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Pharmacy Education in New EU Countries

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Pharmacy Education in New EU Countries
Peep Veski
Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu, Estonia, 1 Nooruse St., 50411 Tartu, Estonia
The main aim of pharmacy studies is to prepare competent specialists – first and foremost for our own coun-
try, but today also European dimension must be taken into consideration. Educational outcome should reflect the
needs of society. This in turn depends on the present situation in pharmacy and pharmacy policy of the country.
Training of pharmacists is also significantly influenced by traditions.
Most of the 10 new member states that joined the EU in 2004, are former socialist countries in the Eastern Europe.
At the same time, these are countries, where universities and higher education have very old traditions.
Charles University in Prague was founded in 1348, and this was the first university in the Middle Europe. In Krakow,
the university was founded 16 years later, in 1364. The University of Malta was founded in 1592. The first univer-
sity (the University of Trnava) on the territory of present-day Slovakia was founded in 1635. The University of Tartu,
which is the second oldest university in the Northern Europe, started its work in 1632 etc., etc. 
Also the new countries of the EU have old traditions of the pharmacy education. At the end of the 18
tury and at the beginning of the 19
century, in these countries pharmacy was taught in independent faculties or chairs.
Political changes in Europe after the WW II contrasted the Eastern Europe with the Western Europe, and to
a certain extent, also influenced the quality of higher education (including pharmacy studies) in the Eastern Europe
countries. The most important limiting factor was the isolation. The countries, which belonged to the Eastern Europe,
but were independent at the same time (Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia) were less influenced by the centralisa-
tion of the whole education system than the countries that belonged to the Soviet Union (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). 
At the end of the 1980’s, the rapid development started in the higher education system of the Eastern Europe
countries. In the development of the pharmacy curricula that started at the beginning of the 1990’s, most of the Eastern
Europe countries already proceeded from the EU Directives 85/432/EEC and 85/433/EEC.
The establishment of the European Space for Higher Education according to Bologna Declaration should be
designed by the year 2010. In Europe, free movement must be assured, and this also applies to the pharmacists. The
assumption of the free movement is mutual recognition of diplomas. In addition to following formal requirements,
the mutual acknowledging of the diplomas should be based also on substantive, specific standards. The opportuni-
ty to follow this condition was seen in the harmonisation of the curricula. Unfortunately the fast development both
the study of pharmacy and the curricula has increased the differences between the curricula in the last decade. Today
the curricula of the schools and faculties of pharmacy reflect the diversity of societies, traditions, development of
health care systems etc.
In the new EU countries, the development of the pharmacy curricula started approximately at the same time
– at the beginning of the 1990’s. Thus, they should be similar – their common part (so-called core curriculum) should
be easily found. 
The aims of the present study were:
To compare the pharmacy curricula of the new EU countries
To find out whether it is possible to define a core curriculum from analysed curricula that would ensure up-
to-date knowledge for successful action in the different field of pharmacy
The curricula of pharmacy of the following universities were analysed: Kaunas University of Medicine
(Lithuania), Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland), K. Marcinkowsky University of Medical Sciences in Poznan
(Poland), Charles University in Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic), Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia),
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 9-10 (2007)
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University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Latvia (Latvia), University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Malta
(Malta) and University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
The curricula were analysed on the basis of following characteristics: duration of the curriculum (one-tier
or two-tier degree structure), requirements of graduation (complex final exam, final exams, practical final exam,
research project), length and specification of the in-service training period, balance between the different sectors in
the curriculum (chemistry, physics/mathematics/statistics, biology, medicine, pharmaceutical technology, law/social
aspects of pharmacy/languages, balance between compulsory and elective subjects, balance between lectures, labo-
ratory works and seminars.
The length of the basic course is five years, in Latvia two-tier degree structure was implemented.
The total number of contact hours varies between 3200 and 4000.
The in-service training is organised in different ways, the duration of the in-service training fulfil the require-
ments of EU Directives
The research project (diploma work) is present in all curricula; the knowledge of the graduates is not checked
in the final exam or exams in all the universities, in Hungary there is a practical state exam in addition to the theo-
retical exam.
All the analysed curricula are drug-oriented – the proportion of the chemical subjects varies from 20%
(Estonia) to 38% (Ljubljana); a relatively high proportion of medical subjects was observed – 23% on average, the
proportion of medical subjects varies from 13% (Ljubljana) to 33% (Malta); the biggest difference in the proportion
was observed concerning the social aspects of pharmacy.
The proportion of compulsory subjects and elective subjects is very different.
Remarkable attention is paid to the practical studies (laboratory works) – in the curriculum of Tartu 40% of
the whole auditory work is covered by laboratory works, for example.
Regardless of that the development of the curricula took place during the same period (in 1990’s) and the
EU directives were followed, they are different in their essence. On the basis of the curricula, it is difficult to find
the common part and define the core curriculum. Also it could be claimed that all the analysed curricula are drug-
oriented, the development of which will continue towards medicine. 
