Presidential School in [•] , represented by Executive Director [•], acting under the authority of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as «Employer» and/or «Presidential School », from one part, and
The citizen of [Country],[Full Name] , hereinafter referred to as «Employee», from the second part,
hereinafter together referred to as «Parties» or individually as «Party», executed this Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as «Contract») in accordance with the Labour Code of RUz, acting legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the local acts of the Employer on the following:
Keyingi o‘rinlarda «Ish beruvchi» va/yoki «Prezident Maktabi» deb ataluvchi [•] shahridagi Prezident Maktabi nomidan Ustav asosida ish yurituvchi Ijrochi Direktor [•], bir tomondan, va
Keyingi o‘rinlarda «Xodim» deb ataluvchi, [Davlat nomi] fuqarosi [FIO], ikkinchi tomondan,
keyingi o‘rinlarda birgalikda «Taraflar» yoki alohida «Taraf» deb ataluvchilar, ushbu Mehnat Shartnomasini (keyingi o‘rinlarda - «Shartnoma») O‘zR Mehnat kodeksi, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi amaldagi qonunchiligi va Ish beruvchining ichki hujjatlariga muvofiq quyidagi mazmunda tuzdilar: