{Yoghurt is sold in 0.5 litre bottles; milk and sour cream are filled in cans or jars
brought by shoppers from home; butter, cheese, cottage cheese are put on a sheet of
paper while being weighed, then wrapped in the same paper.}
If you prefer sliced cheese, you can ask the salesperson: -
Порежьте сыр,
пожалуйста [Pa-'ryesh-tye s.yr, pa-'zha-lu-sta] "slice cheese, please."
{This modest request is normally satisfied without any objections. Quite often
the salesperson even forestalls your request: -
Сыр Вам порезать? "Should I slice
cheese for you?"}
(c) Let's now imagine that you want to buy
брюки [ 'bryu-ki] "trousers".
- У вас есть шерстяные брюки? Do you have woollen trousers?"
Да, конечно. Какой размер Вам нужен?
"Yes, of course. What size do you need?"
Я не уверен. Может, Вы мне подскажете?
"I am not sure. Maybe you can tell me."
- Какой у Вас рост и вес? "What is your height and weight?"
- Рост - 175 (сто семьдесят пять), вес, примерно, 72 килограмма
"The height is 175 cm, the weight is approximately 72 kg."
- Попробуйте померить эти брюки: размер - 48 (сорок восемь), рост
третий. Я думаю, что они Вам будут в самый раз
"Try on these trousers: size 48, height 3. I think that it is just for you."