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topta-: v.t.  to trample; to destroy, to 
denigrate. [toptal-, toptat-, toptash-] 
toptan-: v.i.  to stomp the ground. 
toq 1: (Arabic) odd, uneven (in 
number); lone, single. ~ tuyoqli 
perissodactyl (animal with an uneven 
number of toes). 
toq 2: (Arabic) arch; dome. 
toq 3: (Arabic) toqati ~ bo'ldi to be at 
the end of one's patience.toq 4 coll.~i 
la'nat s. tavqi la'nat.toq-ravoq, toqu 
ravoqmansion, chateau, palace. 
toqa: (Arabic) one (of a pair); one of a 
pair of lengths of cloth (s. 
jo'ra).toqalash thin out (crops; s. 
toqat: (Arabic) patience. ~ qil- to be 
patient with, to endure. 
toqatli: patient. 
toqatlilik: abstr. of toqatli. 
toqatsiz: impatient. 
toqatsizlan-: v.i.  to lose patience. 
toqatsizlik: impatience. 
toqi: (Arabic) short slats placed tightly 
together above the beams of a house 
and which form the ceiling (s. ~ sanab 
yot- to lay awake all night. 
toqi-ravoq: s. toq-ravoq. 
toqidor: (Persian) s. toqili. 
toqili: (ceiling) made with slats (s. toqi, 
toqli: arched. 
tor 1: narrow, tight; tight, stingy. fe'li ~ 
stingy. do'ppi ~ kelip qoldi to fall on 
hard times. 
tor 2: (Persian) string (of stringed 
instrument). ~i sust in low spirits. ~i 
susaydi to become gloomy. 
tor-mor: (Persian) ~ bo'l- to be 
annihilated or decimated. ~ 
qil-/Et-/keltir- to annhiliate, to 
toray-: v.i.  to become narrow or tight; 
to become constrained. [torayt-, 
toraytir-, toraytiril-] 
torf: (Russian) peat. 
torfli: full of peat. 
torfzor: peat bog.torg'oq 
toriy: (Russian) thorium. 
torli: stringed (instrument). 
torlik: narrowness, tightness; 
stinginess, miserliness. 
tormoz: (Russian) brake. ~ ber-/qil- to 
brake, to put on the brakes. 
tormozla-: v.t.  to brake. [tormozlan-] 
tormozlanish: v.n. of shartli ~ ?? 
tormozlash: v.n. of tormozla-; braking; 
inhibition, deadening.?? 

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tormozlik: ~ qil- to hamper, to impede, 
to obstruct. 
toroj: (Persian) ~ qil-/Et- to plunder. 
torpeda: (Russian) torpedo.tors ono.~ 
yoril- to split in half, to burst. boshi(m) 
~ yorilib/~ yorilib ketguday bo'ldi or 
yuragi ~ yorilib ketay deyapti to have 
one's heart feel ready to burst. ~-~ 
yoril- to burst split into pieces. 
tort: (Russian) cake. 
tort-: v.t.  to pull, to draw; to attract; to 
involve, to draw in; to soak up, to 
absorb; to distil; to serve (food); to 
weigh (on a scale); to give, to bestow 
upon; to dig (ditch); to mill; to 
withhold; to resemble; to favor; to go 
through, to undergo; to be inclined 
towards. Elektr simlarini ~- to string 
electric wires. tamaki ~- to smoke 
tobacco. tarozida un ~- to weigh flour 
on a scale. o'ziga ~- to attract to o.s. 
ishga ~- to involve in work, to put to 
work. diqqatni chetga ~- to divert 
attention. javobgarlikka ~- to make 
answer (for). jazoga ~- to bring to 
justice, to make pay. azob ~- to suffer. 
jazo ~- to undergo punishment. izza ~- 
to feel ashamed or shy. tashvish ~- to 
feel anxious. osh ~- to serve pilaw. 
bosh ~- to pull out, to back out of. 
