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tikkalan-: v.i.  pass. of tikkala-; to raise 
up straight. 
tikkalik: abstr. of tikka. 
tikkama-tikka: directly, straightaway. 
tikkasiga: straight, directly. 
tikkay-: v.i.  to stick up straight, to 
stand on end (hair), to prick up (ears). 
[tikkaytir- tikkayt-] 
tikla-: v.t.  to set up straight; to erect; 
to restore, to rebuild, to renew. [tiklat- 
tiklab: straight (on, up), directly, 
tiklik: steepness. 
tikma 1: sewn with thread. 
tikma 2: planted (in groups, not sown). 
[lunochniy]??tikray- stand up 
tikuv: v.n. of tik-; sewing. 
tikuvchi: sewer; sewing industry 
worker, seamstress. 
tikuvchilik: sewing (as a profession). 
til-: v.t.  to cut into slices; to slice; to 
saw; to cut. qalbini ~- to break one's 
heart. [tildir- tilin- tilish-] 
til: tongue; language; prisoner taken to 
get intelligence from; needle, dial arm, 
clapper, etc. (of mechanical device); 
secrets, ins and outs. ~ bilimi 
linguistics. ~i bormaydi can't bring 
himself to say (s.t.). ~i kel(ish)maydi 
can't pronounce, can't manage to say. ~ 
tegiz- to speak ill of. ~i chiqdi to begin 
speaking. ~i qichidi to get the urge to 
speak. ~ga kir-/~ga ol- to mention. 
~idan gulla- to blabber. ~idan ilin- to 
let the cat out of the bag. ~idan 
tushirmaslik/~dan qol- to lose one's 
ability to speak. ~i bir unanimous, 
agreed. ~i uzun bold, brazen, forward 
(in talk). ~i qisiq/~ uchida 
perfunctorily. ~ biriktir- to agree on, to 
come to an arrangement with. ~ top-/~ 
tortmay/~ni yoradi 
('tongue-splittingly') sweet. ~ini 
tishla(b qol)- to bite one's tongue; to 
keep silent; to regret. ~ini qayra- to 
spread rumors about, to gossip about. 
~imning uchida turibdi It's on the tip of 
my tongue. 
tila-: v.t.  to wish (for); to beg (for), to 
request. gunohini ~- to beg 
forgiveness. ~b olgan bolamni Echki 
tepib o'ldirdi said when losing s.t. 
gotten with difficulty. [tilan-] 
tilak: wish, hope; request. 
tilakdosh: well-wisher. 
tilaknoma: card or letter of 
well-wishing.tilamchi coll.s. tilanchi. 
tilan-: v.i.  pass. of tila-; to beg. 
tilanchi: beggar. 
tilanchilik: begging. 
tilar-tilamas: right away, before 
getting a chance to ask. 
tilcha: dim. of til; uvula. 
tilchi: linguist; informer, spy. 
tilchilik: abstr. of tilchi; linguistics; 
informing, spying. 
tilik: s. tilim. 
tilikla-: s. tilimla-. [tiliklan- tiliklat-] 
tilim-tilim: cut into slices, sliced up. 
tilim: slice. 
tilimla-: v.t.  to cut into slices. 
[tilimlan- tilimlat-] 
tilish: v.n. of til-; slice.tilishla- coll.s. 
tilka-pora: (in) bits and pieces. ~ bo'l- 
or ~si chiq- to be in pieces, to be 
smashed to pieces. ~ qil- to smash to 
pieces, to rip to shreds. 
tilka-tilka: s. tilka-pora. 
tilka: in pieces. 
tilkala- rare: v.t.  to smash to pieces. 
[tilkalan- tilkalat- tilkalash-] 
tilla: (Persian) gold; gold piece worth 
10 soum; dear, precious; (bot.) 
tillado'z rare: (Persian) embroiderer of 
gold brocade designs (s. zardo'z). 
tillado'zi rare: (Persian) embroidered 
with gold brocade ( s. zardo'zi). 
tillakor(i): (Persian) golden, 
gilded.tillaqo'ng'iz zool.may bug, 
tillaqosh: a women's golden ornament 
worn on the forehead. 
tillash- coll.: v.i.  to translate or 
interpret, to serve as interpreter; to get 
along well, to hit it off. 
tillasimon: golden. 
tillo lrnd.: (Persian) gold. 
tilma: cut, made from cutting. 
tilmala- rare: v.t.  to cut into slices. 
tilmoch: interpreter, translator. 
tilmochlik: abstr. of tilmoch. 

