The Central Asian Heritage Group

uyatli: shameful, disgraceful,  improper. ~ odam decent, proper  person.  uyatsiz

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uyatli: shameful, disgraceful, 
improper. ~ odam decent, proper 
uyatsiz: shameless, disgraceful; 
obscene. ~ kino obscene movie. 
uyatsizlik: shamelessness. 
uydir- 1: v.t.  caus. of uy-; (dial.) to 
knit (one's brows). [uydiril-] 
uydir- 2: v.t.  to fabricate (lies). 
uydirma: fabricated, made up; 
uydirmachi: fabricator, liar. 
uyg'on-: v.i.  to awaken, to wake up; to 
arise. [uyg'onish-] 
uyg'onish: awakening. ~ davri the 
uyg'oq: awake; alert. 
uyg'ot-: v.t.  to waken, to rouse. 
[uyg'otil-, uyg'otish-, uyg'ottir-] 
uyg'unlash-: v.i.  to conform, to fit; to 
adapt. [uyg'unlashtir-, uyg'unlashtiril-] 
uyg'ur: Uighur. 
uyg'urcha: in an Uighur fashion; 
Uighur language. 
uyg'yn: befitting, suiting. 
uyi- coll.: v.i.  to soften (s. ivi-). 
uyko'rar: ceremony where the 
bride-to-be's family meets the groom's 
uyla-: v.t.  to marry off (a son). 
uylan-: v.i.  to get married (of a man). 
[uylanish-, uylantir-, uylantiril-, 
uyli: having a house; settled, married. 
uyma-uy: (from) house to house. 
uymalan-: v.i.  to busy o.s., to tinker 
around; to gather, to mill around. 
uymalash-: v.i.  s. uymalan-. 
uyqash: very similar, nearly identical, 
(almost) the same; fitting, matching, 
becoming.uyqi-tuyqi dial.all in a heap 
(s. ayqash-uyqash). 
uyqu: sleep. uning ~si ziyrak He's a 
light sleeper. ~si kel- to feel sleepy. 
mast ~ deep sleep. o'lik ~ dead sleep. 
qush ~si light sleep. ~ Eltdi to feel very 
sleepy; to fall asleep. ~ga ket- to fall 
asleep. ~si o'chdi/abdadiy ~ eternal rest 
(death). letargik ~ lethargy. ~ni ur- to 
uyquchan: s. uyquchi. 

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uyquchi: sleepyhead.uyquchil 
dial.sleepyheaded; (rare) somnolent. 
uyquli: sleepy. 
uyqusira-: v.i.  to become sleepy, to 
doze; to do s.t. in one's sleep. 
uyqusiz: sleepless. 
uyqusizlik: sleeplessness, insomnia. 
uyqutob: sleepy, somnolent. 
uysiz: homeless; unmarried. 
uysoz: house builder. 
uysozlik: house building.uyu- 
soak up water (s. ivi-). 
uyum: pile, heap, clump. 
uyur: herd (of horses with one 
uyurma: whirlwind, cyclone; dust and 
sand carried by such storms. 
uyush- 1: v.i.  to organize (into). 
[uyushtir-, uyushtiril-] 
uyush- 2: v.i.  s. uvush-. [uyushtir-] 
uyushiq: united, cohesive; 
homogeneous, analogous. ~ bo'laklar 
analogous parts (of a sentence)?? 
uyushma: union, organization
uyushqoq: united, cohesive. 
uyushqoqlik: unity, unanimity, 
cohesiveness, oneness of purpose. 
uyushtir-: v.t.  caus. of uyush-; to 
uyushtiruvchi: organizer. 
uyushtiruvchilik: abstr. of 
uz-: v.t.  to snap, to break, to sever 
(rope, string, etc.); to pull off, to pick, 
to pluck, to remove; to move; to cut 
short, to stop; to pay up (debt); to bite; 
to torment, to torture. oyog'ini ~- to 
stop coming. ko'z(ini) ~- to take one's 
eyes off of. ~ib ol- to lash out at, to 
hurt. ~ib ula- to talk on and on. o'q ~- 
to fire an arrow. quloq ~may to listen 
with interest. [uzdir-, uzil-, uzish-] 
uza-: v.i.  to move off into the distance, 
to move away. 
