Overweight and Obesity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
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- Abstract OBJECTIVE
- Juvenile Hypertension in Kuwait: Prevalence and Influence of Obesity
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of overweight and obesity is quite alarming. The fact that obesity is a mass phenomenon is highlighted by the lack of association of an increased BMI with most demographic and socioeconomic variables. An urgent action must be taken in order to control the increased obesity epidemic.
Ann Nutr Metab. 2004;48(1):1-7. Epub 2003 Nov 20. Obesity Indices And Major Components Of Metabolic Syndrome In Young Adult Arab Subjects. Al-Shayji IA, Akanji AO. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait.
Abstract BACKGROUND: The major components of metabolic syndrome are atherogenic dyslipidaemia (AD) and insulin resistance (IR), and both predict risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease even in healthy individuals.
AIMS: To assess if, in a group of healthy young adult Arab subjects, a simple classification in high and normal scores on waist-hip ratio (WHR), body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) scales could predict atherogenic parameters for metabolic syndrome (AD, IR). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects [n = 177 (72 M, 105 F), aged 29.7 +/- 8.4 (SD) years], underwent physical evalua on, BP measurement and anthropometry [height (m), weight (kg), waist (WC) and hip circumference (HC, cm)]. The cut-off points for normal/high scores on the indices were: (1) BMI: 30 kg/m(2) (M and F); (2) WHR: 0.80 F, 0.95 M, and (3) WC: 90 cm F, 100 cm M). The biochemical indices measured on fas ng serum were: (1) AD: total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL, LDL, apo B, HDL/TC ratio, and (2) IR: insulin, urate, insulin/glucose ra o (IGR). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In the whole group of subjects, and in women separately considered, those with high indices (BMI, WHR, WC) had significantly increased levels of glucose, LDL, apo B, urate, mean BP, TG, insulin and IGR and lower values for HDL/TC ra o (all p < 0.05). In men, only urate, insulin and IGR levels were increased (p < 0.01) in the high-score groups. None of the indices showed any special superiority in describing the risk of AD or IR.
identifying individuals at high risk of AD and IR while in men, these indices satisfactorily described the risk of IR but not of AD. It is important to re- emphasise the need to indicate gender distinctions in using anthropometry for CHD risk assessment.
Nutr Health. 2004;18(1):67-71. Factors Associated With Overweight And Obesity Among Kuwaiti Kindergarten Female Teachers. Al-Isa AN. Department of Community Medicine & Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Safat. alisa@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw Abstract Levels of overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti women are high, and the objective of this study was to explore factors that may be responsible. A sample of 461 Kuwai kindergarten female teachers was studied; weight and height were measured, and the classification of overweight or obese taken as having a Body Mass Index of 25-30 or >30, respec vely. This 335
revealed that 41.2 and 19.7% of the teachers were overweight or obese, respectively. Factors found to be significantly associated with overweight and obesity among the teachers included age, marital status, parents living at home, subjects' parental obesity, number of obese relatives, exercise, last dental check-up and dental status.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2004) 58, 1273–1277. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601961 Body Mass Index, Overweight and Obesity among Kuwaiti Intermediate School Adolescents Aged 10–14 Years AN Al-Isa 1
Department of Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Kuwait Abstract OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess the levels of overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti intermediate school adolescents aged 10–14 y. The study comprised a multistage stratified random sample of 14659 adolescents (7205 males and 7454 females), which constitutes approximately 17% of the target popula on of this school level.
METHODS: Weights and heights of the adolescents were measured, from which the body mass index (BMI), which is the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared (kg/m 2 ), was calculated. Overweight and obesity were defined as BMI >85th and >95th cen les, respec vely, of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference data. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among males were 30.0 and 14.7%, respectively (P<0.001). The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among females were 31.8 and 13.1%, respec vely (P<0.001 and P<0.01). There was no consistent rise or decline in overweight and obesity in both genders with respect to age. However, the overall prevalence of overweight was lower in males than in females but obesity was higher in males than in females.
of Kuwaiti adolescents exceeded that of the Americans in each centile category 50th cen le. Health educa on programmes should be ins tuted to control this syndrome in order to prevent future risk of obesity-related diseases.
