Abstract book
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- ABSTRACT BOOK i Introduction
- Changing World and Teacher Qualities/Standards Standards in the profession of teaching Pre-Service Education of Teachers
- In-Service Education of Teachers
- Problems of Teachers and Teacher Educators
- Early Childhood Education
- President of Symposium Prof. Domna-Mika KAKANA University of Thessaly, GR Co-President of Symposium
- Pasi Reinikainen
- Abdullah Açar, Sedat Yuksel
- Abdullah Elmas, Ismail Elhakan, Tomris Sayin, İbrahim Yildiz
- Aikaterini Mastrokoukou, Emmanuel Fokides
- Alexandra Androusou, Chara Kortesi-Dafermou, Maria Sfyroera, Vasilis Tsafos
- Alexandra Bekiari, Polyxeni Manoli
- Alexandra Sravrianoudaki
- Alexandra-Styliani Karagianni, Aristotelis Zmas
- Alice Merab Kagoda, Betty Akullu Ezati
- Anastasia Fakidou, Maria Gotzia
- Anastasia Georgountzou, Natasha Tsantila
- Anastasia Raikou, Athanasios Karalis, Maria Kampeza
1 ABSTRACT BOOK i Introduction Dear Teacher Educators and Educational Scientists, The amelioration of teacher education (for pre-service and in-service educators) is closely related to the improvement of the quality and the effectiveness of the education in general. The demand for improvement in teacher education and training has, nowadays, become even more important as it constitutes a significant challenge for the teachers in order to respond to a highly dynamic and constantly changing field. The changes occurring in the economic, political and social fields have a direct impact on teachers’ personal and professional development and, thus, affect their professional identity. In-service educators often try to cope with new conditions as they attempt to manage a pristine and staggering framework of changes instead of acting as professionals with professional identity, knowledge and skills. The reflection on the appropriate model of teacher education that would enable them to respond to the new roles and responsibilities adequately and face all the challenges and changes in their work is an endless race, both nationally and internationally. Several guidelines and directions have been proposed in teacher education. These guidelines reflect the social, political, cultural and economic conditions that prevail at given times, and the various advancement in the humanities and social and technological sciences. Within this complex context, teachers are often asked to adapt their professional practices towards society and educational institutions, following formal and informal methods. Reinforcing pre-service and in-service teachers' capacity of critical reflection on institutions and processes and aiding the acquisition of research skills seem to be the only solution in order to help them understand the educational process and cope with the problems and requirements of the modern social, political, economic, cultural and educational reality. Given these state of affairs, the main goal of 3 rd ISNITE 2015 is to contribute to the dialogue at an international level, for the improvement of initial and continuous teacher education, presenting studies on professionalism, professional identity and professional development, dimensions that compose the professional status of teachers and define their professional existence. We aim to create a warm environment where participants share both theoretical and practical perspectives in the field of teacher education in order to encourage the interaction among researchers, practitioners and teacher educators. Finally, the 3 rd ISNITE 2015 will provide the participants an excellent opportunity to keep up with the latest developments in teacher education and collectively create a foundation for future studies in this field. The theme of the symposium has been titled as “New Issues on Teacher Education”. ii Themes: Teacher Education Policies and Practices Teacher education policies and practices in different countries Classroom management - Leadership Changing World and Teacher Qualities/Standards Standards in the profession of teaching Pre-Service Education of Teachers Different trends in teacher education programs Quality in teacher education: Issues of measurement Alternative programs for teacher education In-Service Education of Teachers