The – aniq artiklining turdosh otlar bilan ishlatilishi
1. Boshqalaridan ajratib ko’rsatilgan turdosh otlar the bilan ish-di: Aziz, give me the book
that I gave you yesterday. Aziz kecha bergan kitobimni bergin. The apples on this tree are very red
and big. Bu daraxtdagi olmalar juda qip-qizil va katta-katta ekan.
2. Ertak va hikoyalarda birinchi marta gap ketayotgan narsa, predmet va odamlarga ham the
artikli ishlatiladi: The woman opened the gate and looked thoughtfully at the house. Ayol darvozani
ochib uyga o’ychan nazar soldi. The girl from the farm came to the house once a week and helped
the woman. Qiz fermadan haftada bir marta kelar va ayolga yordam berib ketardi.
3. Vaziyatdan bizga ma’lum va xona ichidagi narsalarga the artikli ish-di. Agarda qaysi narsa
haqida gapirayotganimiz aniq bo’lsa: Open the door. Turn off the light. Turn on the light. Give me
the salt, please.
Lekin: Xonada birdan ortiq eshik yoki deraza bo’lsa ularga a/an artikllarini ishlatish holati ham
mavjud: Ikrom, open a window please. Ikrom derazalardan birini ochib yuboring, iltimos.
4. “of” predlogi bilan kelgan turdosh otlar the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the Leaning Tower of
Pisa. The music of this film is very pleasant. Bu filmning musiqasi juda yoqimli ekan. Lekin: I like
5. the police, the fire-brigade, the army, the bank, the post office, the doctor, the dentist
so’zlari vaziyatga ko’ra asosan the bilan ish-di: I must go to the bank to change some money.
Lekin, alohida bino yoki shaxs nazarda tutilganda a/an ishlatiladi: There was a bank next to
our house. I saw a doctor in the yard.
6. Oldin gapirilgan ot qayta takrorlanganda the bilan ish-di: For lunch I had a sandwich and
an apple. The sandwich wasn’t very nice, but the apple was very nice.
7. Dunyoda yagona narsalar oldidan the ish-di: the moon, the world, the sun, the universe-
koinot, the Eiffel Tower,
8. Sifatning orttirma darajalari oldida boshqa ko’rsatgichlar bo’lmasa deyarli hamisha the
ish-di: The longest river in the world is the Nile. Dunyoda eng uzun daryo Nil daryosidir.
Lekin: Boshqa ko’rsatgichlar (my, his, their, some, any, much) bo’lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi. My
best friend. Her eldest son. Their best shoes. Our worst mistakes.
9. the sea, the seaside, the sky, the ground, the countryside, the country, the equator, the
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