Acta Diabetol. 2004 Sep;41(3):129-35. Pa ern and Determinants of Dyslipidaemia In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Kuwait. Al-Adsani A, Memon A, Suresh A. Department of Medicine, Al-Sabah Hospital, Ministry of Health, Kuwait. amsaladsani@yahoo.com Abstract We conducted a clinical study to assess the pattern of dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabe c pa ents and to examine the demographic and clinical factors associated with dyslipidaemia. The study popula on comprised 206 consecu ve type 2 diabe c pa ents a ending the out-patient clinic at a major hospital in Kuwait. Clinical history and physical examination were done and fas ng blood samples were taken to determine HbA1c and lipid levels. American Diabetes Association criteria were applied to define clinical targets for lipid levels and coronary heart disease risk categories. Stepwise multiple linear regression was conducted to identify the demographic and clinical factors associated with lipid levels outside of the clinical target. The large majority of the patients were either over-weight (32%) or obese (57%); the mean BMI was 32.6 kg/m2. Serum total cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol, and triglycerides were above op mal levels in 67%, 86%, and 25% of pa ents, respec vely. For HDL-cholesterol, 63% of men and 71% of women had values below the corresponding op mal level. Only 14 pa ents (6.8%) had all three lipid values within the respec ve target level. The percentages of patients with one, two, or all three lipid values outside of target were 31%, 46%, and 16%, respec vely. The most frequent (41%) pattern of dyslipidaemia was a combination of LDL-cholesterol level above target with HDL-cholesterol level below target; the second most common pattern was an isolated increase in LDL-cholesterol, observed in 21% of the patients. In the stepwise regression analyses, glycaemic control was strongly associated with dyslipidaemia (i.e. high total- and LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides); female gender were associated with low HDL-cholesterol. Kuwai type 2 DM pa ents have a high prevalence of dyslipidaemia and obesity. Weight reduction, increased physical activity, improved glycaemic control, and increased HDL-cholesterol levels, along with reduced LDL- cholesterol, should be important goals of therapy in these patients to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 337
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2004 Sep;58(9):1273-7. Body Mass Index, Overweight and Obesity among Kuwaiti Intermediate School Adolescents Aged 10-14 Years. Al-Isa AN. Department of Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Kuwait. alisa@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw Abstract OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess the levels of overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti intermediate school adolescents aged 10-14 y. The study comprised a mul stage stra fied random sample of 14659 adolescents (7205 males and 7454 females), which cons tutes approximately 17% of the target popula on of this school level. METHODS: Weights and heights of the adolescents were measured, from which the body mass index (BMI), which is the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared (kg/m2), was calculated. Overweight and obesity were defined as BMI >85th and >95th cen les, respec vely, of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference data.
were 30.0 and 14.7%, respec vely (P<0.001). The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among females were 31.8 and 13.1%, respec vely (P<0.001 and P<0.01). There was no consistent rise or decline in overweight and obesity in both genders with respect to age. However, the overall prevalence of overweight was lower in males than in females but obesity was higher in males than in females.
of Kuwaiti adolescents exceeded that of the Americans in each centile category > or = 50th cen le. Health educa on programmes should be instituted to control this syndrome in order to prevent future risk of obesity-related diseases.
