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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- The Examination of Mobbing Practices Against the Class Teachers by the School Principals
- Diversity Pedagogy in Tertiary Education: Towards a New Professional Learning Framework
- The Role of Action Research in a Complex and Changing Educational Model Evaggelia Kalerante ekalerante@yahoo.gr
- Development and Validation of a New Measure to Assess Early Language and Literacy
- Professionalization of the Teaching Profession Feyyat Gökçe feyyattgokce@gmail.com
- Satisfaction of Student Teachers’ of English from Teacher Training Institutions
- Qualifications of Teachers Regarding School – Parent and Public Relations Figen Ereş feres@gazi.edu.tr
The purpose of this study is to determine the relations between metacognitive awareness and locus of control levels of prospective teachers attending different departments of the Faculty of Education and to compare them according to some variables. Three hundred students attending the departments of Elementary Education, Foreign Languages, Turkish Language, Music Education and Physical Education and Sports at the Faculty of Education of Uludag University participated in this research. In this study, the answers to the following questions were sought: How is the distribution of metacognitive awareness levels and the locus of control levels of the prospective teachers? Do the metacognitive awareness levels and the locus of control levels of the prospective teachers vary according to the gender and grades and academic success and departments and monthly income levels? For the comparison made between groups, Kruskall Wallis was used for the variables containing more than two groups which does not show normal distribution and Mann-Whitney U test was used for the variables with two groups. According to research results, it was found that the metacognitive awareness levels of male and female prospective teachers were high, their locus of control levels were moderate and that the metacognitive awareness levels of prospective teachers differed (p<0.01) in favor of the Science and Mathematics departments. Keywords: Metacognitive Awareness, Internal Control, External Control, Academic Success 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 73 The Examination of Mobbing Practices Against the Class Teachers by the School Principals Ertuğ Can ertugcan@gmail.com Hüseyin Çağlar An academically common and frequently discussed concept “workplace bullying” has taken its place in literature in contexts such as psychological violence, psychological terror, psychological harassment, intimidation, bullying and emotional abuse. Communication and interaction are the most important tools in order to reach goals among interpersonal relationships. When this tool is active and is used effectively, the schools reach their goals. However, the increase of competition in schools, the struggle of career and the stress that is unbearable sometimes have led to the emergence of mobbing. In this study, the situation of mobbing victims is determined, and their problems are examined. Interviews with 25 teachers working at primary schools in Umraniye and Usküdar, Istanbul were carried out. In these interviews semi-structured forms were used. The data were examined using qualitative methods. In the research, it was concluded that managers mobbing to the teachers aimed at their dignity, communication styles, duties and social relations. The adverse effects of mobbing by the managers were found as unrest, depression, social aversion, avoidance, stress, divergence, lack of motivation, exhaustion, decrease in performance, decrease in school loyalty, and decrease in job satisfaction on teachers. As a result, teachers felt themselves invaluable. According to the results, the following may be suggested: Training programs for teachers and managers raising awareness about mobbing and demonstrating adverse effects of mobbing on human psychology and job efficacy may be provided in order to prevent mobbing against teachers. Counseling and support units aiming to help teachers might be placed in schools. School culture might be enriched in a way to extinguish psychological violence. Legal regulations might be established in order to punish and dissuade psychological abusers. Keywords: Mobbing, Job Satisfaction, Psychological Violence. 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 74 Diversity Pedagogy in Tertiary Education: Towards a New Professional Learning Framework Eugenia Arvanitis earvanitis@upatras.gr The knowledge economy creates new interconnected spaces of intercultural learning. Multiple networks generated by new media technologies form intermediate spaces of communication and contact building at the same time on the notion of intercultural capital (Pöllmann, 2013). In these contact zones people develop multifaceted forms of identities and personal expression as well as forms of professional or other mobility. Modern societies are built on the ground of multiple and diverse narratives, new intercultural learning and interrelations establishing the so-called civic pluralism (Kalantzis & Cope, 2013). The reconstruction of these sites as spaces of inclusiveness, dynamic convergence and collaborative/intercultural learning is forged by interculturality (Arvanitis, 2013, pp. 114-115). Here the role of the teacher education becomes critical to forge a new kind of intercultural understanding based on cosmopolitanism and civic pluralism. Educators, as knowledge professionals, are increasingly addressing the socio, cultural and economic challenges and their impact, while they are expected to act as agents of change. The ability of teachers to be aware of these challenges and their impact on social transformation, discrimination and inequality as well as their ability for multiple participation into new intercultural collectives and networks ensures a high degree of professional efficiency through effective intercultural learning and successful management of diversity. In this context, the basic intercultural education for prospective teachers in the Greek university departments of Education, requires, in my view, systematic reform to promote intercultural professional learning. This new pedagogical framework will allow prospective teachers a) to be aware of socio-cultural transformation and culturalization affecting the citizen of the world, b) to acquire skills to design intercultural curricula, diversify his/her pedagogy and mediate, and c) to act as a reflective practitioner of his/her own professional learning being exposed to diverse concepts, methods and tools. This framework requires persistent theoretical and pedagogical documentation in university classrooms utilizing participatory research methods where future knowledge professionals would take control of their own learning. This presentation will analyze the theoretical and practical dimensions of such a framework as it is applied in a Greek tertiary program of intercultural education. A case study is presented here as a reflective account on program’s effectiveness on future