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17. Din nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi: Islam – islom dini, Christanity – Xristianlik dini, (religion-
din) 18. Maqollarda artikl har xil holatda ishlatiladi: to call a spade a spade – har narsani o’z nomi bilan atamoq, where there is a will there is a way – istak bor joyda yo’l topiladi, intilganga tole yor, Quyidagi so’z birikmalari va iboralar a/an artikllari bilan ishlatiladi: A lot of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a good many, a great many – ko’p, a number of – bir nechta, a few – bir oz, a little – bir oz, a piece of – bir bo’lak, to go for a walk – sayrga bormoq, to have a good time – vaqtni yaxshi o’tkazmoq, to have a cold – shamollab qolmoq, to have a headache – bosh og’rimoq, to have a look – qarab qo’ymoq, to be in a hurry – shoshilmoq, it is a pity – attang, afsus, to be at a loss – qiynalmoq, at a speed of – tezlikda, as a result of – natijada, at a time when – vaqtida, mahalida, on a large (small) scale – katta (kichik) hajmda, all of a sudden – to’satdan, as a matter of fact – haqiqatda, for a short (long) time – qisqa (uzoq) vaqt davomida, to have a mind – moqchi bo’lmoq, in a loud (low) voice – baland (past) ovozda, to be in a position – holatda bo’lmoq, to take a seat – joyini egallamoq, an area of – lik maydon, a territory of – lik hudud, a European country – Evropa davlati, to put an end to sth. – biror narsani tugatmoq, nuqta qo’ymoq, to make an attempt – harakat qilomoq, with an entqusiasm – ko’tarinkilik bilan, to make a bet – garov o’ynamoq, to score a goal – go’l urmoq, in a draw – durang, a couple of = a pair of – bir juft, with a smile – tabssum bilan, to have a good command of the language – tilni yaxshi o’zlashtirgan bo’lmoq, to give a good recommendation – yaxshi tavsiya bermoq, to ask for a date – uchrashuvga taklif qilmoq, to have an eye on somebody – birovdan ko’z-quloq bo’lib turmoq, to be in a mess – tartibsiz bo’lmoq, 79 Quyidagi so’z birikmalari va iboralar the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: in the morning – ertalab, in the afternoon – tushdan keyin, in the evening – kechqurun, in the night – tunda, What is the time? – Soat necha? The day after tomorrow – ertadan keyin, the day before yesterday – o’tgan kun, on the one (other) hand – bir (boshqa) tomondan, the other day = a few days ago – bir necha kun oldin, to play the piano – pianino chalmoq, to play the violin – skripka chalmoq, to pass the time – vaqtni o’tkazmoq, on the right (left) – o’ngda (chapda), in the country – qishloqda, on the whole – umuman, to tell the truth – haqiqatni aytmoq, to run the risk – tavakkal qilmoq, to run the business – ishni yuritmoq, at the age of – yoshida, What is the matter? Nima bo’ldi?, in the draught – yelvizakda, in the city center – shahar markazida, in the first person singular – birinchi shaxs birlida, in the second person plural – ikkinchi shaxs ko’plikda, all through the night – tuni bo’yi. Quyidagi so’z birikmalari va iboralar artiklsiz ishlatiladi: At first–dastlab, avvalo, at night–tunda, at home–uyda, at sunset–kun botarmahalda, at sunrise–kun chiqarmahalda, at peace–tinchlikda, in peace-tinchlikda, at war–urushda, by air–havo orqali, at table–dasturxon atrofida, to be in town–shaharchada bo’lmoq, by land–quruqlik orqali, by sea–dengiz orqali, by mistake–xato qilib, by order of-ning buyrug’i bilan, at dinner-tushlikda, at breakfast-nonushtada, on demand-talabi bilan, in fact-haqiqatda, in debt-qarzda, on deck- palubada (kema hovlisida), day and night-kecha-kunduz, from morning to (till) night-ertalabdan kechgacha, from day to day-kundan-kunga, by day-kunduzgi, at work-ishda, at first sight-bir qarashda, by heart-yoddan, by chance-tasodifan, by name-nomi bilan, by means of-ning vositasida, to be under discussion-muhokama qilinayotgan bo’lmoq, in time-vaqtida, in demand-talab katta, in sight-ko’rinishda, in conclusion-xulosada, on boards ship-kema bortida, on sale-sotuvda, day after day-kundan-kunga, from head to foot-boshdan oyoq, from time to time-vaqti-vaqti bilan, from shop to shop-do’kondan do’konga, under control- boshqaruv ostida, at dawn – tongda. At risk – xavf ostida. 