Unit 1 the simple present s + V(e)s + O
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S + hope + S + V + O
I hope you get this letter before you go away.Comepare: I wish you a pleasant stay here . I hope you have a pleasant stay here. UNIT 17. PASSIVE VOICE Ingliz tilida asosan ikkita nisbat mavjud: Active Voice Passive Voice Aniq nisbatda ish-harakatni gapdagi ega bajaradi: My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935. Ingliz tilida Passive Voice o’zbek tilidagi majhul nisbatdan farq qiladi.Gapda ega ishterok etadi,lekin ish-harakatni ega bajarmaydi,balki ish-harakat uning ustida bajariladi. Ega o’zbek tiliga tushum yoki jo’nalish kelishidagi to’diruvchi sifatida tarjima qilinadi: This house is quite old. It was built in 1995. Two hundred people are employed by the company. Majhul nisbatda ko’pincha ish-harakat bajaruvchi ko’rsatilmaydi yoki ko’rsatish mumkin bo’lmasligi mumkin. A lot of money was stolen in the robbery. Is this room cleaned every day? NOTE: Ish-harakatning bajaruvchisini ko’rsatish uchun <<BY>>predlogi ishlatiladi va o’zbek tiliga ko’pincha “tomonidan”(ba’zan –ning, -dan, tufayli”) deya tarjima qilinishi mumkin. This house was built by my grandfather. Two hundred people are employed by the company. Many accidents are caused by careless driving(Ko’p yo’l hodisalari ehtiyotsizlikdan kelib chiqadi) I’m not often invited to parties. How is this word pronounced? Tenses of Passive Voice. Aniq nisbatdagi ba’zi fe’llarga ikkita to’ldiruvchi bo’g’lanishi mumkin. Somebody gave the police the information =Somebody gave the information the police. NOTE: Demak , bunday holatda majhul nisbat yasash uchun ikkala to’ldiruvchidan bittasini ega qilib tanlab olamiz: The police were given the information. The information was given to the police. Ikkita to’ldiruvchiga bog’lana oladigan fe’llar: ask / offer / pay / show / teach / tell / NOTE: Ushbu fe’llar ishterok etgan majhul nisbatdagi gaplar shaxsni ko’rsatuvchi so’zlar bilan boshlanadi: I was offered the job, but I refused it. You will be given plenty of time to decide. Have you been shown the new machine? I don’t like being….(-ing—shakli –gerundiyaning majhul nisbatdagi oddiy shaklidir: Active: I don’t like people telling me what to do. Passive: I don’t like being told what to do I remember being taken to the zoo when I was a child. Sardor hates being kept waiting We managed to climb over the wall without being seen. < Majhul nisbatda < There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt.(=nobody was hurt) I don’t often get invited to parties(=I’m not often invited) NOTE:Ammo < Jalil is liked by everybody. (not: He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him.(not: NOTE: “Get” fe’li asosan og’zaki nutqda ishlatiladi.”Be” yordamchi fe’li esa har qanday holatda ishlatilishi mumkin. “Get” quyidagi birikmalar bilan ham ishlatilishi mumkin: Download 147,73 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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