uza: s. uzra. 
uzal-: v.i.  s. uzan-. 
uzala: ~ cho'zil-/tushib yot- to stretch 
out one's full length. 
uzan-: v.i.  to stretch out, to lie 
stretched out; to reach for, to stretch 
for. [uzanish-] 
uzangi: stirrup(s). 
uzangisoz: blacksmith who makes 
stirrups.uzasida coll.on top of. 
uzat-: v.t.  to extend, to stretch out, to 
hold out; to pass (ball); to see off, to 
send off; to marry off (one's daughter). 
oyoq ~ib to stretch out one's legs, to 
relax. qayoqqa ~sa, qo'li etadi or qo'lini 
qayoqqa ~sa, yetadi capable of 
anything. [uzatil-, uzatish-] 
uzay-: v.i.  to lengthen, to stretch out; 
to last. [uzayish-, uzayt-, uzaytir-, 
uzbechka: (Russian) Ozbek girl or 
uzel 1: (Russian) junction; center; 
assembly (of parts); node. aloqa ~i 
communications center. 
uzel 2: (Russian) knot (speed). 
uzik-: v.i.  to relapse, to recur. 
uzil-: v.i.  pass. of ichi ~di to split a 
gut, to split one's sides (laughing). 
oyog'i ~di to stop coming. yuragining 
bir cheti ~di to have one's heart go out 
to s.o. 
uzil-kesil: completely, absolutely, 
decidedly; definite, decided. ~ rad qil- 
to categorically turn down. ~ zarba ber- 
to rebuff completely. masalaning ~ hal 
qilinishi final solution of the problem. 
uzlat lit.: (Arabic) solitude. 
uzlatnishin: (Persian) recluse, hermit. 
uzluk- dial.: v.i.  to relapse (into 
sickness); to pass away, to die. 
uzluksiz: one after another; constantly, 
without letup, uninterruptedly. ~ kasr 
continued fraction (s. davriy kasr). 
uzma: soup made from noodles 
pinched off by hand. 
uzoq-: v.i.  to tarry. 
uzoq-uzoq: far far away; long long 
uzoq-yaqin: near and far; close and 
distant (relatives). 
uzoq-yovuq: s. uzoq-yaqin. 
uzoq: far, distant; faraway; long; 
unfamiliar. ~i bilan at most. ~ gap long 
story; difficult problem, unlikely issue. 
~ yili the year before last. ~qa 
bormaydi It won't last long. ~qa cho'z- 
to drag on/out. ~qa cho'zil- to drag on, 
to take a long time. ~ni ko'r- to foresee. 
~ yo'l long way; long trip. ~ masofa 
long distance. ~ Ellar distant/strange 
peoples. ~ kun long day. ~ umr long 
life. ~da far away. 
uzoqdan-uzoq: very long; very far 
away, far distant; a very long 
time.uzoqla- move off, to go far 
off. [uzoqlat-] 
uzoqlash-: v.i.  to move off; to become 
distanced, to be lost (relative). 
[uzoqlashtir- uzoqlashitiril-] 
uzoqlik: distance; remoteness; the 
distance, distant spot. ~larga qara- to 
stare off into the distance. 
uzor arch. poet.: (Arabic) face. 
uzr: (Arabic) excuse; pardon; Pardon 
(me)... ~ so'ra-/~ tut-/deb bil- to 
consder pardonable. 
uzr-ma'zur: (Arabic) forgiveness, 
pardon. buni ~ tuting Please accept our 
apologies. +ga ~ qil- to pardon. 
uzra: on, over, all over, throughout. 
dunyo ~ all over the world, worldwide. 
shahar ~ throughout the city. 
uzrli: excused, pardoned; pardonable. 
uzrsiz: inexcusable; inexcused. 
uzuk: ring. ~ka ko'z solganday to fit to 
a 'T'.uzum bot.grape; grapevine. 
uzumchi: grape grower; grape seller. 
uzumchilik: grape-growing; 
grape-selling business. 
uzumzor: vineyard. 
uzun: long; tall. ~ kosov lackey. 
uzunasiga: lengthwise, along. 
uzunchoq: long and narrow. 
uzundan-uzoq: long, lengthy, extra 
uzunlash-: v.i.  to lengthen, to extend. 