burun ~- to snort, to sniff. karnay ~- to 
play a karnay. oyoqni ~- to pull out, to 
leave. oh ~- to let out a gasp. qo'l ~- to 
pull back, to cease. ovqatdan qo'l ~- to 
cease eating. qo'shin ~- to to march 
troops. homuza ~- to yawn. yo'g'on ~- 
to thicken. biror kishiga ~- to look like 
s.o., to be like s.o. ~ib (olib) ket- to 
make off with. ~ib ol- to pull out; to 
free; to seize. ~ib chiqar-/chiq- to pull 
out. [tortil-, tortish-, torttir-]tort-tort 
coll.pilfering, filching, pillaging; 
drinking (bout). 
tortib: converbial of kattadan ~ 
kichkinagacha from large to small. 
tortil-: v.i.  pass. of tort-; to diminish. 
tortin-: v.i.  to hesitate, to be ashamed, 
to be bashful; to avoid. [tortinish-] 
tortinchoq: bashful, shy. 
tortinchoqlik: bashfulness. 
tortiq: present, gift, offering; pulled 
aside, drawn. 
tortiqlik: drawn, pulled tight; strung 
up; bedecked. 
tortish-: v.i.  coop. of tort-; to cramp; 
to argue. 
tortish: v.n. of tort-; pull, attraction. 
erning ~ kuchi gravity. 
tortishish: v.n. or tortish-; argument, 
tortishmachoq: wrestling contest held 
between women on the bride's and 
groom's sides after the arrival of the 
bride at the groom's house. 
tortishuv: v.n. of ~ kuchi force of 
tortqila-: v.t.  to tug on, to pull about
to carry off; to pester, to fleece. 
[tortqilan-, tortqilash-]tortuvchan 
lit.attractive, interesting.torxon 
dial.exempt from taxes (s. darxon). 
tos 1: (Persian) wash basin. ~ suyagi 
pelvis.tos 2 dial.brocade.tos 3 coll.s. 
tosh 2: measure of distance equal to 8 
versts (app. 5 miles). 
tosh-: v.i.  to overflow, to flood; to 
break out, to erupt. to'lib tosh- to 
overflow (with); to reach the point of 
being overcome by emotion. 
yuragi/ichi toshdi to be frantic with 
boredom. qaynab tosh- to boil over. 
[toshir-]tosh-tarozi, toshu taroziscale 
and weights. har erni qilma orzu, har 
erda bor ~ There's no free lunch. 
tosh-tarozidan ~- to cheat (in 
tosh: rock, stone; weight; rock-hard. 
boshi ~ga tegdi to regret one's 
misdeeds. boshni ~ga urib to break 
one's neck (to no avail). bag'ri ~ odam 
cold as a stone, cold-hearted.yurakdagi 
~ weight upon one's heart.yo'llarga ~ 
ter- to pave a road. kerakli ~ning 
og'irligi yo'q the necessary burden is 
easy to bear (=??).orqasidan ~ ot- to 
throw a stone after s.o. or say bad 
words behind s.o. as they leave (with 
the belief that this will keep them from 
returning). og'zingga ~ Keep your trap 
shut!; Bite your tongue (said to one 
who says evil things). ~ boyla- to take 
a long time to boil. samovar ~ 
boyladimi? What's wrong with the 
samovar, why won't it boil? ~ bos- to 
have weight, to be weighty. ~ bosma 
lithograph.~ bosmada bos- to 
lithograph.~ jinslari varieties of stone.~ 
yo'l paved road.~ yo'nuvchi stone 
mason.~ koni stone quarry.~ nok (bot.) 
a variety of pear.~ paxta (coll.) 
asbestos.~ taxta slate board.~ingni ter 
Make yourself useful! ~ teruvchi stone 
layer.~ choy brick tea.~ qalam slate 
pencil.~ qot- to become hard a s a 
stone; to sleep like a rock. ~ qurt ~i 
og'ir polvon a wrestler weighing many 
stone.~idan kam keldi to come up 
short, to come up less than it weighed 
on the scale. ~ daraxt (bot.) Caucasian 
hackberry (s. qotrang'i).toshbaqa 
zool.tortoise, turtle. ~ qadam slow as a 
toshbo'ron: rockslide; stoning. ~ qil- 
to stone.toshbosh zool.gudgeon. 
toshday/dek: like a stone. ~ qot- to 
freeze like a stone. 
toshli: adj. of tosh; stony. 
toshloq: stony place. 