Med Princ Pract. 2004 Jan-Feb;13(1):39-42. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Hypertensive Patients Attending a Primary Care Clinic in Kuwait. Sorkhou EI, Al-Qallaf B, Al-Namash HA, Ben-Nakhi A, Al-Batish MM, Habiba SA. Mishref Family Practice Health Center and Qadisiya Family Practice Health Center, Primary
Health Care,
Ministry of
Health, Kuwait.
drsorkhou@hotmail.com Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among hypertensive patients using the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III in a primary care health center in Kuwait. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A popula on of 250 Kuwai hypertensive pa ents (129 males and 121 females) over the age of 40 were screened for metabolic syndrome by determining body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, levels of fasting plasma glucose and fasting plasma lipids (serum triglycerides, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol). The study was carried out in the Mishref Family Practice Health Center, Kuwait, from January to July 2001.
syndrome was 85 (34%), 55% of them were males and 45% females. Prevalence of the syndrome was 28.2% among 40- to 55-year-olds and 41.9% in those above the age of 55 years. Among the 250 hypertensive patients, type II diabetes mellitus was found in 52.8% (54% males and 46% females), impaired fas ng glucose in 8% (70% males and 30% females), high plasma triglycerides in 44.8% (53% males and 47% females) and low high- density lipoprotein cholesterol in 63.2% (54% males and 46% females). Obesity measured as BMI = 30 kg/m(2) was noted in 46% (43% males and 57% females) and increased waist circumference in 58% (44% males and 56% females).
Occup Med (Lond). 2003 Oct;53(7):431-5. Overweight and Obesity among Kuwait Oil Company Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study. Al-Asi T. Medical Officer of Health, Preventive Medical Department, Ahmadi Hospital, Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, Kuwait. alasi@qualitynet.net Abstract BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity are considered major risk factors for many diseases, and their prevalence is known to be high in Kuwait from previous studies.
factors among Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) employees. METHOD: A cross-sectional study of full-time KOC employees was carried out using a structured questionnaire that was completed during periodic medical examinations. The questionnaire included demographic details, frequency and duration of physical activity, history of chronic diseases and medication. All participants were counselled and examined. Blood pressure, body mass index and fasting glucose were recorded. RESULTS: Some 3282 out of 3900 employees completed the study; 85% of par cipants were male, 62%were field workers and 38%were office workers. The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among KOC employees was 75%. Males showed a higher level of overweight and obesity (79%) than females (56%). Field workers had a higher level of overweight and obesity (78%) and higher inac vity (65%) than office workers (72% and 56%, respec vely).
prevalent among KOC employees, and more so among field workers than office workers. Encouraging an active lifestyle, healthy eating habits and weight control programmes are all possible interventions to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity.
Nutr Health. 2003;17(3):185-97. Are Kuwaitis Getting Fatter? Al-Isa AN. Department of Community Medicine & Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Safat, Kuwait. alisa@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw Abstract The purpose of the study is to compare temporal changes in BMI, overweight (BMI > 25 Kg/m2) and obesity (BMI > 30 Kg/m2) of two independent cross-sec onal samples of Kuwai s studied in 1980-81 and 1993-94. The earlier sample of 2067 (896 men and 1171 women) and the la er sample of 3435 (1730 men and 1705 women) adult Kuwaitis (aged > or = 18 years), were drawn from primary health care (PHC) clinics and studied for nutritional assessment and for prevalence of obesity in 1980-81 and 1993-94, respec vely. Weight was measured in kilograms and height in meters to obtain the body mass index (BMI), which is the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared (Kg/m2). BMI > 25 and > 30 Kg/m2 were classified as overweight and obesity, respectively. The results of the study show that mean BMI (Kg/m2) increased significantly (p
respectively. Prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI > 25 and > 30 Kg/m2) increased by 20.6 and 15.4% and by 13.7 and 8.4% among men and women, respectively. After controlling for sociodemographic differences between the two study periods, mean BMI was 2.0 and 1.6 Kg/m2 higher in 1993-94 than in 1980-81 among men and women, respec vely. Prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI > 25 and > 30 Kg/m2) also increased among both genders between the two periods (OR = 2.1 , 95% CI 1.7-2.7 and OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.5-2.4, for men and OR = 2.2, 95% CI 1.6-3.0 and OR = 1.4, 95% CI 2.2 CI 1.0-1.9, for women). It can be concluded that the BMI, prevalence of overweight and obesity increased among Kuwai s between 1980-81 and 1993-94, probably due to the effects of moderniza on, affluence, increased food consumption and the concomitant changes to sedentary lifestyles. The rate of temporal changes in BMI and obesity were higher, by comparison, in Kuwait than in selected other countries.