uzunlik: length; height; 
longitude.uzunqanot zool.sand martin. 
uzunquloq gaplar: gossip, rumors. 
uzuq-yuluq: disjointed, disconnected, 

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uzuq: broken, snapped, severed; 
fragment, scrap, bit. 
uzurpator: (Russian) usurper. 
uzurpatsiya: (Russian) usurpation. 
uzv: (Arabic) organ, vital part. 
uzviy: (Arabic) organic. ~ kimyo 
organic chemistry. 
uzzol: name of a folk melody.uzzukun 
coll.every day; all day long. 
v.n. of ~ belgisi (Russian) soft sign 
va 1 lit.: (Arabic)  
va 2 (long V): Huh! (lack of 
va'da: (Arabic) promise. ~ ber-/~ qil- 
to promise. ~ ol- to be promised. ~ga 
vafo qil-/~da tur- to keep a promise. 
~dan qayt-/~ni buz- to break a promise, 
to renege. ~ning ustidan chiq- to fulfill 
a promise, to be true to one?s word. 
va'daboz: (Persian) one who makes 
empty promises. 
va'dalash-: v.i.  to promise one 
another, to agree to do s.t. 
va'dasiz: unreliable, untrustworthy. 
va'z: arch.    (Arabic) sermon on 
Islamic subjects usu. delivered outside 
the mosque after the Friday prayer; 
speech, lecture; exhortation, advice. ~ 
Et-/qil- to lecture, to preach. 
va'z-nasihat: advice, exhortation. 
va'zbozlik: s. va?'zchi who delivers a va?z. 
va'zgo'y: (Persian) s. va?zchi. 
va'zxon: (Persian) s. va?zchi. 
va'zxonlik: preaching; exhortation, 
sermonizing, empty or pointless 
lecturing, tongue-wagging. 
vaalaykum assalom: (Arabic) And 
upon you peace! (formal response to 
assalomu alaykum). 
vabo: (Arabic) cholera; plague, 
scourge. sariq ~ "brown scourge" 
(fascism). ~ vibrioni cholera bacillus. 
vaboli: choleric. 
vadanglat-: s. vadavanglat-.vadavang 
coll.hopping and popping (music, 
dancing, etc.). 
vadavanglat-: to make things hop. 
vafli: (Russian) scone, wafer. 
vafo: (Arabic) fidelity, loyalty, 
faithfulness. ~ qil- to devote o.s., to be 
faithful; to fulfill an obligation. va'daga 
~ qil- to be true to one?s word, to keep 
a promise. 
vafodor: (Persian) faithful, true, loyal. 
vafodorlik: fidelity, faithfulness
vafoli: s. vafodor. 
vafosiz: unfaithful, disloyal. 
vafosizlik: faithlessness.vafot A 
lit.death. ~ qil-/Et-/bo'l-/top- to pass 
away.vag'-vag' ono.bawling, clamoring 
noise; bawler, clamorer, 
loudmouth.vag'illa- ono.s. 
vag'irla-.vag'ir-vag'ir ono.chatter, 
vag'irla- v.i. ono.: to make noise, to 
chatter loudly, to make a din. 
vagon: (Russian) (train) car(riage). 
vagoncha: small train car; trailer. 
vagonchi: merchant who takes 
wagonloads of wheat, cotton, etc. to 
vagonetka: small train or cable 
car.vagonlab the wagonful. 
vagonovojatiy: (Russian) streetcar 
vagonsozlik: train car construction. 
vagranka: (Russian) cupola furnace. 
vagrankachi: cupola furnace operator. 
vah: sound made to scare s.o., Boo! 
vahim: (Arabic) hideous, frightening, 
terrible, awful. 
vahima: (Arabic) fright, terror, fear; 
dread, apprehension, anxiety, the 
willies, the heebie-jeebies. ~ sol-/~si 
zo'r terrible, fearsome. ~ kasali 
paranoia, constant fear or delusion of 
being followed, etc. ~ng uchadi You?ll 
be scared stiff. 
vahimachi: paranoid, s.o. who spooks 
or panics easily; s.o. who spreads panic 
and fear. 
vahimador: s. vahimali. 
vahimalan-: v.i.  to be scared, to be 
beset by fear, to be spooked. 
