Nazorat uchun savollar:
1. Jon Drayden tarjima muammolarini qanday hal etish kerakligini
2. XVIII asr tarjimalarining o„ziga xos tomoni nimada edi?
3. Qaysi davr tarjimalarida so„zma-so„z tarjima va arxaizm
ustunlik qilardi?
4. Gyotening tarjima haqidagi fikrlariga mulohaza bildiring.
Mustaqil ish topshiriqlari:
1. Homer tarjimalari to„g„risidama‟lumot to„plang.
2. Uyg„onish davri tarjimalari haqida taqdimot tayyorlang.
Asosiy adabiyot
1. Bassnett S. Translation Studies. Taylor & Francis Group. –
London and New York, 2002.
Qo„shimcha adabiyotlar
2. Coleridge S. On Poesy and Art. Biogrophia Literaria, II. –
Clarenden Press, 1907.
3. Morris W. The Aeneid VI. – Boston: Roberts Bros., 1876. – p.
4. Pope A. The Iliad of Homer,ed. Maynard Mack. – London:
Methuen, 1967.
5. Shelley P. The Defence of Poesy,in Complete Works,V. –
Ernest Benn, 1965, pp. 109–43.
6. Tytler‟s work followed closely after the publication in 1789 of
George Campbell‟s The Four Gospels,of which Vol. I contains a study
of the theory and history of translations of the Scriptures. Tytler‟s
Essay appears with a useful introductory article by J.F.Huntsman in
Amsterdam Classics in Linguisticsvol. 13 – Amsterdam: John
Benjamins B.V., 1978.