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tilovat: (Arabic) reading, recitation (of 
the Quran). 
tilshunos: linguist. 
tilshunoslik: linguistics. 
tilsim: (Arabic) enchanted place
enchantment, spell; talisman. ~ qil- to 
cast a spell on. 
tilsimla-: v.t.  to cast a spell on, to lock 
under a spell. [tilsimlan-] 
tilsimli: enchanted, locked under a 
spell; enchanting, spellbinding. 
tilsimot: (Arabic) spells, enchantments. 
tilsiz: tongueless; dumb, mute; silent. ~ 
yov implacable foe. 
tilsizlan-: v.i.  to become mute; to be 
tilsizlik: tonguelessness; muteness, 
tilxat: receipt, i.o.u. note. 
tilyog'lama: flatterer, sycophant; 
tilyog'lamachi: s. tilyog'lama. 
tilyog'lamachilik: s. tilyog'lamalik. 
tilyog'lamalik: fawning, bootlicking. 
tim 1: (Persian) covered bazaar 
tim 2: ~ qora jet black. ~ qorong'i inky 
black.tim 3 dial.(not) at all, in no way. 
timbon: (Persian) guard or patrolman 
in a bazaar. 
timdala-: v.i.  to scratch; to upset, to 
gnaw at (fears). qalbini ~- to upset, to 
cause anxiety. [timdalan- timdalat- 
timi(r)skila-: v.t.  to feel for, to grope 
for. [timi(r)skilan- timi(r)skilash-] 
timsoh zool.: (Arabic) crocodile. 
timsol: (Arabic) example; sign, 
symbol; personification, 
embodiment.timtiq dial.scrap, shred, 
tin-: v.i.  to become clear (of silt, etc.), 
to settle out (silt); to rest, to take a rest; 
to stop moving. ko'zi ~di to feel dizzy. 
chakagi ~di to be quiet, to stop talking. 
ko'ngli ~di to become calm, to have 
one's heart at rest. o'zidan ~- to settle 
down, to take charge of one's own 
affairs. [tindir- tindiril- tinit- tinitil- 
tin: breath, rest; calm, repose. ~ ol- to 
take a breath; to take a rest, to catch 
one's breath. 
tinch-totuv: peaceful, carefree. 
tinch: quiet, peaceful, calm, still; 
peace, calm. ~ini ol- to have a rest. ~ 
qo'y- to leave alone. suyagi ~ 
comfortable life. o'ziga ~ comfortable, 
well-off, not needy. 
tinchi-: v.i.  to find relief or repose; to 
slow or calm down, to quiet down, to 
settle down. qulog'i ~di to give one's 
ears a rest, to get away from noise; to 
get free of others' haggling. o'zidan ~di 
to settle down, to manage one's 
household. [tinchit-, tinchitil-, 
tinchitish-, tinchish-] 
tinchlan-: v.i.  to calm down. 
tinchlat-: v.t.  to calm. 
tinchlik: peace; calm, quiet. (o'zi) ~mi? 
Is something wrong? 
tinchlikcha: peacefully. 
tinchliksevar: peace-loving. 
tinchliksevarlik: abstr. of 
tinchsiz: unsettled, troubled, uneasy. 
tinchsizla- rare: v.i.  to trouble, to 
tinchsizlan-: to become unsettled or 
troubled. [tinchsizlantir-] 
tinchsizlik: unrest, anxiety; trouble, 
tindir-: v.t.  caus. of ko'zini ~- to cause 
one's eyes to hurt; to make dizzy. 
tindirgich: settling tank. 
ting' 1: s. ting.ting' 2 ono.strummed or 
plucked sound (of stringed instrument). 
ting'illat- ono.: v.t.  to strum, to 
pluck.ting'ir-ting'ir ono.strumming or 
plucking sound. 
ting: fallow. 
tingla-: v.t.  to listen to. [tinglan- 
tinglat- tinglash-] 
tinglovchi: listener; student; (arch. 
gram.) second person.tingsha- 
prick up one's ears. 
tini-: v.i.  s. tin-. [tinit-] 
tinib-tinchimas: restless, always 
bustling about. 
