Probationary period
Sinov muddati
Probationary period applies to the first year Employee only.
Sinov muddati Xodim ish boshlagan birinchi yilga taalluqli hisoblanadi.
2.2. The Employee is accepted for the employment with three (3) months’ initial probationary period starting from the commencement date of employment as specified in the Annex No. 1.
2.2. Xodim 1-Ilovada belgilangan ishga kirishish vaqtidan boshlab uch (3) oylik dastlabki sinov muddati bilan ishga qabul qilinadi.
2.3. Prior to the expiry of the initial probationary period, the Employer has the right to terminate the Contract with three days' prior notice before the expiration of the agreed probationary period in case of unsatisfactory probationary results.
2.3. Dastlabki sinov muddati tugagunga qadar Ish beruvchi sinov natijasi qoniqarsiz bo‘lgan taqdirda, kelishilgan sinov muddati tugashidan uch kun oldin ogohlantirilgan holda Shartnomani bekor qilish huquqiga ega.
Term of the Contract
Shartnoma muddati
3.1. This Contract enters into force on commencement date of employment as specified in the Annex No. 1 provided that Employee arrives and starts to perform his/her duties at the workplace.
In case if arrival of the Employee is delayed, Contract shall enter into force on the actual commencement date of employment and remuneration shall be calculated accordingly.
3.1. Xodim yetib kelib o‘z vazifalarini ish joyida bajarishni boshlashi sharti bilan, Shartnoma 1-Ilovada belgilangan Xodimning ishga kirishish sanasidan boshlab kuchga kiradi.
Xodimning yetib kelishi kechiktirilgan taqdirda, Shartnoma Xodimning haqiqiy ishga kirishish sanasidan boshlab kuchga kiradi va mutanosib ravishda ish haqi hisoblanadi.
3.2. Employee will perform work online only upon written request of employer. Employee must reside in the territory of Uzbekistan while performing work online and remuneration shall be calculated accordingly.
3.2. Xodim onlayn tarzda faqat Ish beruvchining yozma talabiga asosan ish olib borishi mumkin. Xodim onlayn rejimida ish olib borayotganda O‘zbekiston hududida yashashi shart va belgilangan tartibda ish haqi hisoblanadi.
3.3. This Contract is effective until expiration date as specified in the Annex No. 1 and/or termination in accordance with Regulations for Foreign Personnel, related legislation of RUz and the terms hereof.
3.3. Shartnomaning amal qilish muddati 1-Ilovaga va/yoki Chet ellik xodimlar uchun qoidalar, O‘zRning tegishli qonunchiligi va ushbu Shartnoma shartlariga muvofiq bekor qilinmagunicha amal qiladi.
3.4. The Employer reserves the right to terminate the Contract prior to its expiration providing timely written notice to the Employee in case of the following events:
a) material breach by the Employee of rules, regulations, local acts of the Employer or the terms of this Contract.
Material breach shall have serious negative effect on activity of the Employer in order to consider termination of the Contract,
b) continuing poor performance of the Employee, or failure to abide by standards of conduct and behavior reasonably expected in educational institutions. Continuing poor performance means failure to improve performance within time period specified on first notification on such performance;
c) other cases specified in Regulations for foreign personnel and related legislation of RUz.
d) the Employee's inability to perform his/her duties because of chronic illness or incapacity for the period of more than fourteen days within a month, except in cases where it actually prevents employee perform his/her duties.
e) on other grounds provided for by labor legislation.
3.4. Ish beruvchi ushbu Shartnomani yozma ravishda Xodimni ogohlantirgan holda, quyidagi holatlarda amal qilish muddati tugashidan oldin bir taraflama bekor qilish huqiqiga ega:
a) Xodim tomonidan Ish beruvchining ichki tartib-
qoidalari, ichki nizomlari yoki ushbu Shartnoma shartlarini jiddiy ravishda buzilganda. Jiddiy buzish Ish beruvchining faoliyatiga jiddiy salbiy ta’sir ko‘rsatgan bo‘lishi kerak;
b) Xodimning davomiy ravishda ish samaradorligi pasayishi yoki ta’lim muassasasida xulq va intizom talablariga nomuvofiqligi. Bunda uzluksiz ravishda ish samaradorligining pasayishi bunday ish samaradorligi pasayishi haqidagi birinchi ogohlantirishning berilgan muddat ichida ish samaradorligi o‘zgarmaganligini anglatadi;
c) Chet ellik xodimlar uchun qoidalar va O‘zRning tegishli qonunchiligida nazarda tutilgan boshqa holatlarda;
d) Bir oyda jami o‘n to‘rt kundan ortiq salomatligi (surunkali kassaligi) tufayli mehnatga yaroqsizligi yoki qobiliyatsizligi, haqiqatda ishni davom ettirishga to‘sqinlik qiladigan holatlar bundan istisno;
e) mehnat qonunchiligida nazarda tutilgan boshqa asoslarda.
3.5. The Employee is entitled to receive 14 days of paid sick leave within a year. Employee is entitled to three months of unpaid sick leave (due to chronic illness) within a year.
3.5. Xodimga bir o‘quv yili ichida 14 kunlik pullik kasallik ta’tilidan foydalanish huquqi beriladi. Xodimga bir o‘quv yili ichida surunkalik kasallik tufayli jami uch oylik to‘lovsiz ta’til olish huquqi beriladi.
3.6. This Contract may be prolonged by mutual agreement of the Parties.
Based on the results of performance evaluation of the Employee and in compliance with procedures, the Employer issues a written notice to the Employee regarding the intention of prolonging or terminating the Contract on the first week of last quarter of the academic year.
Such notice shall be conditional on satisfactory performance of the Employee and absence of grounds for early termination of the existing Contract till the end of the Contract term.
3.7. Extension of the Contract term shall be documented as Additional Agreement to the Contract.
Subject to visa extension, prolongation period is decided on individual basis and cannot be less than one academic year.
3.6. Ushbu Shartnomaning muddati Taraflarning o‘zaro kelishuviga asosan uzaytirilishi mumkin.
Ish samaradorligini baholash natijalaridan kelib chiqib o‘quv yilining ohirgi choragining birinchi haftasida ish beruvchi belgilangan tartibda Xodim bilan tuzilgan Shartnomani uzaytirish yoki uzaytirmaslik haqida yozma ravishda ogohlantiradi.
Ushbu ogohlantirishda Xodimning qoniqarli ish natijasini va amaldagi Shartnomani muddatidan avval bekor qilish mumkin emasligini ko‘rsatishi lozim.
3.7. Shartnoma muddati uzaytirilishi Qo‘shimcha Shartnoma orqali rasmiylashtiriladi.
Uzaytirish muddati viza muddatini uzaytirish sharti bilan Xodim uchun individual ravishda belgilanib bir o‘quv yilidan kam bo‘lmasligi kerak.