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telegrafistka: (Russian) fem. of 
telegrafiya: (Russian) telegraphy. 
telegramma: (Russian) telegram. 
teleinstsenirovka: (Russian) adaptation 
for television broadcasting (of play, 
telejka: (Russian) small telega; cart, 
telemarkaz: television center. 
telemetrik: (Russian) telemetric. 
telemetriya: (Russian) telemetry. 
telemexanik: (Russian) remote control 
technician; remote control(led). 
telemexanika: (Russian) remote 
control, telemechanics. 
telemexanizatsiya (Russian): 
telemechanization, use of remote 
control technology. 
teleminora: television tower. 
teleob'ektiv: (Russian) telescopic lens. 
teleskop: (Russian) telescope. 
teleskopik: (Russian) telescopic. 
teleskopiya: (Russian) telescopy. 
telestudiya: (Russian) television studio. 
teletasvir: (Russian) television image. 
teletayp: (Russian) teletype. 
teletomoshabin: television viewer. ~lar 
television audience. 

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televidenie: (Russian) television (as an 
televizion: (Russian) television (adj. of 
~ ko'rsatuvlar television shows. 
televizor: (Russian) television, 
t.v.televizorchi coll.television specialist 
or repairman. 
tellur: (Russian) tellurium.telmir- 
coll.s. termil-.telmur- coll.s. termil-. 
telogreyka: (Russian) padded 
vest.telov dial.aqlingga ~ tekkanmi? 
Have you lost your marbles? 
telpak: fur hat. qunduzsiz ~ fur hat 
with fur on the inside only. sochni ~ 
qil- to arrange one's hair in circles on 
top of the head (of women). 
telpakdo'z: maker of fur hats. 
telpakdo'zlik: abstr. of telpakdo'z.telva 
teskari coll.s. telba-teskari. 
tem bolee coll.: (Russian) the more so 
as, especially as. 
tema: (Russian) subject, topic, theme. 
tematik: (Russian) thematic. 
tematika: (Russian) themes. 
tembr: (Russian) timbre. 
temir-beton: reinforced concrete. 
temir-tersak: iron or other metal scrap. 
temir: iron; (coll.) metal. ~ daftar book 
of ironclad rules. ~ intizom iron rule. ~ 
iroda iron will. ~ panja iron grip. ~ 
qanot fledgling. ~ qafas iron cage, jail. 
~ qonun ironclad rule. ~ g'ov 
impenetrabe barrier. ~ni qizig'ida bos 
Do it while it's hot. ~ qoziq (yulduzi) 
the Pole Star (s. qutb yulduzi). 
temiratki: herpes ?? (a skin disease) 
temirchi: (black)smith. gapga ~ 
longwinded, blabbermouthed; guileful 
talker. otang ~mi? otang ~ o'tganmi? 
Why make so much talk? 
temirchilik: blacksmithing; blacksmith 
shop. gapga ~ longwindedness; 
guileful talk. 
Temirqoziq: the Pole Star (s. qutb 
temirtak: piece of iron; old, dull knife. 
temirtosh: ironstone, iron ore. 
temp: (Russian) tempo. 
temperatura: (Russian) temperature. 
temuriylar: the Timurids. 
temurzodalar: s. temuriylar. 
tendentsiozlik: tendentiousness. 
tendentsiya: (Russian) tendency. 
tendetsioz (Russian): 
tendentious.teng-tush, tengu 
tushpeople of the same age. 
teng: equal, even; equally, 
simultaneously. ~ baravar twice, 
double. ~ bo'l- to divide equally. ~ 
bo'l-/~ ko'r-/~ sherik partner with equal 
shares. tuproq bilan ~ qil- to flatten, to 
decimate.tengchi coll.s. 
tekischi.tengchilik coll.s. tekischilik. 
tengdosh: of the same age; equal. 
tengdoshlik: abstr. of tendosh; 
tengla-: v.t.  to make equal. [tenglan-] 
tenglama: equation. 