tinim: rest, repose. 
tinimsiz: restless; ceaselessly. 
tinimsizlik: lack of rest; restlessness; 
tiniq-: v.i.  to become clear; to come to 
o.s., to become well rested. [tiniqtir-] 
tiniq: clear; bright. 
tiniqlan-: v.i.  to become clear; to 
revive, to recover. 
tiniqlash-: v.i.  to become 
(increasingly) clear; to recover, to 
regain health or vigor. 
tiniqlik: clarity, brightness. 
tinish: v.n. of tin-; s. ~ belgilari 
punctuation marks. 
tinjira-: v.i.  to sparkle. 
tinka-mador: strength. 
tinka: strength, vigor. ~si quri- to tire, 
to weaken, to be worn out. ~sini qurit- 
to wear out, to tire, to weaken. 
tinkasiz rare: weak, feeble. 
tinlik: silence, calm. 
tinmag'ur: s. tinmagur. 
tinmagur: tireless, restless. 
tinmasdan: s. tinmay. 
tinmay: w/o rest, tirelessly; constantly, 
incessantly.tinmayin lit.s. tinmay. 
tinti-: v.t.  to rummage through, to 
search through. [tintish-] 
tintuv: search. 
tip: (Russian) type; character. 
tipik: (Russian) typical. 
tipiklash-: v.i.  to become typical. 
[tipiklashtir-, tipiklashtiril-] 
tipiklik: typicalness. 
tipilla-: s. tipirla-.tipir-tipir 
ono.thrashing or writhing motion; 
dashing about; fidgety, busy. 
tipirchila-: v.i.  s. qalbi ~di to have 
one's heart flutter. [tipirchilan-, 
tipirchilat-, tipirchilash-] 
tipirchin-: v.i.  to stamp, to pat (feet). 
tipirla-: v.i.  to flail about; to quiver. 
[tipirlat-, tipirlash-] 

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tipografiya: (Russian) printing office, 
tipovoy: (Russian) model, standard. 
tippa-tik: straight (up); bold, 
brazen.tipratikan zool.hedgehog. 
tiq-: v.t.  to thrust, to stick, to cram 
into. [tiqil-, tiqilish-, tiqiltir-, tiqish-, 
tiqishtir-, tiqishtiril-, tiqtir-]tiq 
ono.tapping, rapping, or banging noise. 
~ Etgan tovush/~ Etgan xabar yo'q not 
one bit of news. 
tiqil-: v.i.  pass. of o'pkasi og'ziga ~di 
to be out of breath, to lose one's breath. 
so'zi/gapi bo'g'ziga/tomog'iga ~di to be 
speechless, to be at a loss for words. 
tiqilinch: crowd, crowded place; 
crowded, packed, jammed; urgent, 
pressing. ~ qil- to push, to press. 
tiqin: stopper, plug, cork; crammed, 
tiqinchoq: dim. of tiqin. 
tiqinla-: v.t.  to stopper, to plug, to 
cork. [tiqinlan-, tiqinlat-] 
tiqinlik: suitable or enough for using as 
a stopper, etc.; crowdedness.tiqir-tiqir 
ono.rattling or rapping noise. 
tiqirla- ono.: v.i.  to rattle, to rap. 
tiqishtir-: v.t.  to stuff, to cram; to 
stick, to plant. [tiqishtiril-, tiqishtirish-] 
tiqmachoq: stack stuffed with s.t.; fat, 
tiqmachoqday: fat, chubby. 
tir 1: obs. (Persian) arrow. 
tir 2: (Russian) firing or shooting 
tir 3: s. tirr. 
tira-: v.t.  to lean against, to prop 
against. [tiral-, tiran-, tirash-] 
tiragich: prop, support. 
tiraj: (Russian) drawing (lottery); 
circulation; edition. ko'p ~li kitob book 
printed in large numbers. 
tirak: prop, support, buttress; 
tiral-: v.i.  pass of tira-; to lean on; to 
reach as far as, to come up against. 
tirandoz: (Persian) archer. 
tirandozlik: abstr. of tirandoz; archery. 
tiraqayla-: v.i.  to run off, to flee 
willy-nilly, to make a run for it. 
tiraqaylat-: v.t.  caus. of~ib quv- to 
chase off, to send packing, to scatter. 