Pharmacy studies in the new EU countries are traditionally in a good level.
As these countries have paid a lot of attention to the development of the curricula, then the curricula are con-
sidering the needs of the county as well as they are comparable in the European context. The EU Directives are very
general, which has enabled the development of the curricula in different directions. The harmonisation of the phar-
macy studies on the basis of the European curricula has proved impossible. 
Harmonisation should be started with specifying, supplementing and updating the list of the knowledge and
skills and also list of the activities of the pharmacists. Then the content of the subjects in the curriculum should be
defined or the theoretical and practical topics should be described, that would guarantee a compulsory common part
of the graduated pharmacists.
Analysing the pharmacy studies in the whole Europe on the basis of the curricula raises inevitably the ques-
tion: Have pharmacy studies become too much like professional training?
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 9-10 (2007)
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Teaching Pharmacy in Italy
Roberto Della Loggia
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Trieste, Italy
The Bologna Process is as project for reaching a higher consistency between the different teaching systems
at university level in Europe. One of the features of the project is the organisation of the advanced studies in a first
period of three years, that should give a basic formation resulting in the achievement of a first degree, that also per-
mits the entering in the work activity. A following period of two years should give a more specialized formation, result-
ing in a second degree. This 3 + 2 organization has been applied to most of Faculties in Italy, with controversial results.
This kind of organization was not applied to the Faculty of Pharmacy, nor to that of Medicine, that remained with a
single degree obtained after five years of study (six for medicine).
At present, the Faculties of Pharmacy of Italy are involved in a drastic evolution process, in order to adapt the
formation process to the new requirements of the society. Two distinct degrees exists. The first one is aimed at the
demands of the professional activity in the community pharmacies, with particular importance to the drug dispens-
ing, both on prescription and for self-medication. The second one is more directed to the industrial aspects of the phar-
maceutical activity.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 11 (2007)
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Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines: synthesis and immunogenic profile
Aleksandra Grozdanova
, Carmen Fernandez
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy – University Sts Cyril and Methodius ,
Vodnjanska 17, 1000 Skopje, R.Macedonia,; 
Deptment of Immunology, The Arrhenius Laboratories, Stockholm University
Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the leading causes of bacterial pneumonia, meningitis and acute otitis media
in children and adults worldwide. According to WHO estimates, at least 1 million children under 5 years of age die each
year from pneumococcal pneumonia. Pneumococci are divided into 90 serotypes based upon their chemically and sero-
logically distinct capsular polysaccharides and invasive pneumococcal infections are caused by 23 of them. Currently
used polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines provide large serotype coverage but are efficient only in adults with very
low immunogencity in infants. Several pneumococcal conjugate vaccines which are now available or are in advanced
stage of development offer a solution by generating immunological memory at early age and are immunogenic and effi-
cacious in infants. We have synthesized conjugate immunogens composed of polysaccharide (PS) serotype 1 from
Streptococcus pneumoniae and recombinant HSP70 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as protein carrier. The use
of HSP70 is based on the founding that this protein can serve as a carrier of antigens and effectively induce immuno-
logical response even without requiring an adjuvant. Previous studies of our group have shown that the C-terminal frag-
ment of HSP70 acted as a carrier when conjugated to malaria antigen. The immunogenic profile of those immunogens
was determined by immunization studies on C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. The results showed that the conjugated PS
to HSP70 or PS given as a mixture with HSP70 elicited higher immune response in comparation to single PS. Almost
the same efficiency of a PS given as a conjugate or in mixture with HSP70, confirmed the adjuvant properties of HSP70.
Immunization with PS-BSA conjugate or PS given as a mixture with BSA elicted lower antibody production, suggest-
ed that HSP70 is more efficient protein carrier than BSA.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 12-13 (2007)
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Pneumokokni konjugatni vakcini: sinteza i imunogen profil
Aleksandra Grozdanova
, Karmen Fernandez

Institut za farmacevtska hemija, Farmacevtski fakultet, 
Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje, Vodwanska 17, 1000 Skopje, Mkaedonija; 
Oddel za imunologija , Univerzitet od Stokholm, [vedska
Streptococcus pneumoniae e eden od glavnite pri~initeli na bakteriska pnevmonija, meningitis i akut-
no vospalenie na sredno uvo kaj deca i vozrasnina nivo na svetskata populacija. Spored procenkite na
Svetskata zdravstvena organizacija, najmalku 1 milion deca na vozrast pod 5 godini umiraat sekoja godina
od pnevmokokna pnevmonija. Pnevmokokite se podeleni vo 90 serotipa vrz baza na nivnite hemiski i sero-
lo{ki razliki na kapsularnite polisaharidi, a invazivnite pnevmokokni infekcii se predizvikani od
23 serotipa. Vo momentot koristenite polisaharidni pnevmokokni vakcini obezbeduvaat dobra serotipna
pokrienost, no se efikasni samo kaj vozrasni i se so mnogu slaba imunogenosta kaj novoroden~ina. Nekolku
pnevmokokni konjugirani vakcini koi se ve}e dostapni ili se vo napredna faza na nivno razvivawe obezbedu-
vaat  za{tita preku razvoj na imunolo{ka memorija vo rana vozrast i se imunogeni i efikasni kaj novoro-
den~iwa. Nie sinetiziravme konjugirani imunogeni sostaveni od polisaharidi (PS) serotip 1 od Streptococcus
pneumoniae i rekobinanten HSP70 (heat shock protein) od Mycobacterium tuberculosis kako proteinski nosa~.