toshqin: flood; overflowing, flooding. 
toshqora: s. tasqara 1.toshqovoq 
toshzor: stone field, stony place. 
tost: (Russian) toast (drinking). 
tot-: v.t.  to taste. [totil-] 
tot: taste, flavor; delight, enjoyment. 
total: (Russian) total. 
totalitar: (Russian) totalitarian.totim 
bot.Sicilian sumach. 
totin-: v.i.  to taste, to try. 
totli: good-tasting; sweet, 
pleasant.totuk dial.s. totuv. 
totuv: amicable, harmonious, friendly. 
totuvchilik: s. totuvlik. 
totuvlash-: v.i.  to become friends, to 
get along. 
totuvlik: friendliness, harmony, amity. 
tova: (Persian) pan. 
tovar: (Russian) goods, wares; article, 
commodity. ~ xo'jaligi commodity 
economy. ~ g'alla marketable grain. 
tovardorlik: marketability. 
tovarshunos: commodity researcher. 
tovarshunoslik: abstr. of tovarshunos; 
commodity research.tovcha coll.s. 
tokcha.tovchag'iz bot.a mountain 
perennial plant [tay-sagyz]. 
tovla- 1: v.t.  s. mehr ~- to arouse 
affection. [tovlan-] 

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tovla- 2 v.t. coll.: s. tobla- 2. [tobla-, 
tovla- 3: v.i.  to sparkle (s. tovlan-). 
tovla- 4: v.t.  to dupe, to cheat, to 
swindle. [tovlan-] 
tovlan-: v.i.  to shimmer, to glimmer
to sparkle; to waver; to transform. 
[tovlantir-]tovmir dial.s. tomir. 
tovon 1: sole, bottom of foot (or shoe). 
tovon 2: (Persian) compensation, 
penalty, fine. ~iga qol- to be forced to 
pay compensation for. tirik ~ burden, 
encumbrance.tovonbaliq zool.crucian 
tovondor: (Persian) responsible for 
paying a fine. 
tovoq-qoshiq: dishes. 
tovoq: earthenware dish; plate, platter; 
(phonograph) record. norin ~ large 
bowl or platter for serving charx ~ a 
large decorated platter. to'qqiz ~ s. 
tovoqday/dek: large and flat. 
tovoqdosh rare: fellow, mate (sharing 
a dish of food). 
tovor: a machine-made silk fabric of 
which the pattern and background are 
the same color. 
tovsil-: v.i.  to diminish, to go down. 
tovsilan-: v.i.  s. tovsil-.tovuq 
zool.chicken, hen; cock-crow (as a unit 
of time). bir ~qa ham suv kerak, ham 
don kerak Man cannot live on bread 
alone. ola ~ somon chochar, o'z aybini 
o'zi ochar said of one who voices his or 
other's faults. ~ yili ; name of the 10th 
year of the 12-year animal cycle 
tovuqboqar: chicken farmer. 
tovuqchilik: poultry raising. 
tovuqxona: chicken coop or house. 
tovus zool.: (Arabic) peacock. 
tovush: voice; sound, noise. ~ ber- to 
speak up. ~ chiqar- to make a noise; to 
speak aloud. ~ chiqarib o'qi- to read 
aloud. ~ingni o'chir! Shutup! ~ing 
o'chgur Damn you. bor ~(i) bilan/~i 
boricha/~ini baralla qo'yib with all 
one's voice, at the top of one's lungs. 
tovushli: adj. of tovush; voiced; sound 
(waves, etc.); talking (movie, 
etc.).tovushqon dial. zool.hare. 
tovushsiz: voiceless; soundless; 
silent.tovut coll.s. tobut.tovutkash 
coll.s. tobutkash.tovva 1 coll.s. tavba. 
tovva 2: the smooth side of a 
knucklebone. oshig'i ~ unlucky, down 
on one's luck (in business). 
toy 1: yearling foal; term of 
endearment for young children. 
toy 2: (Persian) bundle, package. ~ qil- 
to wrap in a bundle. 
toy-: v.i.  to slip, to slide; to deviate, to 
go astray; to avoid, to stop at. u hech 
narsadan ~maydi He will stop at 
nothing.; There's nothing he won't do. 
tildan ~- to say s.t. mistakenly. tildan 
~may not to take s.t. back that one has 
said. jaddiga ~- to take the blame for 
s.t. holdan ~- to be exhausted. [toydir-, 
toydiril-, toyil-, toyiltir-] 
toy-toy: bundles and bundles. ~ tur- to 
teeter (s. g'oz-g'oz tur-). 
toycha: dim. of toy 1; dear, darling. 
toychi: bundler, packer. 
toychoq: dim. of toy 1. 
toydi: a type of knucklebone game. 
toyg'an-: v.i.  to slip, to slide. 
