacket.

Fill in : a lot (of), much, few or (a) little.
These days more people are learning how to use computers. 1) A lot of them have to because of their work, some just want to play games. 2) are actually interested in computing. These days you don’t need 3)… to buy a computer and 4)…..knowledge of computing is required to use one. There are 5)….of different uses for them, such as letter writing and keeping accounts.

  1. Fill in the gaps using some, any, no and their compounds.

The school trip is tomorrow and I want to remind everyone of a few things. I don't want 1) anyone to miss the bus. Last year 2) students were left behind because they arrived late. There are hardly3)…..seats left on the coach, so remember to put your bags and coats in the boot before you get on.4)….will be allowed to smoke on the coach. I hope you will all bring 5)…warm clothes. The castle is 6)…. to the north of the town. It’s a 15-minute walk, so wear 7)
comfortable on your feet. Once inside, I don't want to hear 8)….shouting or swearing. If there is
you want to know about the castle and its history, there will be 10)…at the castle gates to show us around and answer 11)….questions. There will be 12)…talking on the museum tour afterwards. The town is small, and so there is 13)…..large enough to accommodate us all for lunch. I suggest we stop for fish and chips on the journey home - I doubt if 14)….will object! Does 15)…..have 16)…..questions? Good. If you remember what I've said, there will be 17)…problems.

Students in teams read the text and spot the mistakes. The more mistakes they can find and correct, the more points they get.
Graham is in love with a girl called Patricia. He wants to marry he, and he has asked her few times, but she has always refused. He gave her a diamond ring which he had made herself and cost much money to make. But this wasn’t good enough for her. She said there weren't much diamonds in it. Then he offered to buy her a big house where they could live by ourselves for the rest of theirs lives. This idea didn’t have many success either. She said that she couldn’t imagine itself living with him for so lots of years. “This would be too boring,” she said. Finally, Graham told her that all he had were hers if only she would marry his. “This is not enough for me,” she said. “You haven’t really got very many".
1. her 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Ingliz tilida 4 ta so’roq gap turlari mavjud.
1.umumiy so’roq gap – General question 2. Maxsus – special
3. Tanlov – alternative 4.Tasdiq – disjunctive (tag)
1. umumiy so’roq gaplar. Umumiy so’roq gap deb qisqa javob talab qiladigan so’roq gap turiga aytiladi. Agar darak gapda will, shall bo’lsa , kesim to be, to have va modal fellar bilan ifodalansa umumiy so’roq gap yasashda o’sha fe’llar egadan oldinga chiqadi.
I am a student. Am I a student
So’roq gap nima bilan boshlansa javob ham o’sha bilan tugaydi. She is a pupil. - Is she pupil? Yes, she is
To have bilan kelgan birikmalar 2 xil bo’ladi.
1.Erkin birikma : “to have a book” to have a pen
2.qat’iy birikmalar: to have breakfast, to have dinner, to have tea
Erkin birikmalar to have ega bo’lmoq , qat’iy birikmalarda tarjima qilinmaydi
They have a big house / Usually I have breakfast at 7 o’clock
To have fe’li bilan kelgan qat’iy birikmalarda so’roq va inkor gap yasashda to do ning kerakli shaxs son zamon shakllaridan foydalanamiz.
Usually I have breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning./ usually I don’t have breakfast early in the morning.
Agar darak gap tarkibida yuqoridagi fe’llar bo’lmasa to do ishlatilmaydi.
They worked in the garden! Yes they did. No they didn’t.
O’tgan zamondagi darak gaplardan umumiy so’roq yasalganda fe’l fe’lning noaniq shakliga aylanib qoladi.
She asked.
Did she asked ? yes she did. ( no, she didn’t)

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