Subject of the Contract
Shartnoma Predmeti
The Employer hereby accepts for the employment the Employee at Presidential School in [•] and the Employee hereby accepts employment on the position specified in the Annex No. 1. on terms and conditions of this Contract, his/her Job description as per Annex No.3 to this Contract and local acts of the Employer.
Ish beruvchi Xodimni [•] shahridagi Prezident Maktabiga ishga qabul qiladi va Xodim ushbu Shartnoma shart-sharoitlari, 3-Ilovada berilgan lavozim yo‘riqnomasi va Ish beruvchining boshqa ichki hujjatlariga muvofiq 1-Ilovada belgilangan lavozimda ish yuritishini tasdiqlaydi.
The Employer is obliged to pay the salary to the Employee and provide working conditions in accordance with the acting legislation of RUz, local acts of the Employer and this Contract.
1.2. 1.2. Ish beruvchi Xodimning ish haqini to‘lash va ish sharoitlarini O‘zR amaldagi qonunchiligi, Ish beruvchining ichki hujjatlari va ushbu Shartnomaga muvofiq ta’minlash majburiyatini o‘z zimmasiga oladi.
1.3. The work for the Employee by this Contract serves as the main place of employment.
Employee is not permitted to engage in any additional employment and/or other activity, whether paid or unpaid, of any organization not associated with the Employer.
Employee can participate as invited specialist in trainings, conferences of any organization not associated with the Employer, whether paid or unpaid, only if he/she represents the Employer and received prior written consent of the Employer.
Ushbu Shartnoma bo‘yicha ish Xodim uchun asosiy ish joyi deb hisoblanadi.
Xodim Ish beruvchiga tegishli bo‘lmagan tashkilotlarda har qanday qo‘shimcha ish bilan shug‘ullanishiga va boshqa faoliyatida qatnashishiga ruhsat etilmaydi.
Xodim Ish beruvchiga tegishli bo‘lmagan tashkilotlarda taklif etilgan mutaxassis sifatida trening, konferensiyalarda faqatgina Ish beruvchining nomidan va Ish beruvchining yozma ravishda oldindan roziligini olgan holda qatnashishi mumkin.
The two Parties declare the type of this Contract as contract for fixed term.
Taraflar ushbu Shartnomani muddatli shartnoma shaklida tuzdilar.