Upotrebata na HSP70 e vrz baza na nao|awata deka ovoj protein mo`e da slu`i kako nosa~ na antigeni i
efikasno da inducira imunolo{ki odgovor duri i bez upotreba na adjuvant. Predhodnite ispituvawa na
na{ata grupa poka`aa deka C-terminalniot fragment na HSP70 se odnesuva{e kako nosa~ koga be{e kon-
jugiran so malarija antigenot. Imunogeniot profil na vaka sintetiziranite imunogeni be{e sleden preku
imunizacija na C57BL/6 i BALB/c mi{ki. Rezultatite poka`aa deka konjugiraniot PS za HSP70 ili 
ΠΣ daden
zaedno so HSP70 javi povisok imun odgovor vo sporedba so edine~no daden PS. Skoro istata efikasnost
koja ja javi  PS-HSP70 konjugatot i PS vo sme{a so HSP70, ja potvrdi adjuvantnite svojstva na HSP70.
Imunizacijata so konjugatot PS-BSA (BSA-bovine serum albumin) ili so PS daden vo sme{a so BSA javi mnogu
ponisko nivo na produkcija na antitela, sugeriraj}i deka HSP70 e mnogu poefikasen proteinski nosa~ vo
odnos na BSA.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 12-13 (2007)
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Proteomic analysis of colorectal cancer
by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Aleksandra Kapedanovska
Toni Josifovski
Ljubica Suturkova

Birgitta Norling
, Aleksandar J. Dimovski
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Skopje, R.Macedonia
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Clinic for Abdominal Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, R.Macedonia
To improve outcomes for CRC patients there is a pressing need to identify biomarkers for the early detection,
prognosis, tumor responses, disease recurrence, cellular responses to drugs, their mechanism of action and the basis
of resistance. For this reason, attention is now being directed towards protein chemistry or proteomics. The purpose
of this project was to gain some information at the level of the proteome which is necessary to unravel the critical
changes involved in disease pathogenesis.
Tissues from  patient with primary colorectal cancer was resected surgically and proteins extracted from
matched CRC and adjacent normal tissue samples were separated by two-dimensional acrylamide gel electrophore-
sis (2-D gel) according to two different criteria: their isoelectric point (pI) and their molecular weight(Mr). We tried
to tune the conditions which will improve the resolution of proteomes by using two different types of tissue lysates
(grinded and sonicated), different protein concentrations, alteration of buffers, chaotropes and detergents (CHAPS and
ASB-14). Gel images were analysed and compared by using PDQuest (Bio-Rad) software in order to distinguish dif-
ferentially expressed proteins in colon cancer and adjacent normal tissue. After "in gel" trypsin digestion, resolved
proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation TOF-
MS on Voyager-DE STR. The peptide mass list was used to screen protein databases. 
The results suggested that solubilisation of the 800-1500 
µg proteins was much improved when performed in
µl total volume with 1% ASB-14, using 13 cm long IPG strip pH 4-7 Linear. Search in the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database using MASCOT Peptide Mass Fingerprint program resulted with iden-
tification of 10 different proteins in colon tissue. Four of them were identified with score higher then 65.An ontology
analysis of these proteins revealed that they were involved in regulation of cell morphology and cell proliferation (ras
homolog gene family, member U), cellular reorganization and cytoskeleton (cytokeratin), cell communication and sig-
nal transduction (WDR23 protein, stanniocalcin 1), protein amino acid phosphorylation(growth-inhibiting protein 25),
cell migration (Chain A, Active Form Of Human Pai-1), induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals (death-asso-
ciated protein kinase 1), regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism (CEA Receptor)
among otherfunctions.
It is supposed that diversity in tissue organization and protein content affect protein solubility, resulting in
the need for sample-specific preparation procedures using different prefractionation methods and further optimiza-
tion of the conditions for IEF/SDS-PAGE electrophoresis aiming at a better resolution of the 2D-gels. 