Professional development problems of teachers and different approaches to them Integration of Information and Communication Technologies with programs Distant education practices in teachers’ professional development Different approaches to the professional development of teachers: Problems and solutions Problems of Teachers and Teacher Educators The role of research in teacher education The emergence of teacher communities as part of the changing world of teachers and teacher educators. The symposium, which is organized by the Department of Early Childhood Education & the Department of Primary Education & the Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Pedagogy of the University of Thessaly, and is also supported by the “Journal of Teacher Education and Educators”. Prof. Domna Mika Kakana Assoc. Prof. Feyyat Gökçe Chairwoman of 3 rd ISNITE 2015 Chief Editor University of Thessaly, GR Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, iii President of Symposium Prof. Domna-Mika KAKANA University of Thessaly, GR Co-President of Symposium Assoc. Prof. Feyyat GÖKÇE Editor, Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, TR Advisory Board Prof. Chi Kin John LEE Hong Kong Institute of Education, CN. Prof. Gary MCCULLOCH University of London, UK Prof. Kenneth ZEICHNER University of Washington, USA Prof. Miriam Ben-PERETZ University of Haifa, IL Prof. Mustafa ÖZCAN MEF University, TR Lawyer, Özce ÖZTÜRK(JTEE) The Body of Lawyer, TR Organizing Committee Prof. Salih ÇEPNİ Uludağ University, TR Prof. İrfan ERDOGAN Istanbul Üniversity, TR Prof. Yüksel KAVAK Hacettepe University, TR Prof. Sedat YÜKSEL Uludağ University, TR Assoc. Prof. Kafenia BOTSOGLOU University of Thessaly, GR Assoc. Prof. Nikolaos CHANIOTAKIS University of Thessaly, GR Assoc. Prof. C.Ergin EKİNCİ Muğla University, TR Assoc. Prof. Stavroula KALDI University of Thessaly, GR Assist. Prof. Angeliki LAZARIDOU University of Thessaly, GR Assist. Prof. Kostas MAGOS University of Thessaly, GR Assist. Prof. Hüseyin SERİN Istanbul Üniversity, TR Assist. Prof. Vasilis STROGGYLOS University of Thessaly, GR Dr. Fidel ÇAKMAK Mersin University, TR Dr. Venetia KAPAXCHI University of Thessaly, GR Dr. YarAli METE Trakya University, TR Dr. Maria POIMENIDOU University of Thessaly, GR Dr. Christina ROUSSI-VERGOU University of Thessaly, GR Dr. Polyxeni MANOLI Dr Katiphenia CHATZOPOULOU Hellenic Open University, GR University of Thessaly, GR Secretariat Dr. Polyxeni MANOLI Atahan BÖLÜK Hellenic Open University, GR Uludağ University, TR Katiphenia CHATZOPOULOU University of Thessaly, GR İsa DEVECİ Uludağ University, TR Afroditi IKONOMOU University of Thessaly, GR Venetia KAPAXCHİ University of Thessaly, GR Çağlar KAYA Muğla University, TR Anastasia MAVİDOU University of Thessaly, GR Maria POİMENİDOU University of Thessaly, GR Christina ROUSSİ-VERGOU University of Thessaly, GR Sevasti THEODOSİOU University of Thessaly, GR Kadir YILMAZ Uludağ University, TR Seda YUMUŞ Kadir Has University, TR Seval YUMUŞ Uludağ University, TR Sinem KAYA Muğla University, TR iv Scientific Committee Ahmet Duman Muğla University, TR Alexandra Androusou National Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR Ali Paşa Ayas Bilkent University, TR Ali Rıza Akdeniz 19 Mayıs University, TR Ali Rıza Erdem Pamukkale University, TR Alice Kagoda University in Kampala, EAU Angeliki Lazaridou University of Thessaly, GR Asude Bilgin Uludag University, TR Athanasios Gregoriadis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR Aysan Şentürk Uludag University, TR Beverly Lindsay Penn State University, USA Bill Goddard University of Greenwich, UK Cemil Öztürk Marmara University, TR Chara Kortesi-Dafermou National Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR. Chi Kin John Lee Hong Kong Institute of Education, CN. Christina Roussi-Vergou University of Thessaly, GR. Claudia Fahrenwald Hamburg University, GER CM Lakshmana The Institute for SEChange, IND Coral Pepper Edith Cowan University, AU Dean Garratt Nottingham Trent University, UK Dimitris Germanos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR Domna-Mika Kakana University of Thessaly, GR Donald Staub Isık University, TR Duncan White Texas State University, USA Erdal Toprakçı Ege University,TR Erdoğan Başar 19 Mayıs