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1 Фараби – крупнейший мыслитель средневековья. - Ташкент, 1973. – стр.3 2. Ginzburg R.S. A course in Modern English Lexicology / R.S. Ginzburg, S.S. Khidekel. – М.: Higher School, 1979. – 298 p. – P. 197. 3. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учеб. пособие / И.В. Арнольд. – 2-е изд., перераб. – М.: ФЛИНТА: Наука, THE PECULIARITY OF PREPOSITIONS IN ENGLISH, AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS Kasimova Adiba Nosirovna, supervisor Jamolova Mahmuda Husenovna A preposition is usually a short word used to link phrases, pronouns, nouns. They are basically placed in front of noun, pronoun or gerund. There are more than 100 prepositions in the English language but common or ordinary prepositions are used newspaper and magazines. In fact, preposition divided into time, place and direction prepositions. At, on, in, after, before are basic time prepositions and they are used widely in mass media. They express when something happened, happens or will happen. At, on, in are homonym prepositions that is thy they express place of something, somebody. Preposition of direction is easy to understand and do not carry abstract meaning like preposition of time and place. A common preposition is to, but across, through, down, up are used to express moves from one place to another. I compare prepositions and their translation into Uzbek language from The Guardian, Mirror and The New York Times. Three articles were selected from each newspaper which published between 25th February and 13th March. The selected prepositions were analyzed based on their grammatical functions, lexical peculiarities, their equavalents into target language. Statement of the Problem Prepositions are hardly addressed in the current teaching methods and also teacher find prepositions hard to teach. Meaningful, ESL learners struggle with prepositions, even though they have achieved a high level of 45 proficiency in English. Thus, translators find difficulty or confuse their meaning if they do not have essential knowledge about the grammatical function of prepositions. On the other hand, there is not preposition in Uzbek language, instead of it, adverb, possessive case are used in that language. Some meaning of preposition are shown clearly in simple sentence, however, another of them are misunderstable in complex sentence or grammar. Because of globalization, reader want to get right information, thus, translators should translate foreign news accurately into target language. Translation process Translation process consist of all aspect of life such spheres as logics and literature, language and psychology, spirituality and history, faith and culture, are also characterized with their complexity. For instance, translation theoretician L.S. Barkhudarov enumerates the following analysis methods peculiar to the theory of translation: 1) Comparative method; 2) Method of dividing into constituents; 3) Transformational method; 4) Statistic method; 5) Method of opposition [Barkhudarov, 1975, 22]. Editors try to catch reader’s attention, thus they emphasise main idea or news. If the preposition do not express basic idea or translator do not find a suitable version for it this preposition may omit in target language. For example, “ Harry and Meghan show anger at palace over loss of royal branding”. “ Harri va Megan qirollik unvonini yo’qotganida g’azabini namoyish etdi”. Eye catching information is Harry and Meghan’s anger, so we have not translate “at palace” and omit it.[ The Guardian. 25th February, 3] Another example : “ The freeze in relations between the Duke and Duchess of Succex and Buckingham Palace has become apparent after the couple were forced to drop plans to use the brand “Sussex Royal”. “ Juftliklar “ Sasseks Qirollik” unvonidan voz kechishga majbur etilgandan keyin Bukingem saroyi va Sasseks graf-grafiniyasi o’rtasidagi sovuq munosabat ayon bo’ldi. In this example, of express possessive case; in, between, after come as adverb, so this example is easy to translate. Prepositions, the object of our analysis, are the units that reflect the substantial potential of the English language and express specific 46 grammatical meaning. Due to the fact that prepositions are adequate means for auxiliary words in Uzbek, and Uzbek auxilary words are equal to cases both in the meaning and function, proportionality and disproportionality between them plays an important role when translating prepositions. Generally, synonymy of cases and auxiliary words in the Uzbek language is one of the possibilities of the Uzbek language to render the meanings of prepositions.[ Sayfullayev A. 2016, 2] See the examples: “ It is about warmth, fun, and surprise - as well as the serious stuff” “Bu iliqlik, ko’ngilxushlik, hayrat shu bilan birgalikda jiddiy narsalar haqida”. The English preposition from with its meaning “originating from a certain area/ the source of provenance” does not have an equivalent auxiliary word in Uzbek. Therefore, it is always translated into Uzbek using the word forming affix – lik: From China– xitoylik from village–qishloqlik sometimes prepositions carry abstract meaning, for instance; “ Reporting on the Iran nuclear deal/Nothing happens until everything happens” “ Erondagi yadro sinovi yuzasidan reportaj/ biror narsa sodir bo’lgunicha, hech narsa sodir bo’lmaydi”. The preposition in has its usual Uzbek equivalents: the auxiliary word ichida and Locational-temporal case ending -da, but this context requires the usage of the expression –dan so’ng. We see that the preposition in has a different from the auxiliary word ichida’s potential which evidences of the asymmetry in the relations between the preposition and the auxiliary word. The important point in translation of preposition in this text is that the lexical unit upper is always considered as a preposition, and it is translated into Uzbek by means of the independent meaning of the lexeme yuqori which is mainly considered as a notional word, and sometimes as a noun- auxilary: upper –yuqoridagi.[Sayfullayev A. 2016, 2] Example: Murder rate soar in Brazil state as police strike – Braziliyada (ichida) militsiyadagi ish tashlash tufayli qotilliklar foizi oshdi. Five killed in Delhi protest before Trump visit [ The Mirror ] - Trump tashrif buyirishidan oldin Dehlidagi mojaroda besh kishi vafot etdi. - Kirk Dauglas died on the 5th of February at the age of 103 47 - Krik Duglas 5-fevral kuni 103 yoshida vafot etdi. - Since the first case of COVID-19 was identified in central China in December, the illness has spread across the world. - Birinchi COVID-19 dekabrda markaziy Xitoyda aniqlangandan beri, bu kasallik butun dunyoga tarqalib ketdi. To conclude, as the examples demonstrate that the meaning of English prepositional constructions can be rendered into Uzbek using the following means: -auxiliary word participating constructions; -omitting; -word forming affixes; -other means. These means are used in harmony with lexical and grammatical factors. In many cases, these factors determine which of the above mentioned means is to be used in translation. Download 2,8 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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