tenglash-: v.i.  to become equal, to 
equalize, to even up; to match; to get 
even with, to come head-to-head with. 
tenglashtir-: v.t.  caus. of tenglash-; to 
compare with, to liken. [tenglashtiril-] 
tenglik: equality. 
tenglikda: at the same time. 
tengqur: person of the same age; 
suitable, fitting.tengsit- 
tengsiz: unequalled, matchless, 
incomparable; unequal, unmatched. 
tengsizlik: inequality. 
tennis: (Russian) tennis. 
tennischi: tennis player. 
tenniska: (Russian) tennis shirt. 
tenor: (Russian) tenor. 
tentak: idiotic, silly; crazy, nuts; wild. 
tentaklan- rare: v.i.  s. telbalan-. 
tentaklarcha: like a crazy person, in an 
idiotic or insane manner. 
tentaklik: idiocy, silliness; craziness, 
madness; wildness.tentakqush 
zool.nightjar, goatsucker. 
tenti-: v.i.  to wander about idly. 
tentira-: v.i.  to wander about; to be 
adrift or astray; to become confused or 
dizzy, to be out of sorts. [tentirat-, 
teodolit: (Russian) theodolite. 
teolog: (Russian) theologian. 
teologik: (Russian) theological. 
teologiya: (Russian) theology. 
teorema: (Russian) theorem. 
teoretik: (Russian) theoretical (s. 
nazariy); theoretician. 
teoriya: (Russian) theory (s. nazariya). 
tep-: v.t.  to kick; to stamp or mix with 
the feet (e.g., mud for building); to beat 
(heart, etc.); to gush or issue forth; to 
pedal (bicycle). loy ~- to knead clay 
(with the feet). yurak ~adi the heart 
beats. qizamiq sirtga ~- to have 
measles break out. [tepil-, tepish- 
tep-tekis: very smooth or flat. 
tepa: hill, high place, high ground; top, 
upper part, upper side; pile, mound. 
~ga up, upwards; upstairs. ~da above; 
upstairs. ~dan from above. ~sida on top 
of; above. toghning ~siga ciq- to climb 
to the top of a moutain. voqeaning 
~siga kelib qol- to arrive in the middle 
of something. ~sida tur- to stand at the 
head of; to be at the head of. ~ sochi 
tikka bo'l~ to have one's hair stand on 
end. ~siga chiq-/ikki qo'li bir ~da 
pulling one's hair out in anquish. 
tepag'on: s. tepong'ich. 
tepakal: bald (on top). 
tepala- v.t./i.: to pile up, to mound; to 
rise up. [tepalan-] 
tepalik: high place, hill, hillock. 
tepchi- 1: v.t.  to stitch so that the 
thread doesn't show; to sew shut (a 
hole). [tepchit- tepchish-] 
tepchi- 2: to come, leak, or show 
tepchik: stitching (on a ~ igna special 
needle for sewing stitching. 
tepchikchi: sewer of stitching on 
do'ppis or collars. 
tepin-: v.i.  to stamp, to kick. yer ~- to 
stamp the earth. 
tepish: v.n. of tep-; beating (of heart). 

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tepki 1: kick; recoil; trigger; pedal (on 
loom). ~ e- to be kicked; to be kicked 
around. ot ~sini ot ko'taradi the strong 
can battle with the strong; harsh words 
of a near one do not cut deep. sakkiz ~ 
atlas thick, tightly-woven to'rt ~ atlas 
low-quality ~ arava bicycle. 
tepki 2: mumps. 
tepkila-: v.t.  to kick repeatedly; to 
trample. bir ko'rpada ~shib katta bo'l- 
to grow up together (kicking and 
scrapping). [tepkilan-, tepkilat-, 
tepkilash: v.n. of tepkila-; kicking 
tepkili terma: typhus. 
tepkilik: able to withstand one kick. 
teplitsa: (Russian) hothouse. 
teplofikatsiya: (Russian) use of surplus 
heat from an industrial process to heat 
work places and homes. 
