4.1. Employee is appointed by the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions of Uzbekistan in accordance with the qualification requirements of the position and on the basis of competitive selection in an established manner.
4.1. Xodim lavozimga tegishli malaka talablariga muvofiq va belgilangan tartibda Prezident ta’lim muassasalari Agentligi tomonidan tanlov asosida tanlab olinib tavsiya etiladi.
4.2. Employee performs all duties professionally and with competence and his/her performance shall be evaluated in an established manner in accordance with Clause 8 of this Contract.
4.2. Xodim o‘z vazifalarini professional va sifatli darajada bajaradi va ish samaradorligi ushbu Shartnomaning 8-bandiga ko‘ra belgilangan tartibda baholanadi.
4.3. Employee is required to undertake professional responsibilities during regular working hours that include: research /consultancy/training activities, posting articles on behalf of the Employer in the magazines or social media networks upon Employer’s request and contribution to the corporate life of the Employer as well.
4.3. Xodimning ish vaqti mobaynida bajarishi kerak bo‘lgan kasbiy majburiyatlariga quyidagilar ham kiradi: ilmiy-tadqiqot, maslahat, treninglar faoliyati, kasbiy ma’muriy majburiyatlar va xorijiy jurnallarda Ish beruvchi nomidan maqolalar yozish, shuningdek, Ish beruvchining mehnat jamoasi jamoatchilik hayotiga hissa qo‘shish.
4.4. Job descriptions may be modified by mutual agreement as deemed necessary by the Employer after notifying the Employee in written form fourteen days before the date of the modification.
4.4. Lavozim yo‘riqnomasi o‘zgarishi o‘n to‘rt kun oldin yozma ravishda Xodimni ogohlantirgan va o‘zaro kelishilgan holda Ish beruvchining ehtiyojiga ko‘ra o‘zgartirilishi mumkin.