teachers intercultural and professional learning. Keywords: Diversity Pedagogy, intercultural professional learning, interculturality, teacher education 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 75 The Role of Action Research in a Complex and Changing Educational Model Evaggelia Kalerante ekalerante@yahoo.gr The focal point of the present paper is the role and dynamics of action research designs about the micro-educational environment of schools. Education operates within a broader environment of insecure, uncertain and changing conditions relevant to educational values and objectives. General principles and standpoints about education correspond weakly to the formulated needs of individuals and societies, in which alteration, change and lacking definition are the rule and can be defined by the educational policy. Action research in educational micro- environments is conducive to studying special problems, methods and issues derived from or implemented in a certain time period. More specifically, educators are able to gather information and process data in order to point to solutions based on the scientific examination of situations. In this framework, the dynamics of the educational community, its area in the form of culture and system and the time in the form of coincidence are taken into account. Theoretically speaking, action research is part of schools self-assessment as the means by which school is reinforced and emancipated. Over the last decade, the knowledge society has been expanded and education has changed in terms of content and carriers. New instruments towards knowledge are presented by the Internet while definitions about useful knowledge in an expanded, globalized labor and values market are indirectly legalized. Traditional schools are invited to counter- suggest packages of knowledge and modern practices to face situations in a competitive environment so that the offered educational work is efficient in economic and humanistic terms. The present paper focuses on action research tied to the democratic operation of education within a broader reflection on its effectiveness and in terms of individuals’ fulfillment when being engaged in the educational process. Scientific and humanistic dimensions are related to action research so that educators – researchers dialectically operate within a revised form of education through the interaction of all carriers involved in educational processes. To sum up, action research, being a practical and cooperative process, is tied to the educational community’s participation to an emancipatory micro-educational intervention. The educational community is enhanced by focusing on actions of the collectivity in which inventing practical solutions to problems is based on scientific study which is a prerequisite to reflect on education. Keywords: action research, educational environment, educational policy, democratic operation 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 76 Development and Validation of a New Measure to Assess Early Language and Literacy Faye Antoniou fayeantoniou@ppp.uoa.gr Angeliki Mouzaki Asimina Ralli Sophia Papaioannou Vasiliki Diamanti Aim of the current study was to investigate the conditions and developmental prerequisites that facilitate literacy acquisition by examining thoroughly a wide array of precursor skills mainly related to oral language. Specifically, it attempts to describe the contribution of cognitive skills, early literacy (estimated by different measures of familiarity and involvement with written language) and oral language development for subsequent reading and writing achievement. In order to ensure psychometrically sound measurement of target skills, we standardized a new language assessment battery in a large (N>700) and representative sample of Greek students 4-7 years of age enrolling in public schools from four geographical regions (Attica, Thessaly, Macedonia and Crete) that varied demographically (urban, semi-urban and rural). In addition, for the individualized assessments we utilized mobile devices (tablet PC) to ensure children’s interest and joyful participation as well as reliable administration procedures across sites. The battery can also be administered by teachers and its results may offer them information on the teaching instruction that they should adopt. In this line, this study presents data regarding main psychometric properties (reliability and internal consistency) of the various subtests compiling the battery (receptive vocabulary, listening comprehension, phonological processing, word definition, naming, narrative skill, story retelling, morphological skill, pragmatic language, etc.). Associations among the different language measures will also be examined and their relations with cognitive (i.e. verbal memory, naming speed) and literacy skills (i.e., letter knowledge, invented spelling, orthographic recognition). We expect that most language skills can be assessed easily and efficiently within schools. The battery provides teachers with valuable and detailed information regarding areas of atypical development for intervention purposes and is also a cost-effective language assessment tool with high predictive validity. Keywords: The role of research in teacher education 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 77 Professionalization of the Teaching Profession Feyyat Gökçe feyyattgokce@gmail.com Although the teaching profession is accepted as one of the sacred professions, it is difficult to say that it is accepted by society as one of the professions with a high status. This can be explained via the perception that everybody can teach one another something. For this reason, more research studies need to be made on professionalization of the teaching profession. This study was carried out with the aim of revealing teachers' perceptions about professionalization of the teaching profession. The study is a descriptive one employing the screening model. For the purpose of the study, 948 teachers working in Bursa were asked for their opinions. In the study, two separate scales including observations and expectations about the professionalization of teaching were used. The opinions included in the scales were graded in seven points. In order to determine the construct validity of the scales, factor analysis was employed. According to the results of the pilot study, it was observed that the scales met the validity and the reliability expectations. The data obtained from the teachers were analyzed via using the SPSS package program. According to the results of the study, it was observed that in professionalization parameters, the teachers' expectations varied between X=5.37 and X=6.41 and that their observations changed between X=3.45 and X= .64. It was determined that the total mean of the expectations about professionalization was X= 5.98 and that that of the observations was X=3.83. In general, the teachers thought that their salaries were low, they were not given sufficient field and professional knowledge, teaching was not more valuable than other professions, and they could not follow and evaluate their