vahimali: frightening, terrible, spooky; 
vahimasiz: not frightening, not terrible; 
not outlandish. 
vahiy rel.: (Arabic) revelation. ?ga ~ 
kel- to receive a revelation. 
vahm: (Arabic) s. ~ qil-/ol- to be 
spooked, frightened; to get the 
vahma coll.: (Arabic) s. vahima; s.o. 
beset by irrational fears or phobias. 
vahmak: (Persian) panicker, alarmist; 
s.o. who suffers from anxiety or 
delusions; (zool.) ichneumon fly. 
vaholanki: (Persian) whereas, while. 
vahshat: (Arabic) savagery, barbarity; 
brutality, atrocity, outrage, villainy; 
terror, fright. 
vahshatli: frightful, terrible, awful, 
vahshiy: (Arabic) wild, savage; brutal, 
vahshiylarcha: savagely, brutally. 
vahshiylash-: to become wild, savage, 
vahshiylik: savagery, brutality. 
vahshiyona: (Persian) brutally, 
vaj vajh: (Arabic) excuse, pretext, 
reason; aspect, point of view. 
vaj(i)-korson: prevarications, evasions. 
vajh: (Arabic) s. vaj. 
vajidan: as regarding, with respect to. 
vajlash- v.i. coll.: to argue, to 
squabble.vajoahatli coll.strapping, 
large; dignified, stately. 
vajohat coll.: (Arabic) appearance, 
demeanor. ~i buzuq/xunuk ugly, 
sinister, evil-looking. 
vakansiya: (Russian) vacancy. 
vakant: (Russian) vacant. 
vakil: (Arabic) representative, envoy, 
agent. ~ qil- to delegate, to appoint as 
vakila: (Arabic) female representative. 
vakilla-: v.i.  to bark (s. akilla-). 
vakillik: abstr. of ~ qil- to serve as a 
representative or delegate. 

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vakolat: (Arabic) representation, 
deputyship; power of attorney. ~ ber- 
to authorize, to empower. 
vakolatli: appointed, representing, 
having power of attorney. 
vakolatnoma: (Persian) letter of 
attorney; letter of proxy. 
vakolatxona: (Persian) agency, 
representative office. 
vaksa: (Russian) shoe polish. 
vaksla-: v.t.  to polish. 
vaktsina: (Russian) vaccine. 
vakuum: (Russian) vacuum. 
val: (Russian) shaft. 
val"s: (Russian) waltz. 
valad coll.: arch.    (Arabic) bastard, 
rascal.valakisalang coll.slacker, 
lazybones, good-for-nothing. 
valaqla-: v.i.  to chat idly, to talk 
nonsense. ~b yur- to go around talking 
nonsense, to spread gossip. 
[valaqlash-]Valday qirlari geo. 
valdira-: v.i.  to chat idly, to talk 
nonsense; to babble. [valdirat-, 
valdirvasar: babbler, chatterbox, 
talker, windbag. 
valdirvoqi: s. valdirvasar.vale obs.but, 
valentli: having a certain valence. 
valentlik: valence. 
valer"yanka: (Russian) valerian. 
valiahd: (Arabic) heir apparent. 
valik: (Russian) roller. 
valine'mat: arch.    (Arabic) 
benefactor, patron.valish dial.s. 
valiy rel.: (Arabic) prophet.vallamat 
coll.s. valine?mat; guide, mentor; ruler, 
official, leader, elder; lad, brave, 
valloh(i): (Arabic) by God. ~ a?lam 
God knows what is true; perhaps, must 
valyuta: (Russian) hard currency. 
Van: lake Van. 
vanadiy: (Russian) vanadium.vang' 
coll.ish ~ everything is going well, all 
is peachy-keen. ~ bo'lib qol- to be 
struck dumb. 
vang'illa- v.i. ono.: to roar, to zoom. 
suv ~b oqayotir the water is gushing. 
vang-vang: s. ang-ang. 
vangilla-: s. angilla-. 
vanna: (Russian) bathtub, bath. quyosh 
~si sunbath. ~ qil-/qabul qil- to take a 
bath (s. cho'mil-). 
vannaxona: bathroom, 
bathhouse.vaq-vaq ono.the sound made 
by a frog, ribbit-ribbit. ~ qil- to croak. 
