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Eslatma: await fe’li predlogsiz ishlatiladi. I’m awaiting your reply 185. Wish for a thing(ni orzu qilmoq), wish a thing emas Wrong : He doesn’t wish any reward Right : He doesn’t wish for any reward Keraksiz predloglar Pastdagi so’zlar o’zdan keyin predlog talab qilmaydi chunki predlogning ma’nosi bu so’zlaring ichida bor 186. Answer(javob bermoq) Wrong : Please, answer to my question. Right : Please, answer my question Eslatma: Agarda answer so’zi ot bo’lib kelsa, o’zdan keyin to predlogini oladi. His answer to my question was wrong. Agar answer so’zi fe’l bo’lib kelsa, tepadagi misoldagi kabi predlog olmaydi. 187. Appoach(yaqinlashmoq) Wrong : Don’t approach to that house Right : Don’t approach that house 188. Ask(so’ramoq) Wrong : I asked to the teacher about it Right : I asked the teacher about it 189. Attack(hujum qilmoq) Wrong : They attacked against the enemy Right : They attacked the enemy Eslatma: Biz to make an attack on shaklida ishlatamiz buyerda attack ot bo’lib kelmoqda. They made an attack on the enemy 190. Comprise(tashkil qilmoq yoki ichiga olmoq)
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Finish(tugatmoq) Wrong : I’ve finished from my work Right : I’ve finished my work 193. Leave( tark etmoq)
: Shohsanam left from England last week Right : Shohsanam left England last week 194. Obey(bo’ysinmoq) Wrong : We should obey to our teachers Right : We should obey our teachers 195. Reach(yetib kelmoq/erishmoq) Wrong : We reached at the school early Right : We reached the school early 196. Resemble(o’xshamoq) Wrong : Does she resemble to her father? Right : Does she resemble her father? Eslatma: resemblance(o’xshashlik) so’zi o’zidan keyin to yoki between oladi. She bears no resemblance to her father. There is no resemblance between them 197. Tell(aytmoq) Wrong : I told to him to come at once Right : I told him to come at once 198. Behind(orqasida) Wrong : Shohsanam hid behind of a large tree Right : Shohsanam hid behind a large tree 199. Inside(ichida) Wrong : The boys went inside of the room Right : The boys went inside the room 200. Outside(tashqarida) Wrong : They stood outside of the door Right : They stood outside the door 201. Round(atrofida) Wrong : The earth goes round of the sun Right : The earth goes round the sun Eslatma: Around so’zi round so’zi bilan bir xil ma’no anglatadi \ Nomozov Boysoat page38
Artikl noto’gri qo’llash 202. 3-shaxs birlikda -s va -es tushirib qoldirish Wrong : He speak English very well Right : He speaks English very well Juda ehtiyot bo’ling : Hozirgi oddiy zamonda ega he, she, it yoki birlikdagi ot bo’lsa, felga -s yoki – es qo’shishni unutmang 203. Don’t o’rniga doesn’t ishlatish Wrong : he don’t care what he says Right : he doesn’t care what he says Hozirgi oddiy zamonning inkor gaplarida agarda ega I, you, we, they yoki ko’plikdagi ot bo’lsa, don’t (=do not) ishlating. Agarda ega he, she, it yoki birlikdagi ot bo’lsa, doesn’t (= does not) ishlating 204. O’tgan zamonda –d yoki –ed tushrib qoldirish Wrong : I receive a letter yesterday Right : I received a letter yesterday Juda ehtiyot bo’ling: O’tgan zamonda to’g’ri fe’llarga –d yoki –ed qo’shishni unutmang 205. Ko’plik ma’nosini beruvchi –s, -es, -ies qo’shimchalarni tushrib qoldirish Wrong : I paid six pound for the book Right : I paid six pounds for the book Agarda ko’plikdagi son kelsa undan keying ot ham ko’plikda bo’ladi va ot oxiriga –s qo’shladi Ba’zi otlarning ko’pligi –s qo’shish orqali yasalamaydi ularning o’z ko’plik shaklari bor: child - children, ox-oxen, foot-feet, penny-pence, goose-geese, person-people, louse-lice, tooth-teeth, man- men, woman-women, mouse-mice 206. Egalikni bildiruvchi ‘s (apostrof)ni tushrib qoldirish Wrong : A hen’s egg is different from a pigeon Right : A hen’s egg is different from a pigeon’s Agarda ikkita ot qiyoslanayotgan bo’lsa, birinchi ot ‘s(apostrof) bilan ishlatilsa, ikkinchi ot ham ‘s(apostrof) bilan ishlatilishi