tirband: (Persian) packed, jammed, 
chock full. 
tirbandlik: abstr. of tirband. 
tire: (Russian) dash. 
tirg'an-: v.i.  to slip, to slide (s. 
sirg'an-). [tirg'anish-, tirg'antir-] 
tirg'anchiq: slippery (s. sirg'anchiq). 
tirgak: s. tirak. 
tirgov: s. tirak. 
tirgovuch: prop, support. 
tirgovuchla-: v.t.  to support, to prop 
up. [tirgovuchlan-] 
tirik: alive, live, living; fresh, not 
wilted (of plants); robust, lively; not 
fully cooked, al dente. ~ vazn live 
weight. ko'z ~ida/ligida while still 
alive, before one dies. 
tirikchilik: life, (making a) living. ~ 
tebrat- to get by, to make ends meet. 
tiriklay(in): live, while (still) alive. 
tirikligicha: s. tiriklayin. 
tiriklik: abstr. of tirik; life. 
tiriktovon: parasite, freeloader. 
tiril-: v.i.  to come back to life, to 
revive. o'l desang-o'ladi, ~ desang, ~adi 
obedient, will do anything you tell him 
to. [tirilt(ir)-] 
tirilla- ono.: v.i.  to make a tearing, 
splitting, or chirping sound (s. tirr). 
tirinka: (Russian) tricot. 
tiriqla- ono.: v.i.  to tap, to rap. 
tiriqtir-: v.t.  s. tiraqaylat-. [tiriqlat-] 
tirish-: v.i.  to wrinkle, to become 
wrinkled; to feel aches and pains; to try 
hard, to strive to do, to work hard at. 
[tirishil-, tirishtir-] 
tirish: wrinkle; wrinkled. 
tirishib-tirmashib: striving hard, with 
might and main. 
tirishiq: wrinkle; wrinkled, wrinkly. 
tirishqoq: hardworking. 
tirishqoqlik: abstr. of tirishqoq. 
tirjay-: v.i.  to smirk; to grimace, to 
contort one's features. [tirjayish-, 
tirjiq: contorted; smirking, grimacing; 
thin, wiry. 
tirka-: v.t.  to hitch, to couple; to 
attach, to add; to lean against, to prop 
up against. [tirkal-, tirkalish-, tirkat-, 
tirkash-, tirkashtir-] 
tirkalma: s. tirkama. 
tirkaluvchi: v.n. of ~ moslama 
tractor-drawn implements. 
tirkama: trailer; hitched, drawn or 
pulled. ~ vagon trailer. 
tirkamali: hitched to, pulling, or 
drawing s.t. 
tirkamasiz: w/o a trailer or hitched 
tirkash 1: v.n. of tirka-.tirkash 2 dial.s. 
tirkish: saddle girth (for hitching a 
wagon to). 
tirkov: v.n. of tirka-; hitched, drawn 
(by tractor, etc.). 
tirkovchi: v.n. of tirka-; [pritsepshchik] 
puller?? lead hitch??. 
tirma mola: harrow. 
tirmala-: v.t.  to claw. ichini ~la- to 
rend one's heart. [tirmalan-, tirmalat-, 
tirmash-: v.i.  to clamber, to scramble 
up; to cling to. 
tirmizak: naive; imp, rascal 
tirna-: v.t.  to scratch, to scrape, to 
claw. ichini ~- to upset greatly, to eat 
at. [tirnal-, tirnat-, tirnash-] 
tirnoq: fingernail, nail, claw, talon; 
hoof; child, offspring; device used to 
climb telephone poles (??). ~ini 
o'stirmaydi to keep others from getting 
rich. ~dan/~ orasidan/~ ko'r- to have 
offpsring. ~qa zor bo'l- to yearn for 
tirnoqcha 1: small nail(s). 
tirnoqcha 2: little bit. 
tirnoqday/dek: tiny, small. 

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tirnoqla-: v.t.  to scratch (with the 
nails); to open old wounds. 
tirog'lik: leaning or propped up 
tirqira-: v.i.  to scatter, to run off in 
every direction; to spurt, to gush. 