colleagues sufficiently. On the other hand, it was determined that the teachers held the same opinion to a great extent about such matters as the fact that teaching was among the professions with a low level of income, teaching was seen as a profession which could be done by everybody, teaching training models changed quite frequently, and crowded classes, buildings and teaching materials hindered the development of teachers. Based on these findings, it is possible to conclude that the participant teachers generally have had a high level of expectations about the professionalization of teaching, but that these expectations have not been met sufficiently. This can be evaluated as, perhaps, one of the biggest obstacles before the professionalization of the teaching profession. Based on these results, the following suggestions can be made: 1. Professional development programs can be developed in order to contribute to the professionalization of the teaching profession, 2. Legal regulations can be made in order to have teachers gather under a single professional organization, 3. In teacher training, the number of applied courses can be increased in a way to serve the professionalization of the teaching profession. Keywords: Profession, teaching profession, professionalization 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 78 Satisfaction of Student Teachers’ of English from Teacher Training Institutions Fidel Çakmak fidelcakmak@gmail.com Feyyat Gökçe Student satisfaction is an integral component of quality education and it is of crucial consideration in training student teachers effectively. The investigation of student teachers’ satisfaction helps to optimize teacher training programs and ensure the quality of teachers’ training education. This study aims to assess the student teachers’ satisfaction from a teacher training institution by employing a descriptive method of research. Two instruments comprising statements of observation and expectation of the student teachers were applied to 194 student teachers of English who were studying at the Department of English Language Education at Mersin University, Turkey. The data were analyzed via the SPSS program. Factor analysis for determining the construct validity of measures was investigated and validated. The findings of the study show that 52.3% of the student teachers stated that their expectations were not satisfied overall, while 44.6 % of the student teachers stated that their studies were very close to their expectations, and, 48% of student teachers stated that they would not choose the university in which they were currently registered. According to the results of the study, satisfaction of student teachers varied between X= 2.70 and X=4.21 and their expectations ranged between X= 6.48 and X= 6.79. Findings demonstrate that among the parameters, the student teachers’ expectations were overall fulfilled, as in the domains of the Academic and Students Relations (44.6%) , in Supervising and Counselling Service (40.6)%, in Academic and Social Environment (33.2%), in Managing Service (32.8%), in Student Office (38.3%), in Library Service (41.7%), in Health Service (32.5%), in Food Catering (36.8%), Labs and Areas for other activities (28.2%), in Hygiene and Care of Physical Places (29.9%), and in Transportation, Security and Financial Support, (36.9 %). These results indicate that student teachers were not satisfied with the university; yet, they were satisfied with the department in which they were registered. Another finding is that student teachers had high expectations of both the university and the department in which they were currently studying. It is implied that although student teachers are motivated to have a degree in English Language Education, the conditions they are in are not conducive to efficient learning. This suggests that in order to better train student teachers, the teacher training institutions need to provide quality education, educational services and environments to pre-service students. Keywords: Student satisfaction, student-teachers of English, teacher training institutions 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 79 Qualifications of Teachers Regarding School – Parent and Public Relations Figen Ereş feres@gazi.edu.tr Studies show that school-parents relations have a significant impact on the academic success of school. Therefore, teachers play a crucial role in schools. Aim of this study is to determine the opinions of school principals about qualifications of primary school teachers regarding school, parent and society relations. The study was carried out with the descriptive research design in the model of survey. The population of the study consisted of school principals who worked in the public primary schools in Antalya province. 310 school principals who worked in Antalya were chosen by the random sampling method. For the study, a scale concerning qualification with regard to school, parent and public relations was used. The scale was developed by the Ministry of National Education in 2008. The reliability coefficient for the scale was 95. Classroom teachers are more qualified in recognizing the public sub-dimension according to opinions of school principals. Although the opinions of the school principals about the qualifications of both classroom and also the branch teachers for the Utilization of public sub-dimension is in the same range, the branch teachers, on the other hand, are more positive than classroom teachers. Transforming the school into a cultural center sub-dimension is in the same range; when the mean values determined by the school principals are examined, their opinions about the classroom teachers are more positive than their opinions for the branch teachers. Recognizing parent and objectivity in relations with family sub-dimension is in the same range; however classroom teachers are more positive than branch teachers according to opinions of school principal. School principals think that classroom teachers are more capable in the sub-dimension of providing parent participation and cooperation. School, family and community qualifications of branch teachers are “sometimes” level according to the findings. Qualifications of classroom teachers are more positive. It is understood that school has communication and interaction problems with parents and school public. It is advised that in- service training programs should be organized to improve the teachers’ qualifications in the school- public and school-parent communication and cooperation; adult education programs should be organized in relation to the effects of parent and public on education to provide awareness for the target group. Also, it is suggested that school principals organizes activities that enhance relations school-parents. Keywords: Teacher, school principal, parent and public relations 3 rd ISNITE 2015 International Symposium’ ‘New Issues on Teacher Education’ ‘September 11-13, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos-Greece 80 Download 5.07 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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