Operating and rest time
Ish va dam olish vaqti
6.1. Employee is assigned for full time job position with five working days a week from Monday to Friday and overall duration of working is 36 (thirty-six) hours (20 teaching hours, 16 pedagogical hours) per week.
Employee's working hours (rate) are calculated in accordance with Annex 2 based on the workload.
6.1. Xodimning to‘liq 1 (bir) stavka ish vaqti haftasiga 36 (o‘ttiz olti) soat (20 o‘quv soati, 16 pedagogik soat), haftaning dushanbadan jumagacha bo‘lgan besh ish kuni hisobidan belgilanadi.
Xodimning ish soatlari (stavkasi) yuklamadan kelib chiqib 2-Ilovaga muvofiq hisoblanadi.
6.2. Unless otherwise provided in the job description, Regulations for Foreign Personnel or other local acts of Employer the working hours of the Employee for the full time shall be from 8.30 am till 5 pm, the regular time of the break for rest and lunch –shall be no more than 50 minutes.
6.2. Agar lavozim yo‘riqnomasi, Chet ellik xodimlar uchun qoidalar yoki Ish beruvchining boshqa ichki hujjatlarida boshqa qoida nazarda tutilmagan bo‘lsa, Xodimning ish vaqti to‘liq 1 (bir) stavka uchun soat 8.30 dan 17.00 gacha, dam olish va tushlik uchun tanaffus vaqti – 50 daqiqagacha deb hisoblanadi.
6.3. The Employer grants the Employee with the annual paid leave in accordance with Regulations for Foreign Personnel for the duration of 48 working days (including Saturdays) based on the academic calendar approved by the Employer. The full annual paid leave is granted in case if the Employee has worked the full year, otherwise the duration of annual paid leave is calculated proportionately to the worked time period.
The Employee can apply for the first annual paid holiday upon completion of six months’ Contract period.
6.3. Ish beruvchi Xodimga Chet ellik xodimlar uchun qoidalarga ko‘ra Ish beruvchi tomonidan tasdiqlangan o‘quv jadvali bo‘yicha 48 ish kunidan iborat (shanba kunlarini ham hisobga olgan holda) haq to‘lanadigan yillik mehnat ta’tilini taqdim etadi. To‘liq yillik ta’til faqat Xodim to‘liq bir yil ishlab bergan holda beriladi, aks holda ta’til ishlab berilgan vaqtga mutanosib ravishda hisoblanadi.
Xodim olti oy Shartnoma muddatidan so‘ng ishlagan davri uchun haq to‘lanadigan mehnat ta’tili olishi mumkin.
6.4. Upon written request of Employee, the annual labor holiday may be provided on fractional basis.
The Employer has right to recall the Employee from leave earlier with the Employee’s consent.
6.4. Xodimning xohishiga ko‘ra uning yozma arizasi asosida ta’tilni qismlarga bo‘lingan holda taqdim etilishi mumkin.
Ish beruvchi Xodimning roziligi bilan uni ta’tildan muddatidan oldin chaqirib olishga haqlidir.
6.5. Employer can provide additional unpaid holiday and/or sick absence upon request of the Employee.
6.5. Ish beruvchi Xodimning talabiga ko‘ra ish haqi saqlanmagan holda qo‘shimcha ta’til va/yoki mehnatga layoqatsizlik uchun ta’til berishi mumkin
6.6. Any and all holidays are provided to the employee during the student holidays so as not to affect the activities of the Employer.
6.6. Xodimga har qanday va barcha ta’tillar Ish beruvchining faoliyatiga ta’sir qilmasligi uchun o‘quvchilarning ta’til davrida taqdim etiladi.