University, TR Erkan Tabancalı YıldızTeknik University, TR Euthimia Tafa University of Crete, GR Eyüp Artvinli Osmangazi University, TR Felix Maringe Southampton Education School, UK Fevzi Uluğ TODAİE, TR Fidel Çakmak Mersin University, TR Francis Fabri Saint Theresa College, M Freddy James University of the West Indies, TT Gary McCulloch University of London, UK George Bagakis University of the Peloponnese, GR Gıyasettin Demirhan Hacettepe University, TR Halil Ekşi Marmara University, TR Hasan Demirtaş Inonu University, TR Hasan Şimşek Bahçeşehir University, TR Hayati Akyol Gazi University, TR Hsueh-I(Martin) Lo St. Cloud State University, USA Hüseyin Ergen Mersin University, TR Hüseyin Serin İstanbul University, TR Hüseyin Şirin Gazi University,TR İbrahim Duyar University of Arkansas, USA İlknur Savaşkan Uludağ University, TR İnayet Aydın Ankara University, TR İrfan Erdoğan İstanbul University, TR İrina Koleva Sofia University, BG İsmet Öztürk Uludağ University, TR J. Milliken Queen's University Belfast, UK Jacques Ginestié Aix-Marseille Université, FR v Janet Goodall University of Warwick, UK Jean McNiff York St John University, UK Jeffry Chopin University of Rochester, USA Jenny Gilbert Anglia Ruskin University, UK Jill Sperandio Lehigh University, IL John B. Nash University of Kentucky, USA Jui-Ching Wang Northern Illinois University, USA Kafenia Botsoglou University of Thessaly, GR Kairat Kurakbayev Nazarbayev University, KZ Kasım Karakütük Ankara University, TR Kazım Çelik Pamukkale University, TR Khaled H.Albaker Bahrain University, BRN Khalid Arar King Saud University, SA Kostas Magos University of Thessaly, GR Kürşat Yılmaz Dumlupınar University, TR Laura Lang Florida State University, USA Levent Turan Hacettepe University, TR Linda Carol Porter Thornton Pennsylvania State University, USA Luis Tinoca University of Lisbon, P M.Hakan Gündoğdu Mersin University, TR Margaret Grogan Claremont Graduate University, USA Maria Birbili Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR Maria Papandreou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR Maria Sfyroera National Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR Marianna Tzekaki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR Mary Briggs University of Warwick, UK Melek Çakmak Gazi University, TR Mindy L. Kornhaber Pennsylvania State University, USA Miriam Ben-Peretz University of Haifa, IL Mustafa Çelikten Erciyes University, TR Mustafa Durmuş Çelebi Erciyes University, TR Müfit Kömleksiz Cyprus International University, CY Natalia Ryzhova Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, RUS Nejla Ekinci Muğla University,TR Nicoleta Duta University of Bucharest, RO Nikolaos Chaniotakis University of Thessaly, GR Norma Ghamrawi Lebanese University, LR Nuray Senemoğlu Hacettepe University, TR Ömer Kutlu Ankara University, TR Paola Nicolini University of Macerata, I Paşa Tevfik Cephe Gazi University, TR Paul A.Ifeanyi National Open University of Nigeri, WAN Paul Miller Middlesex University, UK Paula A. Cordeiro University of San Diego, USA Priti Chopra Greenwich University, UK Quirin J. Bauer University of Augsburg, GER Riffat un Nisa Awan University of Sargodha, PAK Rob Hulme University of Chester, UK Roger Deacon University of Kwazulu, AU Ruhi Sarpkaya Adnan Menderes University, TR Sadegül Akbaba Baskent University, TR Sadi Seferoğlu Hacettepe University, TR Sait Akbaşlı Mersin University, TR Salih Çepni Uludağ University, TR Seçil Şenyurt Uludağ University, TR vi Selahattin Gelbal Hacettepe University, TR Selahattin Turan Osmangazi University, TR Sezen Özeke Uludag University, TR Shosh Lehsem University of Haifa, IL Sofia Avgitidou University of Western Macedoni,GR Stavroula Kaldi University of Thessaly, GR Stelios Orphanos Frederick University, CY Stephen Dinham University of Melbourne, AU Şeref Tan Gazi University, TR Şükran Tok Pamukkale University, TR Temel Çalık Gazi University, TR Tuba Yanpar Yelken Mersin University, TR Tuncer Bülbül Trakya University, TR Turgut Karaköse Dumlupınar University, TR Türkay Nuri Tok Pamukkale University, TR Vassilis Tsafos National Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR Vedat Önsoy TOBB University, TR Victoria Showunmi University of London, UK Victoria Showunmi University of London, UK Victoria Perselli Kingston University, UK Yahya Altınkurt Dumlupınar University,TR Yar Ali Mete Trakya University, TR Yaşar Özden Middle East Technical University, TR Yusuf Badavan Hacettepe University,TR Yüksel Kavak Hacettepe University,TR vii Contents Keynote Speakers The Uncertain Future of Teaching and Teacher Education in OECD Countries Kenneth Zeichner .