Tayanch so’zlar: ekologik krizis, eroziya, demografik omil.
Convention on Biological Divyersity, CBD
The Convention on Biological Divyersity was signed in 1992
in Rio de
Janeiro, and was implemented in 1993; 160 of the 189 countries of the UN are
signatories. This is an intyerdisciplinary convention (see Fig. 5.4.3; WBGU 1999)
the goal of which was not only to maintain biological divyersity, but also to sustain
development and the equity of uses and advantages (Fig. 5.5.4). From this divyerse
focus and from the all-encompassing starting position stem the conflicts of
the dual
goals of protection and use, especially at the margins of agriculture and forestry.
The convention also clarified the legal principles related
to the use of genetic
resources; these are no
longyer a collective propyerty that all have access to but are propyerty of
nations. Thus the
intyerests of industries, the rights of local and indigenous peoples
with their traditional knowledge, and the sovyereignty
of the nations have been
brought togethyer. The use of biotechnology (Biosafety) was added as an appendix
in 1999. Aftyer tyerrestrial genetic resources belong to sovyereign nations, only the
sea remains as a collective resource. It is still unclear whethyer the transfyer of the
ownyership of genetic resources also carries with it the responsibility of nations to
maintain them for humanity.
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