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 14-15 (2007)
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Proteomska analiza na kolorektalen karcinom so upotreba 
na dvodimenzionalna gel elektroforeza 
Aleksandra Kapedanovska
Matevska Nadica
, Sterjev Zoran
, Serafimovska Zorica
Hiqadnikova Bajro Marija
, [uturkova Qubica
, Birgitta Norling
, Dimovski Aleksandar
Institut po Farmacevtska hemija, Farmacevtski fakultet, Skopje, R.Makedonija
Institut po Biohemija i Biofizika, Stoholm Univerzitet,Stoholm, [vedska
Vo obid da se podobri krajniot ishod za pacientite zaboleni od kolorektalen karcinom,  se pogole-
ma e potrebata od pronao|awe na biomarkeri koi bi ovozmo`ile rana dijagnoza, prognoza i na karcinomot
od edna strana, i od druga strana bi go predvidele kleto~niot odgovor, mehanizmot na deluvawe i mehaniz-
mot na rezistencija na citostatskata terapija. Poradi gore navedenite pri~ini, vo ponovo vreme golemo
vnimanie se obrnuva na proteinskata hemija ili proteomikata. Celta na ovoj trud e da se dobijat pove}e
informacii na nivo na proteom {to e neophodno za da se razberat kriti~nite promeni vklu~eni vo patoge-
nezata na kolorektalniot karcinom i bi pridonelo vo obidot za individualizacija na terapijata za ovaa
grupa na pacienti.
Proteinite estrahirani od tumorsko i soodvetno normalno tkivo od pacient so primaren kolorek-
talen karcinom, bea razdeleni na dvodimenzionalna akrilamid gel elektroforeza vrz osnova na dva
razli~ni kriteriumi: nivnata izoelektri~na to~ka (pI) vo prva dimenzija i nivnata moelkularna masa
(Mr) vo vtora dimenzija. Vo obidot da se optimiziraat uslovite koi bi rezultirale so pogolema rezolu-
cija koristeni se dva razli~ni tipa na tkivni lizati (edniot dobien so grindirawe, a drugiot so
sonifikacija na tkivoto), razli~ni proteinski koncentracii, razli~ni puferi, haotropi i dva tipa na
detergenti (CHAPS i ASB-14). Dvodimenzionalnite gelovi bea analizirani i sporedeni so pomo{ na
PDQuest (Bio-Rad) program so cel da se detektiraat razlikite vo proteinskata ekspresija me|u tumorskiot
i normalniot primerok. Posle "in gel" tripsinska digestija, razdelenite proteini bea identifikuvani
so metodot na peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) so upotreba na matrix-assisted laser desorption / ion-
isation TOF-masena spektroskopija (MALDI -TOF MS) na Voyager-DE STR. Rezultatite od maseniot spek-
tar, koi gi sodr`ea peptidinte masi bea iskoristeni za prebaruvawe na proteinskite data bazi. 
Ovaa pilot studija uka`a na faktot deka solubilizacijata na 800-1500 
µg proteini e poefikasna
dokolku se koristi 1% ASB-14 vo vkupen volumen od 250 
µl, 13 cm dolgi IPG traki so linearna pH 4-7.
Pretragata vo data bazata na Nacionalniot Centar za Biotehnolo{ki Informacii (NCBI) so upotreba
na MASCOT Peptide Mass Fingerprint programot rezultira{e so identifikacija na deset razli~ni proteini
od kolonskoto tkivo. ^etri od vkupno desette proteini bea identifikuvani so ocenka nad 65 {to prestavu-
va limit za signifikantna identifikacija. Ontolo{kata analiza na site identifikuvani proteini go
potvrdi nivnoto u~estvo vo niza na funkcii me|u koi regulacija na kleto~nata morfologija i kleto~nata
proliferacija (ras homolog gene family, member U), kleto~nata reorganizacija i kleto~niot skelet (cytok-
eratin), kleto~nata komunikacija i signalna transdukcija (WDR23 protein, stanniocalcin 1), proteinska amino
kiselinska fosforilacija (growth-inhibiting protein 25), kleto~na migracija (Chain A, Active Form Of Human
Pai-1), indukcija na apoptoza preku ekstracelularni signali (death-associated protein kinase 1), regulacija na
nukleobazniot, nukleozidniot, nukleotidniot  i nukleokiselinskiot metabolizam (CEA Receptor).
Verojatno e deka razlikite vo tkivnata organizacija i sodr`inata na proteini vlijae na proteinskata
rastvorlivost, uka`uvajki na potrebata za spesifi~na podgotovka na sekoj primerok odelno koja bi
opfa}ala razli~ni prefrakcioni postapki i ponatamo{na optimizacija na uslovite za IEF/SDS-PAGE
elektroforeza, so cel da se podobri rezolucijata na dvodimenzionalnite gelovi.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 14-15 (2007)
SP - 2

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