12. Ko’chirma gapda since (buyon) bog’lovchisidan keyin kelgan Past simple zamoni
o’zlashtirma gapda ham o’zgarmay qoladi: He said: “I have been learning English since I came to
Samarkand”. U dedi: “Men Samarqandga kelganimdan buyon inglizcha o’rganyapman”. He said that
he had been learning English since he came to Samarkand. U Samarqandga kelganidan buyon
inglizcha o’rganaytoganligini aytdi.
13. Ko’chirma gapdagi Must (kerak) modal fe’li “majburiyat, zarurat” ni ifodalaganda
o’zlashtirma gapda had to ga o’zgaradi: My brother told me: “You must send the letter at once”. Akam
menga aytdi: “Sen xatni darxol jo’natishing kerak”. My brother told me that I had to send the letter at
once. Akam menga xatni darxol jo’natish kerakligini aytdi.
Lekin: Must modal fe’li maslahat yoki iltimosni ifodalaganda o’zgarmay qoladi: He said: “You
must go to the doctor. You are seriously ill”. U dedi: “Sen doktorga borishing kerak. Sen jiddiy
kasalsan”. He said that I must go to the doctor and I am seriously ill. U meni doktorga borishim
kerakligini, jiddiy kasal ekanligimni aytdi.
14. Should, would, ought to, might modal fe’llari o’zlashtirma gapda ham o’zgarmay qoladi:
He said to me: “You should not smoke a lot”. U menga dedi: “Sen ko’p chekmasliging kerak”. He said
to me that I should not smoke a lot. U menga ko’p chekmasligim kerakligini aytdi.
16. Ko’rsatish olmoshlari va payt ravishlari o’zlashtirma gapda quyidagicha o’zgaradi:
This (mana bu) – that (ana u) These (mana bular) – those (ana ular)
Now (hozir) – then (o’shanda), at that moment (o’sha damda) Today (bugun) – that day (o’sha
Tomorrow (ertaga) – the following day, next day (keyingi kun) Here (shu yerda) – there (ana u
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