[toyg'anish-, toyg'antir-] 
toyg'anchoq: s. toyg'anoq. 
toyg'anoq: slippery, slick. 
toyg'oq: s. toyg'anoq. 
toyla- 1 rare: v.t.  to bear a foal. 
toyla- 2: v.t.  to bundle. [toylan-, 
toyloq: young foal; dear, darling. 
toyloqday/dek: big, strapping (child). 
toymas: tenacious, dogged. 
toz: bald; bald area on head. 
toza: (Persian) clean; pure; quite, very, 
really. palagi ~ of honorable descent. 
tozala-: v.t.  to clean. [tozalan-, 
tozalat-, tozalatil-, tozalattir-, 
tozalik: cleanness, sanitation; purity. 
tozalovchi: cleaner. 
tozi zool.: (Persian) borzoi, greyhound; 
swift, fleet horse. 
traditsion: (Russian) traditional. 
traditsiya: (Russian) tradition (s. 
traektoriya: (Russian) trajectory. 
trafaret: (Russian) stencil. 
tragediya: (Russian) tragedy. 
tragik: (Russian) tragic. 
tragikomediya: (Russian) tragicomedy. 
tragikomik: (Russian) tragicomic. 
trakt: (Russian) highway; tract. 
traktat: (Russian) treatise. 
traktir: (Russian) inn. 
traktor: (Russian) tractor. 
traktorchi: tractor driver. 
traktorsozlik: tractor manufacturing. 
tramplin: (Russian) trampoline, 
tramvay: (Russian) tramway. 
tramvaychi: tramway worker. 
transformator: (Russian) transformer. 
transformatsiya (Russian): 
transformatsiyala-: v.t.  to transform. 
transheya: (Russian) trench. 
transkriptsion (Russian): 
transkriptsiya: (Russian) transcription. 
transkriptsiyala-: v.t.  to transcribe. 
transliteratsiya (Russian): 
translyatsion: (Russian) relay(ing). 
translyatsiya: (Russian) transmission
transparant: (Russian) transparent 
material used for banners; black-lined 
transport: (Russian) transport; supply 
transportchi: transport worker. 
transporter: (Russian) conveyor; 

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transportir: (Russian) protractor. 
tranzistor: (Russian) transistor. 
tranzit: (Russian) transit. 
trap: (Russian) gangway. 
trapetseidal: (Russian) trapezoidal. 
trapetsiya: (Russian) trapezoid. 
trassa: (Russian) line, course, route. 
travma: (Russian) trauma. 
travmatizm: (Russian) traumatism, 
traxoma: (Russian) trachoma (s. 
tred-yunion: (Russian) trade union. 
tred-yunionist: (Russian) trade 
tred-yunionistik (Russian): 
tred-yunionizm (Russian): 
trek: (Russian) track. 
trener: (Russian) trainer, coach. 
trenerlik: abstr. of ~ qil- to serve as a 
trest: (Russian) trust. 
trevoga: (Russian) alarm, alert, 
warning. havo ~si air-raid warning. 
tribun: (Russian) tribune. 
tribuna: (Russian) tribune, platform; 
tribunal: (Russian) tribunal. 
trigonometrik: (Russian) 
trigonometriya: (Russian) 
triko: (Russian) tricot; tights. 
trikotaj: (Russian) knitwear. 
trillion: (Russian) trillion. 
trilogiya: (Russian) trilogy. 
trio: (Russian) trio. 
triod: (Russian) triode. 
tripper: (Russian) gonorrhea (s. so'zak 
tritiy: (Russian) tritium. 
trolleybus: (Russian) trolley bus. 