shart. My mother’s nose is bigger than my father’s 207. Birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan ot oldidan artiklni tushib qolishi Wrong : I’ve no money to buy car Right : I’ve no money to buy a car Qoida: Birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan otlar yakka o’zi ishlatilmaydi. Ularni oldidan a/an, the artikllari yoki my, ‘s(apostrof)lardan biri ishlatiladi . I want an apple(I want apple deb bo’lmaydi) 208. To be dan keyin a yoki an artiklini tushib qolishi Wrong : I am not teacher, I’m student Right : I am not a teacher, I’m a student Nomozov Boysoat page39
209. Half so’zidan keyin a yoki an artikilini tushib qolishi Wrong : He drank half glass of milk Right : He drank half a glass of milk Eslatma: Half a glass(an hour, a day, a mile, etc) so’zi half of a glass(of an hour, of a day, of a mile, etc) so’zlarining qisqartmasidir 210. Hundred, thousand so’zlarini yolgiz ishlatish Wrong : Hundred years make a century Right : A/one hundred years make a century Hundred(yuz), thousand(ming) so’zlarni a noaniq artiklini yoki one soni bilan ishlating. O’zini hundred yoki thousand shaklida ishlatmang 211. Make a noice va boshqa birikmalarda a yoki an artikilini tushib qolishi Wrong : I told them not to make noise Right : I told them not to make a noise Eslatma: to make a mistake, to make a fortune, to make a will, to make an impression, to make an experiment, to make an attempt 212. Millat nomlarining oldidan the ni tushib qolishi Wrong : English are fond of sports Right : The English are fond of sports Oxirgi harfi sh, ch, yoki ese bilan tugagan millat nomlari the bilan ishlatiladi. The French, the British, the Dutch, the Swiss , the Chinese, the Sudanese va boshqalar 213. Musiqa asboblarining nomlarini oldidan the ni tushib qolishi Wrong : I play violin, but not piano Right : I play the violin, but not the piano Musiqa asboblarining nomlari “the” aniq artikli bilan ishlatiladi 214. Cinema, theatre, concert va shunga o’xshash so’zlarining oldidan the ni tushib qolishi Wrong : On Saturday I go to cinema Right : On Saturday I go to the cinema Biz yashaydigan yerdagi doimo muntazam boradigan yerlarimiz: masalan bank, pochta, sartaroshxona shunga o’xshash joylarga biz the artiklni ishlatamiz. Sababi tinglovchi/o’quvchi ongida biz doim boradigan joy ma’lum, shaxarda mingda sartaroshxona bo’lishi mumkin lekin biz doimo boradigan sartaroshxona aniq bitta sartaroshxona. Sizlarga bir nechta misol keltiraman bu joylar doim the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the bank, the library, the grocery store, the post office, the doctor, the dentist the(corner) store, the pharmacy, the gas station, the office, the gym, the hospital, the hairdresser, the nail salon, the barber… etc 215. Majhul nisbatda to be ni tushib qolishi Wrong : Charles Dickens born in 1892 Right : Charles Dickens was born in 1892 Nomozov Boysoat page40
Majhul nisbat shakli Subject +to be+P.P orqali yasaladi. Ya’ni ega egaga mos to be undan so’ng fe’lning 3 shakli(Past Participle) orqali yasaladi. 216. Vaqtni aytishda predloglarning tushib qolishi Wrong : I was born the third of December Right : I was born on the third of December Biz vaqtni aytishda “da” degan ma’noda on/at/in predloglaridan foydalanamiz. On Monday- dushanba
da, at midnight- yarim tunda, in 1995- 1995-yilda Last, next,every, this, one day, some day so’zlari bilan vaqtni bildirishda predlog(at,in,on) ishlatilmaydi. last night, next Friday this afternoon(on next Friday emas bu xato) 217. Infinitive dan oldin kishilik olmoshini tushib qolishi Wrong : I want to tell me the truth Right : I want you to tell me the truth Advise , allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, convince, enable, encourage, expect, force, hire instruct, invite, need, order, permit, persuade, prepare, promise, remind, require, tell, threaten, urge, want, warn, wish, would like fe’llaridan ke’yin to infinitive yoki object + to infinitive ishlatilishi mumkin.