80 THE SENTENCE 1. Parts of a sentence (gap bo’laklari): a) the subject (ega); b) the predicate (kesim); c) the object (to’ldiruvchi); d) the attribute (aniqlovchi); e) the adverbial modifiers (hol); 2. Gaplar tuzilishiga ko’ra 2 ga bo’linadi: 1) the Simple sentence (soda gap); 2) the Clauses (qo’shma gaplar); 3. Qo’shma gaplar ham ikkiga bo’linadi: 1) The Compound sentence (bog’langan qo’shma gap); 2) The Complex sentence (Ergashgan qo’shma gap); 4. Ergashgan qo’shma gaplarda Bosh gap (the Principle Clause) va Ergash gap (the Subordinate Clause) lar bo’ladi. 5. Maqsadiga ko’ra gaplar 4 ga bo’linadi: a) the declarative sentence (darak gap) b) the interrogative sentence (so’roq gap) c) the imperative sentence (buyruq gap) d) the exclamatory sentence (his-hayajon gap) INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES (so’roq gaplar) 1. So’roq gaplar 4 turga bo’linadi: a) General question sentences (umumiy so’roq gaplar) b) Special question sentences (maxsus so’roq gaplar) c) Alternative question sentences (tanlov so’roq gaplar) d) Disjunctive question sentences (tasdiq so’roq gaplar) 2. General questions (umumiy so’roq gaplar): yordamchi fe’lni egadan oldinga chiqarish bilan hosil qilinadi: Do you speak English? Inglizcha gapirasizmi? Have you seen her? Uni ko’rdingmi? a) Inkor umumiy so’roq gaplar asosan ajablanishni ifodalaydi va “nahotki” so’zi qo’shib tarjima qilinadi: Do you not know her. = Don’t you know her? Nahotki uni tanimasangiz? Haven’t you written it yet? Nahotki uni hali yozib bo’lmadingiz? b) Inkor umumiy so’roq gaplarning javobi quyidagicha bo’ladi: Didn’t you speak to her yesterday? Nnahotki kecha u bilan gaplashmagan bo’lsangiz? – No, I didn’t (Yo’q, gaplashmadim), - Yes, I did. (Ha, gaplashdim). Won’t she come here toninght? – No, she won’t. – Yes, she will. (Bu oqshom u bu yerga kelmaydimi? – Yo’q kalmaydi. – Ha, keladi). 3. Special questions (maxsus so’roq gaplar): Maxsus so’zlar bilan yasaladi. Maxsus so’zlar esa quyidagilardir: who (kim), what (nima, qanday), where (qaerda), which (qaysi), how much (qancha), how many (nechta), whose (kimning), whom (kimni, kimga). When did you come? (qachon keldingiz). Who are you? (kimsiz?) How are you going? (qanday bormoqchisan?) 4. Alternative questions (Tanlov so’roq gaplar): da “or” (yoki) bog’lovchisi qatnashadi: Is she American or Mexican? U Amerikalikmi yoki Meksikalik? Are you reading or sleeping? Sen o’qiyapsanmi yoki uxlayapsanmi? 5. DISJUNCTIVE QUESTIONS (Tasdiq so’roq gaplar): Bu turdagi so’roq gaplar biror gapdan keyin vergul qo’yib qisqagina umumiy so’roq gapni keltirish bilan hosil qilinadi. a) Agar birinchi gap bo’lishli bo’lsa, verguldan keyingi tasdiq so’roq gap bo’lishsiz bo’ladi: I must read now, mustn’t I? Men hozir o’qishim kerak, shunday emasmi? You are English, aren’t you? Siz inglizsiz, shunday emasmi? He can play chess, can’t he? U shaxmat o’ynayoladi, shunday emasmi? He speaks English, doesn’t he? U inglizcha gapiradi, shunday emasmi? He came yesterday, didn’t he? U kecha keldi, shunday emasmi? You have come, haven’t you? Sen kelgansan, shunday emasmi? He has come, hasn’t he? b) Agar birinchi gap bo’lishsiz (inkor) bo’lsa verguldan keyingi tasdiq so’roq gap bo’lishli shaklda bo’ladi: I mustn’t play on computer, must I? Men kompyuterda o’ynamasligim kerak, shundaymi? She is not working, is she? U ishlamayapti, shundaymi? |
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