[tirqirat-, tirqirash-] 
tirqish: crack, chink.tirr ono.tearing 
sound.tirrak coll.s. ~dek qot- to sleep 
like a log. 
tirrancha: s. tirmizak. 
tirraqi: prone to diarrhea; thin, gaunt; 
foul, wretched. 
tirraqila-: v.t.  to foul things with one's 
tirriq: cheat, swindler. kayfi ~ upset, in 
a bad mood. 
tirriqlik: abstr. of ~ qil- to cheat, to 
swindle.tirs ono.popping or snapping 
sound (e.g., made by a fire or a thread 
tirsak 1: elbow. ~ni tishlab bo'lmas so 
near and yet so far. 
tirsak 2: a kind of sore on the tongue 
?? [tipun]. 
tirsakla-: v.t.  to do s.t. with the elbow. 
tirsilla- 1 ono.: v.i.  to make a snapping 
or popping sound. [tirsillat-] 
tirsilla- 2: to swell to bursting. 
tirsillama: swelling, swollen, fit to 
tirtay-: v.i.  to sulk, to pout. 
tirtiq: scar. 
tirtish-: v.i.  to be taut; to heal over and 
become puckered (wound). 
tis: sound made to a horse to get it to 
walk backwards. 
tisar-: v.t.  to make walk backwards, to 
have back up; to push back, to repel. 
[tisaril-, tisart-] 
tisaril-: v.i.  pass. of tisar-; to step or 
lurch backwards; to retreat, to 
tish 1: tooth, teeth. ~ yor- to have teeth 
come in. +da ~ chiqqan to grow up 
doing. ~i o'tadi to get one's teeth into, 
to comprehend. birovga (qarshi) ~ 
qayra- to carry a grudge or plot 
revenge against s.o. ~ning 
kavagiga/~ining oqini ko'rsat- to grin. 
~ini-~iga qo'y- to grit one's teeth, to 
put up with s.t. ~ doktori dentist. ~ 
kavlagich toothpick. ~ poroshogi tooth 
powder. ~ cho'tkasi toothbrush. ~ ol-/~ 
qo'ydir-/soldir- to have false teeth 
made.tish 2 coll.outside, exterior (s. 
tish-tirnoq: ~i bilan tooth and nail. 
~igacha qurollan- to arm o.s. to the 
tish-tirnoqli: adroit, skillful, energetic. 
tisha-: v.t.  to sharpen (e.g., teeth on a 
saw). [tishal-, tishat-] 
tishla-: v.t.  to bite; to eat; to hold 
between the teeth; to snap at, to deride. 
achchig'ing kelsa, burningni ~- you 
have no one to blame but yourself. yer 
~- to bite the dust. tishida ~- to be very 
careful with. [tishlan-, tishlat-, 
tishlattir-, tishlash-] 
tishlat-: v.t.  caus. of tishla-; to come 
up with a witty reply or remark. quloq 
tishlat- to betrothe while still a child. [ 
tishli: toothed, having teeth. 
tishlik: enough to make one (false) 
tooth; place where teeth of a harrow 
are attached.tishlon dial.buck-toothed. 
tishlong'ich: biting (animal); 
acerbic.tishovla- cut teeth into, 
to sharpen (saw). 
tishqoli: a black dye used to prevent 
tooth decay.tishsh ono.s. tiss. 
tishsiz: toothless. 
tiski: (Russian) vice. 
tisla- v.i./t.: to back up, to move 
backwards. [tislan-, tislantir-, tislat-] 
tiss: shsh! 
tit-: v.t.  to poke at, to go or rummage 
through; to beat, to thrash (to separate 
into fibers, of wool or cotton); to 
smash to pieces, to beat to a pulp. 
o'tni/olovni tit- to poke at a fire. [titil-, 
titiltir-, titin-, titish-, tittir-] 
tit-pit: ~ bo'l- to be topsy-turvy, to be 
scattered all over. ~ qil- to turn 
topsy-turvy, to ransack. ~ chiqar- to 
grind one's nose in the dirt, to teach a 
titan 1: (Russian) boiler. 
titan 2: (Russian) titanium. 
titiq: ragged, shabby, decrepit; worn or 
frayed part of s.t. ~i chiqib/~ini 
chiqar-/o'ynat- to tatter, to tear to 
titkila-: v.t.  to rifle or rummage 
through, to poke through. [titkilan-, 
titkilat-, titkilash-] 
titra-: v.i.  to shiver, to shake; to rattle; 
to quaver. [titrat-, titrash-] 

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