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- Sh.L Botirova
o f the Doctoral degree Scicntific Council, o f pedagogical sciences F.T. Radjabov secretary o f the Doctoral ciegree aw arding Scientific Council D o cto r o f Philosophy in G eography (PhD ), A ssociate p rofessor Sh.L Botirova C hairm an ofSile Scientific Sem inar at the Doctoral degree aw arding Scientific C ouncil doctor o f pedagogical sciences (D Sc) INTRODUCTION (PhD dissertation abstract) The purpose of the research is to develop proposals and recommendations for improving the methodology of independent education in teaching foreign languages to students. The tasks of the research are as follows: to determine the content, structure, characteristics and pedagogical conditions of independent education in foreign language teaching to students; analysis of the current state of independent education in foreign language teaching to students, identification of existing problems and modern trends, methodical innovations, forms and tools and implementation; to determine the factors based on ensuring the identity (equalization) of feedback of the model of improving the methodology of independent education in foreign language teaching with the practical component (comprehensive approach to educational materials and methodological methods), improving the methodology of their diagnosis; improvement of criteria and indicators for determining the quality and efficiency of independent education in foreign language teaching to students, evaluation of its effectiveness. As the object of the research, the process of improving the methodology of independent education in teaching foreign languages to students was determined, and 522 students of Urganch State University, Andijan State University, and Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies were involved in the experimental work. The subject of the research is the content, innovative method, form and means of improving the methodology of independent education in foreign language teaching to students. Methods of research: a set of methods aimed at ensuring adequate learning was used in the research: theoretical (analytical synthesis, comparative- comparison, analogy), diagnostic (surveys, testing, observation, designed methods), prognostic (expert assessment, summarization of independent assessments), pedagogical experiment and mathematical methods (statistical data processing, graphic representation of results, etc.). The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: the organizational structure of the technology of organizing independent education in foreign language teaching to students, approaches aimed at effective organization of independent education (systematic, person-oriented and activity- competent) as well as linguo-didactic competencies formed as a result of independent education have been clarified; In the process of teaching a foreign language, the information-technical, educational-methodical support for the educational process was created based on ensuring the identity (equalization) of feedback from the practical component of the complex-technological model of improving the methodology of independent 51 education (comprehensive approach to educational materials and methodological methods); Methodology and didactic support for independent education in teaching foreign languages to students based on project education technology (distance learning content, cognitive assignments, SMART, STEAM technologies, interactive methods, "online" master class, invariant tests, based on creative and imitative (contextual-game situations) ) improved based on; The criteria and indicators for evaluating the results of independent education in the process of teaching foreign languages to students of non- philological education have been improved. The practical results of the research are as follows: Methodical guide "Methodology of organizing and conducting independent education" has been put into practice; In the process of teaching a foreign language, an electronic educational resource designed to improve the method of organizing independent education was created, and a set of motivational tasks for students was developed. Reliability of research results. The reliability of the results of this research is the fact that the theoretical views and practical proposals put forward in it are reflected in the materials of international and republican scientific-practical conferences, articles published in republican and foreign journals recognized by Higher Attestation Commission, published educational and scientific-methodical manuals, conclusion, proposal and it is explained by the fact that the recommendations have been put into practice, the efficiency of the conducted experimental work has been proven on the basis of mathematical and statistical methods, and the obtained results have been confirmed by authorized organizations. Scientific and practical significance of research results. The scientific significance of the results of the research is the content and essence of the methodology of organizing independent education, the clarification of didactic conditions aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of independent activity of students in a foreign language, and the improvement of evaluation criteria and indicators, improvement of independent work of students based on innovative pedagogical technologies and methods, and based on this, independent activity in them is explained by the development of management skills. The practical significance of the results of the research is determined by the fact that the development of independent educational activities, the improvement of the independent work of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions in the conditions of informatization of education, non-philological directions can be widely used in the creation of state educational standards, qualification requirements, new generation textbooks, educational and methodological manuals. Implementation of research results. A1-XT-0-92997 A1-XT-0-92997 from the research on the organizational structure of the methodology and technology of organizing independent education in foreign language learning and the development of independent educational activities of students in learning a foreign language, as well as the methodological foundations of independent 52 education, practical proposals and methodological recommendations in the application of technologies for the implementation of educational activities A1- XT-0-92997 was used to fulfill the tasks set out in the practical project on the topic "Problems of spiritual and moral education of young people based on the harmony of universal, national and historical values" (reference No. 297 of October 28, 2022 of the Karakalpok branch of the Pedagogical Research Institute of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan). As a result, the effectiveness of education has increased by organizing independent education in teaching foreign languages to students. Through the organization of independent education in teaching foreign languages to students, the development of oral speech has been achieved based on the identification of difficulties such as the development of speech competence, communication, acquisition of dialogic and monologic speech. The organizational structure of the methodology and technology of independent education in teaching a foreign language to students and the methodological foundations of independent education (a combination of systematic, person-oriented and activity-competency approaches) and didactic skills that help to implement educational activities are clarified from the results of the dissertation