tromb: (Russian) blood clot. 
trombon: (Russian) trombone. 
tromboz: (Russian) thrombosis. 
tropik: (Russian) tropic; the tropics; 
tropical. ~lar the tropics. ~ yil tropical 
troposfera: (Russian) the troposphere. 
tros: (Russian) cable, hawser. 
trotskiychi: Trotskyite. 
trotskizm: (Russian) Trotskyism. 
trotuar: (Russian) pavement, sidewalk. 
truba: (Russian) pipe, tube; trumpet. 
trubachi: trumpet player. 
trubka: (Russian) tube, pipe; receiver; 
tobacco pipe. 
truboprovod: (Russian) pipeline. 
truboprovodchi: pipeline worker. 
truborez: (Russian) pipe-cutting 
truppa: (Russian) troupe. 
tryumo: (Russian) pier glass. 
tsapfa: (Russian) pin, pivot. 
Tsarist regular policeman:  
tseillofan: (Russian) cellophane. 
tsel"siy: (Russian) Celsius. 
tselluloid: (Russian) celluloid. 
tsellyuloza: (Russian) cellulose. 
tsement: (Russian)  
tsentner: (Russian) centner (app. 100 
tsentnerchi: yuz ~ one who produces 
100 centner of cotton per hectare. 
tsentnerchilik: yuz ~ harakati 
campaign to increase yield to 100 
centner per hectare. 
tsentnerli: weighing a centner. 
tsentralizm: (Russian) centralism. 
tsentrifuga: (Russian) centrifuge. 
tsentrist: (Russian) centrist. 
tsentrizm: (Russian) centrism. 
tsenz: (Russian) limitation (on rights). 
tsenzor: (Russian) censor. 
tsenzura: (Russian) censorship. 
tsex: (Russian) (work)shop, section. 
tseytnot: (Russian) exceeding the time 
permitted for a move (in chess). 
tseziy: (Russian) cesium. 
tsian: (Russian) cyanogen. 
tsianli: cyanic. 
tsiferblat: (Russian) dial, face (of 
tsiklik: (Russian) cyclic(al). 
tsikllashtir-: v.t.  to group into cycles. 
tsiklli: cyclical. 
tsiklon: (Russian) cyclone. 
tsiklotron: (Russian) cyclotron. 
tsilindr: (Russian) cylinder; top hat. 
tsilindrik: (Russian) cylindrical. 
tsinga: (Russian) scurvy. 
tsink: (Russian) zinc. 
tsinkograf: (Russian) zincographer. 
tsirk: (Russian) circus. 
tsirkchi: circus performer. 
tsirkul": (Russian) compasses; 
tsirkulyar: (Russian) instruction(s). 
tsisterna: (Russian) cistern. 
tsitata: (Russian) quotation. 
tsitatabozlik: quotation-mongering. 
tsitrus: (Russian) citrus. 
tsivilizatsiya: (Russian) civilization. 
tsokol": (Russian) socle, plinth, cap. 
tu-tu: sound used for calling chickens. 
tub-tomir: s. tag-tomir. 
tub: bottom, base, foot, lowest part
origin, root. ~da completely; (w/neg.) 
at all. ~dan completely, entirely. ~ joyli 
xalq indigenous population. ~ sifat 
qualitative (??) adjective. ~ so'z root 
tuban: low; lowly, base; beneath, 
below. tanqiddan ~ not worthy of 
criticism. ~ga down. ~da below, 
following. ~dagi the following... 
tubanlash-: v.i.  to lower, to sink. 
tubanlik: low place; lowliness. ~ bilan 
meanly, in a lowly way; humbly. 

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tubli: well-founded, sound; 
tubsiz: bottomless; unsound, 
tubsizlik: bottomlessness; 
unsoundness.tubulgi bot. 
tuf 1: sound made by spitting. ~ de- to 
spit; to make a spitting sound to ward 
off the evil eye. 
tuf 2: (Russian) tufa, tuff. 
tuf-tuf: s. tuf 1. 
tufayli 1: (Arabic) because of, due to. u 
kasallik ~ majlisga kela olmadi He was 
unable to attend the meeting due to 
illness. ~dan due to, thanks to. 
tufayli 2: arch.  
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