teplofikatsiyalashtir-: v.t.  to install a 
heating system based on surplus 
industrial heating sources. 
teploizolyatsiya: (Russian) insulation. 
teplotexnik: (Russian) heating 
engineer; adj. of teplotexnika. 
teplotexnika: (Russian) heating 
teplovoz: (Russian) diesel locomotive. 
teplovozsozlik: manufacture of diesel 
teploxod: (Russian) motor ship. 
tepong'ich: (fond of) kicking, wild. 
tepsa-tebranmas: insensate, 
tepsin-: v.i.  to kick, to stamp (s. 
ter-: to gather, to pick (up); to place in 
a row, to put in place; to stack; to 
thread, to string; to set (type); to dial 
(numbers on telephone); to tweeze; to 
flatten or sharpen (blade of a tool). 
g'isht ~- to pile or lay bricks. rizqini ~- 
to make a living. [terdir-, terdiril-, teril- 
ter: sweat, perspiration. ~ to'k- to 
sweat. jon ~iga tush- to labor, to 
struggle. ~i chiq- to break out in 
sweat.terak bot.poplar. 
terakzor: poplar grove. 
teran: deep. 
teranlik: depth. 
terapevt: (Russian) therapeutist. 
terapiya: (Russian) therapy. 
terbiy: (Russian) terbium. 
terchil rare: prone to sweating. 
terchila-: v.i.  to be covered with 
steam; to sweat profusely. 
terga-: v.t.  to interrogate, to question; 
to keep in check; to control, to 
investigate. [tergal-] 
tergov: interrogation. ~ qil- to 
tergovchi: interrogator. 
tergovchilik: abstr. of tergovchi. 
tergovsiz: w/o questioning or 
teri 1: skin; pelt; leather. ~si yupqa 
thin-skinned. ~si qalin thick-skinned. 
~siga sig'may ketdi to become overly 
fat; to be overjoyed. ~siga somon tiq- 
to beat black and blue, to beat to a 
pulp. ~sini shil-/shilib ol- to skin. 
teri 2: triangular or square pieces of 
fried dough. 
terichi: buyer of leather or skins. 
terifurush: seller of leather. 
terim: picking, harvest (of cotton). 
terimchi: picker, gather, harvester. 
terish: picking. 
terla-: v.i.  to sweat, to perspire. [terlat- 
terlama: typhus. ich ~si typhoid fever. 
terli: sweaty. 
terlik: sweat cloth, saddle cloth. 
terloq: sweaty, constantly sweating. 
terma: choiced, select(ed); a type of 
song sung by bards; lively poem or 
song composed of four stanzas. 
termachi: s. termakash; (professional) 
termakash: singer or composer of 
terma songs (either original or based 
on others' works). 
termala- rare: v.i.  to collect, to 
termik: (Russian) thermal. 
termil-: v.i.  to gaze. [termilish- 
termin: (Russian) term. 
terminologik: (Russian) 
terminologiya: (Russian) terminology. 
termit 1: (Russian) thermite. 
termit 2 zool.: (Russian) termite. 
termodinamik (Russian): 
termodinamika (Russian): 
termoElektrik (Russian): 
termograf: (Russian) thermograph. 
termometr: (Russian) thermometer. 
maksimal ~ maximal thermometer?? 
termometriya: (Russian) thermometry. 
termoregulyator (Russian): 
termos: (Russian) thermos. 
termostat: (Russian) thermostat. 
termostatik: (Russian) thermostatic. 
termoyadro: (Russian) thermonuclear. 
terrasa: (Russian) terrace. 
terrenkur: (Russian) walking (for 
exercise); walking path. 
territorial: (Russian) territorial. 
territoriya: (Russian) territory, area. 
terror: (Russian) terror. 
terrorchi: s. terrorist. 
terrorchilik: s. terrorizm. 
terrorist: (Russian) terrorist. 
terroristik: (Russian) terrorist. 
terrorizm: (Russian) terrorism. 
ters: backwards, back-facing; against, 
opposing; contrary, ill-natured. 
tersay-: v.i.  to be cross; to be 
obstinate. [termilish- termiltir-] 
terskay: facing away from the sun, 
northerly facing. 
terskaylik: abstr. of terskay. 
terslan-: v.i.  to be obstinate or cross. 