of Andijan State University in non-philological direction. Conclusions on the organization and effective application of independent education for students were used to fulfill the tasks defined in the fundamental project "Methodology for the development of the mother tongue and literature in accordance with the new alphabet and spelling rules of the Karakalpak language" numbered F3-2016-09081165532 (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Act No. 297 of the Karakalpak branch of the Pedagogical Research Institute of Uzbekistan dated October 28, 2022). As a result, models of independent work development, tasks and its improvement and management, the practical component of the complex-technological model of independent education, i.e. educational materials, information-technical and educational-methodical materials providing the educational process were used in language teaching. Also, the criteria and indicators for determining the quality of education developed by the dissertation student in learning foreign languages were applied to the educational process. Educational effectiveness increased by organizing independent education in foreign language teaching to students. Students of non-philological education made it possible to improve the teaching of foreign languages in accordance with the specialty. The results of the dissertation work were used to organize independent education for students studying non-philology at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. In this case, distance learning content, cognitive tasks, SMART, STEAM technologies, online master classes, invariant tests, based creative and imitative (contextual-game situations) were used to create the "English for orientalists" textbook for lessons and independent education (Republic of Uzbekistan) Order No. 166 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated May 13, 2022 (list number 166-155). As a result, the Textbook has mainly developed topics that are given to students in the process of 53 independent education. Currently, this textbook is included as the main literature in the science program of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and is current As a result, the effectiveness of education has increased by organizing independent education in foreign language teaching. Students of non-philological education have made it possible to improve the teaching of foreign languages in accordance with their specialty. A pproval of research results. The results of the dissertation research were discussed at 3 international and 4 national conferences. Publication of research results. A total of 17 scientific works on the topic of the dissertation, including 6 articles in scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for publishing the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations, including 3 in the republic, 3 in foreign journals. The structure and scope of the dissertation. The composition of the dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of used literature. The volume of the dissertation is 135 pages. 54 E ’LON QILINGAN ISH LAR RO„YXATI СПИСОК ОПУБЛИКОВАННЫ Х РАБОТ LIST OF PUBLISHED W ORKS I bo„lim (I часть: P a rt I) 1. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Ingliz tili mashg‘ulotlarida talabalarning og‘zaki nutqlarini samarali rivojlantirish masalalari // “Ilm ham jamiyet” ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali. - Nukus. - 2019. № 4. - B 71-77. (13.00.00; №3). 2. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. The effectiveness of tourism in learning foreign language. // Namangan davlat universiteti ilmiy axborotnomasi. - Namangan, № 3. 2019. - B 180-184. (13.00.00; №30). 3. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Pedagogical conditions of using project methods in teaching a foreign language // European journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. Volume-7, № 12, 2019. - R 136. (13.00.00; №3). 4. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. From the experience of application of innovative techologies in the process of teaching the English language in a language universiy // “Ilm ham jamiyet” ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali. - Nukus. - 2021. № 2. - B 162-168. (13.00.00; №3). 5. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. New pedagogical technologies and methods in the teaching process // International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research. Volume-5, Issue-6, 2021. - P 4-6. (№40 ResearchGate). 6. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Students in English classes issues of effective speech development. // Web of scientist: International scientific research journal. Volume-2, Issue-5, 2021. - P 515. (№23, SJIF: 5,949). 7. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Условия совершенствования подготовки будущих учителей / Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире». - Украина, 2019. - C 300. 8. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Pedagogical conditions of using project methods in teaching a foreign language / “Adabiy aloqalar va madaniyatlarning o‘zaro ta'siri” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi. - Termiz: TerDU, 2019. - B 233. 9. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Different approaches to foreign language teaching: problems and solutions / Jizzakh state pedagogical institute. International scientific conference. June 1. - Jizzax: JDPI, 2021. - P 188. 10. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Loyihalar usuli va chet tilini o‘qitishning shaxsga yo‘naltirilishini amalga oshirish / “Zamonaviy tilshunoslik va tarjimashunoslikning dolzarb muammolari” respublika miqyosidagi ilmiy amaliy konferentsiya. - Toshkent: O‘zMU, 2017. - 252. II bo„lim (II часть; P a rt II) 11. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Mustaqil ish jarayonida talabalarning didaktik kompetentsiyasini takomillashtirishning pedagogik imkoniyatlari / “Ta’lim fidoyilari” ilmiy-amaliy jurnali, Mart 2022. - B 175. 55 12. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Talabalarga chet tili o‘qitishda mustaqil ta’lim tehnologiyasi tahlillari / Scientific progress.uz Volume-3, 2022. - B 194-197. 13. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Analysis of independent learning technology in foreign language teaching to students / Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences. March 2022. - P 35. 14. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Formation of independent education in students. Journal of Advanced Research and Stability. 2022. - P 328. 15. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Chet tilini o‘qitishda loyihalar usulini qo‘llashning pedogogik shart-sharoitlari / Конференция по теме “Современные средства коммуникаций и психологические проблемы преподавания научно технической и астроавиакосмической терминологии в вузах Узбекистана”. - Тошкент: УзМУ, 2013. - Б 390. 16. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Xorijiy tilni o‘qitishda pedagogik mahorat / Sharqshunoslikning dolzarb masalalari. - Toshkent: ToshDShI, 2016. - B 120. 17. Raxmonberdiyeva K.S. Loyihalar usuli mustaqillikni rivojlantirishning didaktik vositasi sifatida / “Filologiya masalalari yoshlar talqinida” mavzusidagi konferentsiya. - Toshkent: O‘zMU, 2017. - B 326. 56 Avtoreferat “O ‘zMU Xabarlari” jurnalida tahrirdan o‘tkazildi. Bosishga ruxsat etildi: 23.03.2023. Bichimi: 60x84 1/8 «Times New Roman» garniturada raqamli bosma usulda bosildi. Shartli bosma tabog‘i 3,5. Adadi: 100. Buyurtma: № 32. «DAVR MATBUOT SAVDO» MChJ bosmaxonasida chop etildi. 100198, Toshkent, Qo‘yliq, 4-mavze, 46. Download 1.05 Mb. 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