Masalan: I want to go to the cinema- Men kinoteatrga borishni xohlayman, I want you to go to the cinema – men sizni kinoteatrga borishingizni xohlayman.
To’g’ri frazi bu had better. Had better should modal fe’li bilan sinonim bo’ladi va maslahat berishda ishlatiladi.. You had better go- Ketshingiz kerak(sizning ketishingiz siz uchun foydali bo’ladi buyerda maslahat berilyabdi) had better- nimadur qilsangiz siz uchun yaxshi bo’ladi degan ma’no beradi 220. Upstairs yoki downstairs so’zlarining o’rniga up yoki down ning ishlatilinishi Wrong : He is up,he is down Right : He is upstairs, he is downstairs He’s up – u yotoqda emas yoki u turgan degan ma’no beradi. He’s upstairs(downstairs) – U tepada(pastda) ya’ni binoning yuqori qavatida(pastki qavatida) degan ma’no beradi 221. Throw it away ning o’rniga throw it ning ishlatilinishi Wrong : It’s dirty, throw it Right : It’s dirty, throw it away Nomozov Boysoat page41
Throw it away – ortiq kerak bo’lmagan narsadan tashlab yuborish orqali qutilish. masalan axlat qutisini tashlab yuborish 222. Kechadan oldin kun, ertadan keyin shunga o’xshash vaqtni bildiruchi so’zlarning xato qo’llanishi Wrong : Shohsanam arrived before yesterday Right : Shohsanam arrived the day before yesterday Before yesterday, after tomorrow, after next week jumlalari xato. Siz bu shaklida ishlating: the day before yesterday(avvalgi kun), the day after tomorrow(ertadan keyin) the week after next(ikki hafta keyin)
223. No, thank you iborasni o’rniga Thank you iborasini ishlatilinishi Wrong : Thank you(Agarda taklifni rad etmoqchi bo’lsangiz Thank you ishlatishingiz xato) Right : No. thank you(Bu sizga bildirilgan biror taklifni rad etishni bildiradi) Thank you ni sizga qilingan biror taklifni qabul qilishda ishlating ya’ni Yes,please degandek. No.thank you buning teskarisi taklifni rad etishda ishlating. 224. Atoqli otlar bilan the artiklini ishlatilinishi Wrong : The Sarah will go to the England Right : Sarah will go to England Atoqli otlar artiklsiz ishlatiladi: Toshkent, Abror, Asia va boshqalar… Eslatma: Okean(the Atlantic), daryo(the Nile) ,dengiz(the Caspian Sea) , kanal(the British Channel), bo’goz(The Magellan Strait) sahro,(the Sahara Desert) sharshara(The Niagara Falls), dovon(The Saint Gotthard Pass) ko’l (the Baikal, lekin ko’l nomi oldida lake so‘zi kelsa artikl ishlatilamaydi Lake Ohio) tog’ tizmalari(The Alps, lekin alohida tog‘ cho‘qqilari artiklsiz ishlatiladi Elbrus) orol guruhlari(The British Isles, yakka orol nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi Madagascar) yarim orolar Peninsula so’zi bilan(The Balkan Peninsula, lekin peninsula so’zisiz orol nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi Scandinavia ) ko’rfaz(the Persian Gulf ) the artikli bilan ishlatiladi. Kino nomlari(the Rex) mehmonxona nomlari(The Ritz Hotel) teatrlar nomlar( the Palace Theatre), muzey nomlar(The British Museum), gazeta va jurnal nomlari(the Times), kema nomlari(the Mary Rose) tashkilot nomlari(The European Union) gallelerya nomlari( the Tate Gallery) mashxur binolar(the Taj Mahal) san’at asarlari nomlari(the Mona Liza) oldidan the ishlatamiz. Nomlar of bilan kelsa ko’pincha the ishlatamiz(the University of Chicago) Biz davlatlar nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatmaymiz. Ammo davlat nomlarida Republic, Democratic, State(s), Union, Confederation, United, Kingdom, Commonwealth, Principality so’zlar bo’lsa the ishlatiladi.: the United Arab Emirates 225. Download 1,97 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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