vaqf: (Arabic) pious foundation, usu. 
money donated to sustain an Islamic 
school, mosque, etc. 
vaqfnoma: (Persian) deed of trust for a 
vaqfxo'r hist.: (Persian) a religious 
student living off of vaqf funds. 
vaqilla-: s. vaqirla-.vaqir-vaqir, 
vaqir-vuqur ono.incessant chorusing of 
frogs.vaqirla- croak; to boil 
heavily; to gripe and grumble. 
vaqo: (Arabic) hech ~ yo'q There isn?t 
a (darn) thing., There?s nothing at all. 
vaqt: (Arabic) time; hour, season. ~i 
kelib/(o'z) ~ida on time, at the right 
time, in its own time. tez ~da in the 
near future, soon. u ~(da) at that time; 
in that case. ba'zi ~ from time to time. 
bir ~(lar)da at one time? ~i bilan at the 
appropriate time. alla bir necha ~gacha 
(not) for some time, for quite a while. 
ayni ~da at the same time. 
vaqt-bemahal: (Persian) s. vaqt-bevaqt. 
vaqt-bevaqt: (Persian) at any time; late, 
at a late hour. 
vaqt-soat: time, hour. ~i bilan at the 
appropriate time ~i kelganda/etganda 
when its time has come. 
vaqt-vaqt: from time to time. ~i bilan 
on certain occasions, once in a while. 
vaqtchog'lik: s. vaqtxushlik. 
vaqtincha: temporarily, for the time 
vaqtinchalik: for the time being, for 
vaqtli: early; temporary; for the time 
being. ~ matbuot periodical 
vaqtsiz: at a bad time; late. 
vaqtxushlik: happiness; happy times. ~ 
qil- to have a happy time, to spend 
one?s time happily. 
varakay: bir ~iga right away, all at 
once, in one swoop. 
varangla- v.i. ono.: to buzz, to hum. 
varaq: (Arabic) leaf, page. o'n ~ o'tadi 
He?s ten times better/worse. 
varaq-varaq: pages and 
pages.varaq-varaq ono.sound made by 
heaving or heavily boiling substance. 
varaqa: (Arabic) leaflet, sheet, slip. 
varaqi: (Persian) somsa made of filo 
dough and fried in oil. 
varaqla- 1: v.t.  to leaf through (book). 
[varaqlan-, varaqlat-, varaqlash-] 
varaqla- 2: v.i.  to boil or burble 
heavily. [varaqlat-] 
varasa: obs. (Arabic) heirs, inheritors. 
varen"e: (Russian) raspberry; jam, 
preserves (s. murabbo). 
variant: (Russian) version, 
variant.varilla- rush (water); to 
putt, to rattle (engine, etc.). [varillat-] 
varrak: kite. ~ uchir- to fly a kite. 
Varshava: Warsaw. 
varvar hist.: (Russian) barbarian. 
varvarak: s. varrak. 
varvarizm ling.: (Russian) barbarism. 
varvarlik: barbarity. 
vasf: obs. (Arabic) oral description; 
vashilla-: s. vishilla-. 
vasiqa arch. jur.: (Arabic) title, deed; 
document proving identity. ~si yo'q 
(coll.) unstable, flighty. 
vasiqali: licensed, having the proper 
vasiy: (Arabic) guardian (of an 
vasiyat: (Arabic) will, testament; 
vasiyatnoma: (Persian) written will. 

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vasiylik: guardianship. 
vasl lit.: (Arabic) union (esp. w/one?s 
beloved). ~ini ko'rsat- to show one?s 
face. yor ~iga yetish-/Erish- to become 
united with one?s beloved. 
vassa: (Persian) short slats placed 
tightly together above the beams of a 
house which form the ceiling. 
vassajuft: (Persian) a building made 
with a vassa ceiling. 
vassal: (Russian) vassal. 
vassalom: (Arabic) And that is all., So 
that?s that., End of story. 
vasvasa A: temptations; vexations, 
anxieties, fears. ~qil- to seduce, to 
tempt; to vex, to frighten. ~ga tush- to 
fall prey to fears and anxieties. 
vasvos: (Arabic) afflicted, touched, 
vatan: (Arabic) homeland, 
father/motherland; home. 

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