Remuneration of labor
Mehnatga haq to‘lash
5.1. In consideration of the functions, duties and services to be performed in accordance with this Contract, the Employer shall pay the Employee remuneration in accordance with Annex No. 1.
5.1. Ushbu Shartnomaga muvofiq amalga oshiriladigan vazifalar, majburiyatlar va xizmatlarni bajarish uchun Ish beruvchi Xodimga 1-Ilovaga muvofiq ish haqini to‘laydi.
5.2. The remuneration shall be paid to the Employee monthly within first 7 working days of the following month. After the payment is made, the employer provides information about the monthly salary. The cost of the ticket will be reimbursed to the employee along with the monthly salary, subject to the provision of supporting documents.
5.2. Xodimga ish haqi keyingi oyning birinchi 7 ish kuni ichida to‘lanadi. To‘lovlar amalga oshirilgandan so‘ng Ish beruvchi Xodimga oylik ish haqi to‘g‘risida ma’lumotni taqdim etadi.
Xodimga Aviachipta xarajati asoslovchi hujjatlarni taqdim etilishi sharti bilan oylik ish haqi bilan birga qoplab beriladi.
5.3. Payment is transferred in RUz Soum to bank details of the Employee as specified in Annex No.1 to this Contract after deduction of personal income taxes in accordance with the legislation of RUz.
Bank commissions arising within the territory of RUz are covered by the Employer and bank commissions arising outside the territory of the RUz are covered by the Employee.
5.3. To‘lov o‘zbek so‘mida ushbu Shartnomaning
1-Ilovasida ko‘rsatilgan Xodimning hisob raqamiga daromad solig‘i ushlab qolingan holda o‘tkazib beriladi.
O‘zR hududida yuzaga kelgan bank komissiyasi Ish beruvchi tomonidan qoplanadi, O‘zR hududidan tashqarida yuzaga kelgan bank komissiyasi esa Xodimning o‘z hisobidan qoplanadi.
5.4. Payment is made against supporting documents of academic workload and compliance with working hours provided by the management of the Employer.
In case of unexcused absence during working hours, tardiness and/or non-fulfillment of the prescribed workload the payable amount is deducted proportionately.
5.4. Xodimning ish haqi hisob-kitobi Ish beruvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan akademik yuklama bajarilishi va ishlangan soatlarni tasdiqlovchi hujjatlarga nisbatan amalga oshiriladi.
Sababsiz ishga kelmaslik, kechga qolish va/yoki belgilangan ish hajmini bajarmaslik ish haqidan mutanosib ravishda ushlab qolinadi.
5.5. In accordance with the terms indicated in this contract , the salary is fixed by the Agency and not subject to change within the duration of the Contract.
5.5. Ushbu Shartnoma qoidalarini hisobga olgan holda, Ish haqi Agentlik tomonidan aniq belgilangan bo‘lib Shartnoma amal qilish muddatida o‘zgartirish kiritilmaydi.
5.6. In addition to the remuneration, Employer covers the following expenses for the Employee:
5.6.1. Annual round trip air ticket for Economy class will be provided for Employee and his/her dependents (spouse and children under 16). Airfare is reimbursed with the first salary subject to provision of receipt. (compensation payment)
5.6.2. on campus accommodation for the term of the Contract - one-bedroom apartment partially furnished and equipped with all necessary appliances.
5.6.3. Standard package of voluntary medical insurance for the duration of the
5.6.4. obtaining visa and any other documentation required by the acting legislation of RUz.
5.6. Ish haqidan tashqari Ish beruvchi Xodimni quyidagilar bilan ta’minlaydi:
5.6.1. Xodim va uning oila a’zolari uchun (turmush o‘rtog‘i va 16 yoshgacha bo‘lgan farzandlari uchun) bir o‘quv yiliga bir marta ikki taraflama ekonom klass aviachiptasi (kompensatsiya to‘lovi).
5.6.2. Shartnoma muddatida kampus ichida yashashi uchun (bir yotoqxonalik) kundalik zaruriy mebel va texnika bilan qisman jihozlangan xona.
5.6.3. Shartnoma muddatiga standart ixtiyoriy tibbiy sug‘urta paketi (polisi).
5.6.4. Viza va O‘zR qonunchiligiga muvofiq boshqa har qanday rasmiylashtirish harajatlari.
5.7. Subject to Clause 5.9., airfare is covered for one round trip for the contract term only: at the beginning – for arrival in Uzbekistan, and for the period of annual leave or upon expiration of the contract to home country.
No compensation for airfare is provided for trips other than on terms specified above.
5.7. 5.9.-bandni hisobga olgan holda, aviachipta harajatlari faqat Shartnoma muddatida bir marta ikki taraflama aviaqatnov uchun qoplanadi: boshida – O‘zbekistonga yetib kelish uchun hamda yozgi mehnat ta’tili paytiga yoki shartnoma muddati tugaganda - o‘z davlatiga qaytib ketish uchun.
Yuqorida ko‘rsatilgan muddatlardan tashqari Xodimning o‘z xohishiga ko‘ra amalga oshirilgan boshqa safarlar uchun aviachipta harajatlari qoplanmaydi.
5.8. Airfare for family members is covered if they are planning to stay in Uzbekistan for the period not shorter than six months. In case if family members leave before expiration of six months’ period, the amount compensated for their airfare shall be deducted from the remuneration of the Employee.
5.8. Xodimning oila a’zolari uchun aviachipta harajatlari faqat ular olti oydan ortiq muddatda O‘zbekistonda qolgan holda qoplanadi. Oila a’zolari olti oylik muddatdan avval ketgan taqdirda qoplab berilgan aviachipta harajatlari Xodimning ish haqidan ushlab qolinadi.
5.9. Employer does not cover airfare (tickets back to home country) in case of early termination of the Contract regardless the reason of such termination.
5.9. Agar ushbu Shartnoma muddatdan oldin bekor qilinsa, bekor qilishning sababidan qat’i nazar, Ish beruvchi aviachipta (uyga qaytish uchun) harajatlarini qoplamaydi.