Juvenile Hypertension: Prevalence and Influence of Obesity Int Pediatr. 2003;18(3):178-184. Juvenile Hypertension in Kuwait: Prevalence and Influence of Obesity Sorkhou Iman, MD; Al-Namash Hind, MD; Amir Ali, MD; Mohamed Farida, MD; Alaa Bayoomi, MD; Al-Batish Mohamed, MD
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of hypertension among school children in Kuwait, and its correlation with obesity. A cross- sectional population survey was conducted in four out of five health districts in Kuwait from September 2001 to May 2002. School children (2910) ranging in age from 5-13 years were screened for hypertension by measuring blood pressure, weight and height using standardized techniques. The blood pressure was measured three times on three different occasions with a month apart. Hypertension was defined if the systolic or diastolic blood pressure was >95 percen le for age and height as suggested by the Task Force Report on high blood pressure in children and adolescents in September 1996. Hypertension was divided into three subsets, isolated systolic hypertension (ISHPN), isolated diastolic hypertension (IDHPN) and combined systolic and diastolic hypertension (SDHPN). Obesity was defined according to the updated International obesity task force recommenda ons if body mass index (BMI) was >95 percen le for age. Among the 2910 subjects, 48.5% were males and 51.5% were females, 60.9% of the subjects were of 5-9 age group and 39.1% were of >9-13 age group. Hypertension was more prevalent in >9-13 age group P<0.001. Both ISHPN and IDHPN were more prevalent in >9-13 age group showing highly significant p-value for both types of hypertension P<0.00. The prevalence of hypertension was 6.8% (51% in males and 49% in females). Obesity was found in 61.1% of hypertensive subjects. The prevalence of hypertension among obese subjects was 30.4%. In conclusion, hypertension is a relatively common and often overloaded problem in children in Kuwait. Obesity is the most commonly observed association in children with hypertension.
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Sep;26(9):1159-64.
Peroxidation And Depletion of Erythrocyte Cytoprotectic Enzymes in Humans. Olusi SO. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait. olusoji@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw Abstract OBJECTIVE: Obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m(2), is now recognised as a risk factor for diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, colon cancer, sudden death and other cardiovascular diseases. In this study, it is hypothesized that obesity is an independent risk factor for lipid peroxidation and decreased activities of cytoprotective enzymes in humans. SUBJECTS: Fi y normal healthy subjects with healthy BMI (19-25 kg/m(2)) and 250 subjects with different grades of obesity (30-50 kg/m(2)) with no history of smoking or biochemical evidence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, renal or liver disease or cancer. MEASUREMENTS: To test this hypothesis, we assessed lipid peroxidation and cytoprotection by measuring the concentrations of plasma malondialdehyde (P-MDA) and the activities of erythrocyte copper zinc- superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). RESULTS: The concentration of P-MDA was significantly lower (P<0.001) in subjects with healthy BMI (2.53+/-0.04 micro mol/l) than in those with BMI above 40 kg/m(2) (4.75+0.05 micro mol/l). Furthermore, there was a significantly posi ve associa on (r=0.342, P=0.013) between BMI and P- MDA. On the other hand, subjects with healthy BMI had significantly higher (P<0.001) erythrocyte CUZn-SOD (1464+/-23 units/g Hb) and GPX (98.4+/- 3.3 units/g Hb) than those with BMI above 40 kg/m(2) (1005+/-26 units/g Hb) and (84.3+/-6.7 units/g Hb) respec vely. Furthermore, erythrocyte CuZn-SOD and GPX activities were negatively associated with BMI (r=-0.566, P=0.005 and r=-0.436, P=0.018) respec vely. Download 5,37 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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