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terslik: contrariness; ill nature. 
tert: mixed animal feed (hay or straw 
combined with bran or oil cake). 
tertsiya: (Russian) third (in music); 
16-point type. 
teruvchi: picker, harvester. 
tesh-: v.t.  to pierce, to poke or bore a 
hole in. quloqni ~- to pierce one's ear. [ 
teshil- teshtir-] 
tesha: a hand tool similar to an adze. 
ildiziga ~ ur- to do in, to uproot. ~ 
tegmagan brand new. holvachining 
~siday short; adroit. 
teshik-teshik: full of holes, riddled 
with holes. 
teshik: hole, opening. ~ kulcha a 
doughnut-shaped bread. ~ tomoq/~ 
quloq Eshitadi of course he will hear of 
teshil-: v.i.  pass. of bag'ri ~- to 
agonize, to be racked with grief. ko'zi 
~di to have one's fill of waiting, to run 
out of patience. ko'zing ~gur! May 
your eyes be gouged out! 
teskari: contrary, reverse, backwards; 
back side; hostile, inimical. ishi ~ ketdi 
his affair/business went awry. ~ dunyo 
this contrary, inconstant world. Xudo 
yuzini ~ qilsin God forbid. 
teskarichi: reactionary. 
teskarichilik: reaction. 
teskarilan-: v.i.  to go awry, to go 
teskarilash-: v.i.  to become contrary; 
to become hostile; to go wrong or 
teskarilik: backwardness; contrariness. 
~ka ol- to take wrongly. 
teskarisicha: in the opposite direction 
or manner; as opposed to, in contrast 
with; whereas, to the contrary. 
teskarisiga: backwards. 
teta-poya: ~ bola toddler. ~ bo'l-/qil- to 
begin to walk, to toddle; to begin to 
stand on one's own. 
tetik: still strong, full of vigor; bold, 
resolute; lively. 
tetiklan-: v.i.  to become full of vigor, 
to revive; to become bolder. 
tetiklash-: to fill with vigor. 
tetiklik: vigor; boldness, resolve. ~ka 
sol-/ol- to pretend to be full of vigor. 
tetraEdr: (Russian) 
zool. obs.camel (s. tuya). 
tevarak: surroundings, environs. ~(i)da 
around, surrounding, in the environs. 
~dan from all sides. 
tevarakla-: v.t.  to surround. 
texnetsiy: (Russian) technetium. 
texnik: (Russian) technician; technical; 
industrial. ~ kotib technical secretary. 
~ redaktor technical editor. 
texnika: (Russian) technology, 
technical devices, equipment. ~ 
Ekinlari industrial crops. xavfsizlik ~si 
or ~ xavfsizligi industrial safety. 
texnikaviy: technical. 
texniklik: technician work. 
texnikum: (Russian) technical college. 
texnolog: (Russian) technologist. 
texnologik: (Russian) technological. 
texnologiya: (Russian) technology. 
tez: (Persian) quick, quickly, fast; 
quick-tempered ~ kunda coming soon. 
~kunda/fe'li ~ hot-tempered. zehni ~ 
quick-witted. ~ yordam first aid; 
tez-tez: quickly, rapidly; often, time 
and again. 
tezak: (Persian) droppings, dung, feces, 
turd, cowpie; dried dung (for fuel). 
teng tengi bilan, ~ qopi bilan to each 
his own kind (saying=??). 
tezakla-: v.i.  to defecate. 
tezakxona: (Persian) shed or shelter for 
storing dried dung. 
tezda(n): quickly, at once. 
tezgir: (Persian) swift (at catching 
tezgizak: (Persian) wood tick. 
tezik- dial.: v.i.  to rush, to dash. 
tezis: (Russian) thesis. 
tezkor: (Persian) quick, deft; 
tezkorlik: abstr. of tezkor; deftness, 
quickness (in work). 
tezla- 1: v.t.  to quicken; to urge on; to 
pitch against, to set on; to sharpen, to 
whet; to fall to the bottom of a tandoor 
(of bread, qadamini ~- to quicken one's 
steps. [tezlan- tezlantir- tezlat-tezlatil- 
tezlash- tezlashtir-] 
tezla- 2: v.t.  to repair a wall (in place). 