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Participatory Teacher Development through Action Research Mary Koutselini ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Teachers’ Professional Standards for Developing Education Pasi Reinikainen ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Teachers' Perceptions Related to Their Levels of Benefit From Teacher Certificate Courses Abdullah Açar, Sedat Yuksel ....................................................................................................................... 4 As a Profession Proposal: Educational Engineering Abdullah Elmas, Ismail Elhakan, Tomris Sayin, İbrahim Yildiz ............................................................. 5 Development and Evaluation of a 3D Virtual Environment For Teaching The Solar System's Facts and Concepts Aikaterini Mastrokoukou, Emmanuel Fokides .......................................................................................... 7 Educating Reflective Practitioners in the University of Athens: Prospects and Limitations Alexandra Androusou, Chara Kortesi-Dafermou, Maria Sfyroera, Vasilis Tsafos ................................ 8 EFL Teacher Verbal Aggressiveness and Argumentativeness and Student Socio-Affective Strategy Use and Affective Learning: Exploring Possible Associations Alexandra Bekiari, Polyxeni Manoli........................................................................................................... 9 Intern’s Practicum: Creating a Collaborative Environment Alexandra Sravrianoudaki ........................................................................................................................ 10 International Educational Discourse on Teacher’ Performance: Between Global Doctrines and Personal Postulates Alexandra-Styliani Karagianni, Aristotelis Zmas .................................................................................... 11 Rethinking Teacher Education: The Case of the EFL Primary School Teachers CoP in Delta School District of Athens Alexia Giannakopoulou .............................................................................................................................. 12 Investigation of the Development Process of Qualitative Researcher Competences of PhD Students as Teacher Educators Ali Ersoy ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 Teacher Educators’ Preparedness for the New Trends in Teacher Education: Experiences from Kyambogo and Makerere Universities, Uganda Alice Merab Kagoda, Betty Akullu Ezati .................................................................................................. 14 Authors viii WebQuests as a Training Technique of in-Service Teachers Anastasia Fakidou, Maria Gotzia .............................................................................................................. 15 Myths and Stereotypes in Language Teaching and How to Help English and Greek School Teachers to Dispel Them Anastasia Georgountzou, Natasha Tsantila .............................................................................................. 16 Classroom Management Techniques: Views of Primary School Teachers in Greece Anastasia Papanastasiou ............................................................................................................................. 17 Professional Identity in Early Childhood Care and Education in Greece: Perspectives of Student Teachers Anastasia Psalti ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Encouraging Pre-Service Teachers to Reflect on Their Teaching During Practicum Anastasia Raikou, Athanasios Karalis, Maria Kampeza ......................................................................... 19 Students With Disabilities Perspectives of Service Quality in Special Vocational Training: A Critical Review of The Student-as-a-Consumer Paradigm 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