[tezlan- tezlat- tezlatil-] 
tezlama rare: ~ qil- s. tezla- 2. 
tezlatkich: accelerator. 
tezlik: anger, temper; speed, 
speediness. ~ qil- to lash out angrily. ~ 
bilan quickly, with haste. ~lar 
korobkasi gear box. 
tezob rare: (Persian) swift-flowing; 
acid wash, mordant. 
tezobla-: v.t.  to treat with a mordant. 
tezoqar: swift-flowing. 
tezotar: rapid-firing; vociferous, 
chirping often (bedana). 
tezpazak dial.: (Persian) s. tezpishar. 
tezpishar: fast-ripening. 
tezuchar: quick-flying. 
the great Victoria desert??: Viktoriya 
the Laz language??:  
thick reed matting (used in roofing)?? 
tib: arch.    (Arabic) medicine (s. 
tibbiy: (Arabic) medical. 
tibbiya arch. rare: (Arabic) medicine, 
medical science. 
tif: (Russian) typhus. 
tig': (Persian) blade; barrel (of gun). 
(dami) ~dan o'tkaz- to decimate, to 
annihilate. ~ tekiz-/~ ko'tar-/qo'lga ~ 
ol- to arm o.s. saraton ~i ray, beam of 
the sun. tong ~ urdi/tortdi/ yoydi/yordi 
to have the sun's rays strike. 
tig'a: arch.    (Persian) zenith (s. zenit); 
heat of the sun. 
tig'dor: (Persian) bladed; sharp, 
tig'iz: dense, tight, closely packed; 
close, rushed (time). 
tig'izla-: v.t.  to make denser, to 
cluster; to pack; (rare) to press, to push, 
to urge. [tig'izlan-, tig'izlat-, tig'izlash-] 

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tig'izlik: density, compactness, 
tig'la- lit.: v.t.  to cut, to knife. yuragini 
~- to break one's heart, to torment. 
tig'li: armed or outfitted with a blade; 
tijorat: arch.    (Arabic) business, 
commerce, trade. 
tijoratxona: (Persian) trading house. 
tik 1: vertical, straight up, upright; tall; 
tik 2: (Russian) tick(ing). 
tik-: v.t.  to sew, to stitch; to erect, to 
plant; to place a stake (gambling). o'tov 
~- to erect a yurt. yong'oq ~- to set up a 
walnut (or other playing piece) to be 
hit. [tikil-, tikish-, tiktir-] 
tikan: thorn, thistle, spike, barb. ko'zga 
~ eyesore. qora ~ wretch. qora ~ tuz s. 
~ bo'l- to be a thorn in the side, to be 
an obstacle, to be a pain. ~ bo'lib 
ko'rin- to be an eyesore or unbecoming 
sight. ~ ustiga o'tir- to be on pins and 
needles. ~ga ag'an-/dumalan- to be in 
tikanak: thistles, nettles, prickers; 
thorn, thistle. ~ tuz large crystalline 
tikanakli: thorny, barbed. 
tikanli: thorny, barbed. 
tikansiz: thornless. 
tikanzor: briar patch. 
tikil-: v.i.  pass. of tik-; to stare fixedly; 
to vow. [tikilish- tikiltir-]tikilla- 
make a ticking sound. 
tikish: sewing; a type of narrow leather 
thong (used for sewing). ~ xaltasi 
sewing bag. 
tikka: straight; vertical, straight up; 
above, overhead (the heavens). 
tikkala-: v.i.  to go straight; (rare) to 
set up straight, to erect. [tikkalan- 

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